Angus Breeders Discuss Production Efficiency “American Ix-ei picsiuceis can never expect to nil mc,h of their product I>\ a educin'* an infcnoi one ’ .1 C Mmbeit, vicepiesidcnl 01 the \mencan Angus Association iioin Uelteii dorf, lowa told n oie thin 400 poisons attending the lecenl Weston State' \n r ,iis Fnuni in Reno, Net acta “If wo J'op li e cp’it’tt ol our beef b\ lovenn, machnu standai ds we aie ,omg to open up the dooi to moi i nnpoi ted beef am! meat substitutes he said. ‘lf we do av a\ with the flavor, iinciiiP'S and tenderness of beet wc will h.i\e done much to destioy om maikel Holberf contended tlil em National Aliens rutin its Show in which cattle bieedei meats lescaicheis and hoof meichandisei s cxploicd effi cient.v m heel laltle piodiulio. and icc minuend* d -t ps i i ,r piose pi otits and (on-iin,* • u,' ol b'i 1 in the I mini s t ,• , dm mg the 1070 s Thcie is no ue , * d to pioul in the i.iltle bi'-mc- I lovd D Millet sein«i,ii\ o. the Amcncan Aliens i tion told the ginup but or* woul that pieltj well sum; it up is elficiencj Thais whs we ate going to e\ploie cseis method which will make Angii heids moie efficient " The question of cow size and In field corn, Banvel controls Canada thistle, vineweed (morning glory), lambsquarter, smart weed, pigweed, cocklebur, sunflower, ragweed, mustard, velvetleaf, pepperweed, waterhemp, Spanish nettle, poorjoe, prostrate spurge, annual clover and many other broadleaf weeds. P. L. ROHRER & BRO.' INC. I _ ✓ V <• * V ‘ 'i' \ A ' * A £ */■ v S >*,} K * •“' < vV’'- ,f ”4a&M A liquid, Banvel mixes quick ly and stays mixed Spot weeds early. Stop them early with Y> pint/acre . . .'at about $1.90/acre (broadcast). Banvel kills two ways By ab sorption through leaves, moving to stems and roots and back again, for complete kill. Applied to soil, Banvel leaches to roots, is ab sorbed and translocated through out the plant. Just follow label instructions. You will control weeds economi cally, safely. cltiiieiies Was (Xamnnd In . panel of (oinmeKitil lattleii.eii One can't talk about tow si/ ( . cftlt kmk\ until he fi* 't know; what kind ol tali b w.uiis to piochue s.ud I-as tnw li ol I’auisille Mont,.ii) no h been pi oilni lion t- si ii - in I I' liuds loi the (V't 1 1 Ual ' •1 w ml Mcim v ih.of age make good giowth m the leedlot .mcl fini'li to ( SI) \ Choice .il 1 000 to I 100 pounds .iml module tin* find ot i.i.cass that the packet' v ant ami tile housewife like' lo '■fill' ’nci l.uml\ If 1 sa\e in\ icplaccmcnt heilcis liom the cows that pioducc this kind ot stems then they should ecenl italic pioduce the light kind ot stems" he said \ •k v»~.. <, ✓ <«• * ,‘, VELSICOL CHEMICAL CORPORATION 341 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611 Smoketown, Pa. Fh. 397-3539 Lancaster Farming. Salurdtn . June r, j ( »70 T oV’3 would mm oiilv 20 pci urnf nun ( loi Hu ,h mu,,' \, ,ir- Wc want c.iltlc Dili •show j slim p tiowlh unu- .mil Mum level oil .it Ihe in ig'ii v. i w.ini !• von 1 0>() conn,l slcci tin-, i- ulicu* 11u*\ siunild levi 1 o 1 1 W C IK I(I (O' s |). educe .1 "'.ltul’.lci si " I Will wt i_lit I 000 lo I no | ci'uuN jf K ’c IT months ol ,i ’c ,nui I Mi\ Choi i with Num I'ci Hoi :i cnlab’ht' Niui (Men l. id.n mu ,i (omnii' cow m. V, illow s ( ,il ll ot iti.i who is dioplv imohcil in 11 ()ss)ji cert in. II 'on lui'c .i cow thal will no this ( don I wha< she ninths h'lt ilumc is onl" one v ,i\ \\n me ttome to find this kino of ,i cov mid that is be keeping nee mate iccoitis” nidm.inn has been keeping pioduction lecoids on his herd for 12 jeais The calf crop aveiages 604 pounds at 205 His cows average 1,291 pounds as eight year olds in good condition about 20 days befoie calving “I've gone back over the past 10 jears and selected the top and bottom 10 pei cent of our cows based upon production The top 10 per cent averaged 1 296 pounds just before calv mg and the bottom 10 per cent uoi aged 1201 pounds This means that the top 10 per cent oi the heid weighs 95 pounds nioie than the bottom 10 per cert Also the top 10 per cent uei>hN onlv 35 pounds more than the aveiage ot our herd. So >ou see theie isn’t am thing oMierneh diamatic about weights oi aveiages Oui cows have a matuie weight ol from 1100 to 1.200 1 pounds and I would like to | have them a little laigei,” said j Waltei WcEwen of Burns, Ore gon who runs a laige commer ' cial cow held in the semi-desert legion of Eastein Oregon 'Good lange countiy in our aiea will handle one cow per 10 acies pei month and bad range land lequires about 18 to 20 acres per head per month ’ ’ The panel discussion was fol lowed by a live animal demon stration in which the audience used live animals and their recoids to select replacement heifers and to cull cows from a gioup of cow's and their wean ing age and yearling age off spring It illustrated that cows that look very much alike can differ greatly m their produc tion efficiency “Efficiency has to determine size of beef cattle,” George Strathearn, manager of the Grand National Livestock Show in San Francisco, told the group “The beef cattle market is tied to the USDA Choice grade, and we can’t forget that the cattle we breed have to be able to grow fast and efficiently to market weights and grade USDA Choice ‘•Some 80 per cent of all cat tie slaughtered are fed cattle, so we need marbling in our cattle We need growth and ef ficiency, too ’ he sti essed. “but cattle that keep on growing past market weight and still won’t grade aren’t efficient ” Strathearn stressed that ton bulls were impiactical and in efficient in his operation of commeicial cattle “We use 1,- 600 to 1 700 pound bulls that get us a 90 pei cent calf crop and produce cattle that pack ers prefer This size of cattle is big enough ” Strathearn also told breed ers they must become more involved in their business. Bleeds have a big promotion job to do and theie is a need to close the gap between pure bied and commercial cattle (Continued on Page 6)