’ L'P'i i»iit K.'iimim;. SuUii'din. .luiu* 20. 1070 At Lancaster Yards Auction Only Weekly Review June 17. 1!)70 Juno IK. 1070 CVITLE 10(52 Comp.iu(l to CATTLE 2700 Coinp.ned lo Mond.n. Slaughloi Sloi i*» s>to.id> I* l ** l weeks close, Slangluei SUeiA (.> 30 huhei. most adunue on steady to 50 low cm. .east decline Choice .me! Piime Cows 50 to on high Choice and Pinne. Cows inst.inu 100 lowei Hull stiong 50 100 lowei. Hulks stiong lo 30 lo 30 hiuhei lughei. Supply included .in esti SL M'GHTER STEERS—High mated 00 pci cent Slaugliiei Choice .imi Pi mu- 1050 1330 lbs Meets. 20 pciccni Cows and 31 103233 Choice 950 1350 lbs Hulls, with the balance mainly 30 25 32 00 few c.nh -ales 1150 Fectlei Slceis 1100 lbs 29 75.50 25 htgh-Good SL\UGH lER STEERS—High and low Choice 29 00 30 25 Good Choice and Pi one 1050-1350 Ids 27 30 29 35 Slandaid and low 31 00 32 35. io.id mixed Choice Good 26 00 28 00 and Pi line 1450 lb-, on Monday SLUGHI'ER HEIFERS Choice 730 1020 lbs 27 75 29 00 (iOod 25 75 27 75 COWS—I til U and Inch dies h.gn Good and low Choice 2900 mg Cuttei 23 75 24 8.5 lew 23 00 30 25 Good 27 50 29 50 Standaid 25 50 C utie’ 22 50 24 30 Cannc and low Good 26 00 28 uu t l d low CTittei 21 00 22 25 SL \UGHTER HEIFERS - BULLS Choice 295030 85 choice 700 1020 lbs 27 75 2900 >i\ head 31 60 32 s 5 Good 27 /5 c ood 25 75 2/ to 2s 50 ITiliU and Commcicid 27 35-31 00 sc \ei al 31 50 32 75 i idnidual 2230 iba 34 60 CALCES 111—\ealem siong to 2 00 highei \ E4LERS Choice 49 GO -52 50, tew 53 50 56 50 Good 4-t 50-49 00 Standaid 42 00-47 00 LtiliU 36 00 42 00 HOGS 298—Bai tows and Gilts 50 75 lowei BORROWS \ND GILTS US 1 One lot 205 lbs 27 25 US 2-3 200 240 lbs 25 50-25 75 One lot I S 2-3 195 lbs 25 10 US 2-3 245 265 lbs 24 75 25-10 US 3-4 265-275 Ihs 23 10-24 10 SHEEP 80 Spung Lambs slow, lew sales about steady SPRING LAMBS—Couple lots Choice 75-90 lbs 28 00 29 00. tew Good 60 85 lbs 24 50 26 00 New York Eggs Puces iiiegulaily highei on luge and mediums as distubu tois adjust to cuuent maiket conditions Receipts continue lestucted and mosllv iiom Pennsylvania and othei local aieas this AM Buying activi t>’ impioving with the lightei otfeung ot fancv eggs and tan lv good inteiest evidenced on laige and heaviei sizes Medi urns continue in a long posi tion despite the slightly im pi oved demand while smalls aie being closely cleaned Large biowns in slow movement at piesent Standaids about ade cjuate Carton oideis slow through small jobbeis and just lan to laige chain stoie distu butoi s Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compaied last ■weeks close slaughtei steeis and Heifeis 25-50 lowei Cows 50 to mostly 100 lowei Bulls sleadv Receipts neai 80 pei cent slaughtei steei s 16 peicent heiteis, the balance mainly cows Oveiall linish 01 slaugh lei steeis much moie atti active tnan last week with 25 peicent (Continued on Page 10) Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarr> \ ille, R. D. 1 Hcusel 548-2359 MARKET NEWS REPORT 30 25. Choice 950 1350 lbs 30 2o 32 00. lew eaily sales on Wednes dav ol 1150 1300 lbs 29 75-3025, COWS—l’tiliU and high d es sing Cultei 23 75 24 85 few'2s 00 25 75 Cuttei 22 50 24 30 Cannc i and low Cuttei 21 00-22 2o BULLS Choice 29 00 30 85 si\ head 31 60 3235, Good 275*. 