—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 20.1970 20 Mrs. (Continued fiom Paso 17) too eaily to tell how successful it will be Penn State l’ni\eisity came in with a machine that laid clown a nine foot wide snip of plastic and spiead slue on the one edge \s it came back and laid down another stnp the wheel ran ovei the glued edge, cementing the two stiips to gether so that when finished the acie of giound was coveied with a solid piece of plastic The edges weie coveted with soil to hold it down and make it an tight This au tight co\ei killed all plant and insect life, which had the same effect as fumigation which faimeis also use to steul izc seed beds foi tobacco plants Milleis plant 30,000 suawbeiiy plants a yeai They have two vauelies Robinson and Red Glow and next yeai will have some Red Chief They do tiy new vaneties fiom time to time Thev plant the stiawbeuj plants 35 inches apait in the lows and 44 inches between the lows Thev get then plants on the Eastern Shoie Mi Millei glows wheat to get s'law to mulch his berries It lakes 175 bales pel acie He has a machine which chops the stiaw and deposits it aiound the plants This is done in the fall to keep down weeds and to keep mois ture in the giound He also ients this machine to othei faimeis Mr Miller has been fai ming all fcis life They bought this 44 aci e ifarm 23 years ago A neighboi ients theii meadow —for pastur ing his cows Anothei man rents thiee acres of giound to glow celeiy and Milleis have a laige garden Mis Millei cans and fieezes a lot of vegetables She noimally glows 2CO feet oi moie of sugar peas to sell to 'QUIET IS SPELLED Y-A-R-D-M-A-N Model HAND REELS \f in p p hi* Mild nd- Wl/ Mir fi t i a - > qui* t i 1 •- i iid to i). !i• • ] stm «u 11 11\ c 11- < n j; in' I t\ n I I 'Hi do 11 ht Till- 111 on* mu c y, iv io Ur d '-Ht i> lo li \ il W h»-n < ngid and safe foi a child to sit in They both like old pieces that have been handed down in the family. Mi Millei collects lamps He has four com ting lamps They aie rate in Resign and quite small The idea behind these lamps was that they weie lit when the gnl of the family entei tamed hei boy fnend and when the oil *an out it was time foi hei boy fnend to go home He also has two beautiful pigeon blood \ases Mis Miller has mam interest mg hobbies She has a number of Afncan violets and enjoys her floweis outside in the summer She likes to do ciewel She knits sweaters, having taken a knitting couise this past wmlei at Hemp field School The Millers enjoy tiavelhng They have been to Califoinia, Beimuda, Canada, Mexico, the Caubbean including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Switzer land, Fiance, Geimany, England and Holland Mis. Millei collects bells, so wheievei they visit she usually buys some bells Being a school teachei, one of her prized ones is an old school bell which was used to call the children back in school. She also has a Bohemian SAVE AT BOB’S Save Rite market 743 S BROAD ST LITITZ, PENNA Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 9 Sunday 9 to 5 I SUPER I SHOES H Self Service H 2750 Columbia Ave. H Lancaster ■ Lane. Co.’s Largest H Shoe Store ■ All Ist Quality H Super Low Prices Will Not Cut Children Pay Us A Visit. Gordon B. Ressler Mrs. Isaac N. Milter used her teacher-training talents to make this poster for strawberry prices which is posted out side where buyers can see it. She is ready to sample her strawberry preserves and ice cream topping fresh from her freezer. glass bell bought at an antique has many fine pictures taken on shop She has a nice set of seven then trips and they are very ed biass bells fiom Switzerland, a ucational to show to her students decorated china bell and all kinds at Hambnght of metal bells Milleis have one Photogi aphj is another hobby Arlene, who is married to James of Mis Miller She takes 16mm Snavely and they live on Pine movies and coloied slides. She (Continued on Page 27) Phone 687-6292 Start raising more and better Calves the Easy NURS-ETTE way No more carrying pails of warm water or hand mixing m''k reolacer Just fill the hotmer of the NURS-ETTE with milk replacer and the NURS-ETTE will mix milk replacer and warm water and keep it warm until calf nurses the mix (approx 14 oz ) Then it will mix a fresh batch of water and replacer. For more information contact YOUNC BROS. NURS-ETTE SALES AND SERVICE Ph. 717-548-2462 Peach Bottom. R. D. 1, Pa. 17563 '— daughter,