Strength, Performance, Dependability. You've got’em all with VAN DALE’S NEW TRAVELING BUNK FEEDER. Van Dale's SCF-1400 is the traveling r — | feeder to put you on the track to fast- J er, more profitable operations. Auto- J matically, it delivers up to 40 tons of j silage per hour to bunks on a single j chain, continuous “shuttle” service. | Feeder trough chain is No, 67 pm- I tie (12,500 lb. strength) and drive 4 chain is C-550 steel (average top | Strength oflo,ooo lbs.). Interlocking, j snap-together galvanized metal com- | ponents reduce erection time as | much as 50%. Suspended or floor- I mounted, rails are mounted with Van I Dale's exclusive clip-on brackets to | provide extra-rigid support. Unit { adapts to any feeding need in-barn | or out-of-doors. HER JOB BETTER MILK PRODUCTION aWOLGEMUTH BROS., Inc. Mount Joy ; Penna to protect healt increase productivity. ers ff We Salute the Dairy Farmer r'( CALEB M. WENGER B. D. 1, Drumore Center Qaarryville, Pa. Phone 548-2116 VAN DALE uction high with Dairy Feeds to 5, dry cows, mitk , promote growth, Ph. 653-1451 > JOB ITV FEEDS Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 6.197fr—11 Garden Spot Senior Wins Poultry Award Nelson E Weavei. .1 G.nclcn Spot High School stmoi. was named iccipiem of the first Foul tiyman of the Year awaid at the school’s assembly Thutsdav by Victor F Weavei, Inc. New Hol land Weaver, son of Mr and Mis John M Weaver, New Holland RDI, received the $2OO dollai ca«h award for outstanding achie vement in the poultry field. He was President of the Gi ass land Chapter of FFA during the 1969-70 term and was a lecipient of the Star Faimer award in 1969. In an essay prepared foi award competition, Weavei said, “We may be heading for a ‘big bust’ in both egg and broilei prices The futuie, however, undoubted ly holds many fuithei technolo gical changes and advancements The poultiyman who survives will be the one who takes advan tage of these advancements ” “Poultryman Excellent Ach ievement” awards weie also pre sented to four qualifying stu dents icpiesenting each high school entering the award com petition The winners of these avvaids aie - Ronald Zimmerman, son of Mr and Mis John M Zimmeiman, Narvon, Garden Spot High School, Fred E Mil ler, son of Mr and Mrs Claude D Miller, Conestoga, Penn Man or High School, Michael Heir, son of Mr and Mis Melvin G Herr, Lititz, Warwick High School, and Clair Witwer, son of Mr and Mrs Roy V Witwer, ATLANTIC GENETIC POWER PROFIT-MAKER SIRES Top Production Transmitters Now In Service At Economical Fees (May/70 USDA summaiies) Siie 15H96 Peifoimer—VG & PQ 383 +1336 +24 15H114 Jack—VG & GM 115 +1064 +4 26H77 Clauon—GP & PQ 117 +989 + 5 15H103 Ivanhoe Star—VG & PQ 750 +946 +36 8H62 Topper—EX &. PQ 60 +876 +23 15H70 Flashy Bov—EX & PQ 594 +836 +3O 15H62 Apollo—VG & GM 721 fBO3 +35 15H87 Jenv—EX & PQ 2,427 +742 + 2 26H81 Medalist—VG &, PQ 103 +697 +l2 15H100 Mookown—VG & PQ 362 +693 + 9 15H95 Sensation—EX & PQ 482 +606 +l4 15H121 Bonus—VG & GM 32 +558 +lB 15H106 Heetoi—GP & PQ 1,034 +544 -i-28 15G105 Halyard 25 +407 +2l IGIO7 Jupitei—GS 18 +351 -i-15 15G94 Bonama—GS 338 +291 +ll 4G525 Punce 57 +225 +l7 IJIIO Kelly—VG & GM 22 +540 +2O 15J46 Wai spite—EX & SM 28 +283 +lB 15A31 Grand Foitune —VG & DA 23 +433 -+-10 155116 Chip—VG & Sup 15 +547 +24 This is just a sampling of our daily selection! For service and full information, call Atlantic BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LANCASTER 569-0413 Quarryville 786-7381 Mount Joy 653-1451 Akron 859-2552 East Earl 4454131 Gap 4424471 Lancaster. Lampetei -Sti asburg High School. The award winners wert judg ed on their involvement in per sonal and family enterprises, scholastic achievement. FFA. school and community leadership and an essay pertaining to the importance of the poultry indus ti y in the world’s food market. A committee composed of two vocational-agncultuie teachers representing schools not having applicants and a Lancastei faim agent judged the application Milk Use Rises in 15 Areas, Down Overall Per capita consumption of fluid milk products (in terms of milk equivalent) was generally lower during 1969, the USDA re ported last week Over-all, it was down from 1968 in 45 of 60 mar kets, up in 15 markets But, per capita consumption of low-fat and skim milk products was up from a year earlier in 55 markets, unchanged in two oth ers, and down in only four mar kets Per capita consumption of whole milk items, on the other hand, was down in 48 markets, up in only 13 Data on total per capita con sumption of fluid milk products is available on only 60 areas (un available for New York-New Jer sey), but the low-fat and skim and whole milk data is available for all 61 areas Pred. Dif. Daus. Milk Fat