29 50 Utility and Commeicial 27 50 31 00, seveial 31 50-32 75 CALVES 350—Vealeis mostly (Continued on Page 3) ~ ♦OO $42.00 • Ok* $38.C0 $36.00 $34.00 Jan .09 Local Groin Prices quoted Thuisday, June 18, 1970, ue as follows These prices aie mare up ot n- „ , , . t»id Offered the avei age puces quoted by six Ejl Coi n $37 66 543 33 pai ticipating local feed and giam Shelled Com 1 50 166 concerns It should he noted, Oats 76 90 howcvei, that not eveiy dealei Bailey 91 106 handles escn commodity All Wheal 130 146 puces aie pel bushel, except foi Bid is the puce the dealer will eai com which is pei ton buy fiom the iaimei dehveied to the mill Offeied is the puce the The aveiage local giam pilces dealei will sell ioi at his mill. ANNOUNCING SPECIAL SPRING STOCKER and FEEDER SALE Fridoy, June 26, 1970 at 7;00 P.M. To consign cattle call (717) 768-8204 Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. —lO miles east of Lancaster on Route 30— P O. Box 100, Paradise, Pa. Kenneth Hersliev, Mgr. 1 1 I Ij ) * i I » * x 5 i Mar*26 3' & 3*2 6 Vintage Auction June 1(5. 1970 CATTLE 995 Coinp.ned lo 1. si Tuesday. Slaughlei Sleeis iincccn. opened 25-50 lowei. l.itei fading steady lo 50 lowei with h ast decline on Choice and Pi nne undo 1175 lbs. Cows 25- 75 lower. Bulls weak lo 50 lower Supply included 19 pciccni Cows and 11 pciccni Bulls SLAUGHTER STEERS—Hnjh- Choice and Fume 1000-1250 lbs 31 00 31 85. few head m.imK Choice >leld giade 2 32 00-32 75. Choice 950 1400 lbs 29 50 31 50. high Good and low Choice 28 75 30 25 Good 27 75-29 25 Slandai d and low-Good 26 00 28 25 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Cioice 850 1025 lbs 27 75 29 00. Good 26 00 23 00 COWS—Uti'ia and huhd'i'j 'Uig Cutlei 23 00 25 00. low 23 25 25 00 Cutlei 22 75 2-1 75 Cannei and low Cut c* 21 25 22 75 HULLS Choae 2G 50 30 00 Good 27 00 21’ 50 UnhU and Cominticial 27 75 30 00 sj\eial 30 25 31 85 CALVES 493—Vcaleis stiong to 200 highe, Calves i etui nod to laim stiong to 3 00 highei VE \LERS—Choice 50 00-52 00, lew head 52 50 55 50 Good 46 00- 50 50, Standaid 43 00-47 00 Util (Con tinned or. Page 3) IB * Aie.rs New Holland Auction June IK. I*l7o CVITLE 1275 Compaied to last Thin ‘da\. Slaughlei Sle>cis steady to 25 lowei. with some sales 50 off. Cows 50 to fully 1 00 lower. Bulls slow, mostly steady SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Pi nne 1000-1400 lbs 31 00 32 60. Choice 950 1350 lbs 30 00-32 00. high Good and low- Choice 28 75 30 50, Good 27 50- 2.0 50: Standaid and low-Good 26 00 28 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 750 925 lbs 27 75-29 25. Good 25 75 27 75 COWS—Ulilitj and lughdies sing Cuttei 22 75 24 75. few 25 GO -25 60 Cuttei 22 00 24 00. Cannei FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Wednesd.n June 17. 19701 June July August September October November December January ’7l February Mai eh April May June nnominal Txend Cattle are stiongei, Hogs axe steady, Potatoes are stxonger, and Eggs axe stxonger a-asked Maikets provided by Commodity Dept., {Reynolds k Company VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1Z NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:«0 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! Monday io;so a.'m. fat hogs and shoats 2 .’3O P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL ' V i| IJ.OO A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12:30 PM. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2194 and low Cutlei 20 50 22 00 BULLS Choice 283030 50, few 81 00 82 00. (food 27 00 28 50; Utilitj and Comtncicul 27 25* 30 50.' few 30 50 32 00. couplo 33 25-33 60. CALVES 379—Yenlus steady lo 100 highei. Calves returned to Lain weak to 2 00 lower VEALERS—Choice 49 00-52 00, few 52 00 55 00. Good 46 00-50 00; Standard 42 00 47 00 Utility 35 00-40 00 C\LVES RETURNED TO FARM—Bulk 85 120 lbs 39 00- 49 00, 90 130 lbs Holstein Heifers 56 00 66 00, few 66 00-71 00 (Continued on Page 3) Chicago Chicago CVfle Hogs 31.50 26.35 25.65 31.20 23.G0 29.95 20.92 29.55 20.20 29.60 20.05 29.40 29.20 b-bid Nen' Yoik Maine Chicago Potatoes Fresh Eggs 36 40 38.00 38.60 36.75 2.56 37.70 37.50 36.35 2.88 3.08 3.70