Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 30, 1970, Image 8

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    "I—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 30.1970
Local Leaders Review
Conservation Program
(Continual f, om Page 1)
aster County bv existing pro
rams if adequate funds wcic
nade available poihaps twice
he current levels
—New const) action is a very
enous erosion and sodimenta
ion problem in this area Pen
lay commented. “In agncul
lire, we seem to be beating our
irains out and the building in
dustry is one of the biggest vio
ators and no one’s bothering
them.' ’
—ACP is being hint more
from a fund pnonty stand
point than from the fact it’s not
a good progiatn As the agri
cultural population becomes
relatively smaller, it’s necessary
to look increasingly to city
>-otes to get piograms such as
\CP funded Perhaps ACP
hould become more involved
vrth urban pioblems
—Animal wastes are becomi
ng a biggei problem Com
lamts are being made in
reasmgly both fi om an air and
vater pollution standpoint
—Well pollution is a serious
—lt was agreed that most
masting ACP piograms aie
needed under some conditions
and m some aieas But each
area must take the overall ACP
package and set pnouties that
fit it’s own paiticulai aiea and
farming conditions
—Concern was expressed
about a growing tendency of
some farmers to cut coiners on
established conservation prac
tices This includes making
grass strips narrower to the
-'oint where the strips are prac
ically worthless as a strip-crop-,
->ing device.
Corn production is expanding
<n the county, perhaps by as
much as five to 10 per cent this
ear alone, it was noted, along
with the concern that this ex
ansion is accompanied in some
;reas by a disregard for sound
'■onservation practices Atrazme
has ruled out winter cover
crops in some areas and where
corn is grown continuously for
several years, some farmers
may be faced with wholesale
erosion of their soil, it was re
—Terraces and sod and tile
waterways remain as the back
bone of the local conservation
effort, Bass said
—Robert K. Mowrer, Soil
Conservation District chairman,
-aid local municipalities are
going to have to plan for their
ewage needs in advance, in
stead of waiting five to 10 years
•ifter their facilities are inade
—While chemical fertilizers
.n streams is now a problem,
'his problem will be controlled
*f the sediment problem is con
—lnsecticides and pesticides
are not a problem overall, but
are problems in individual in
stances only when a paiticular
farmer misuses a chemical The
state has found that many of
the fish kills fiom this source
are caused when a particular
farmer backs up to a stieam
and dumps left ovei chemicals
into it in laige volumes
—Posting of land against
Maple Syrup Output* Up
The Commonwealth’s sugai
bush produced an climated 94,-
000 gallons of maple snup this
season, accoiding to the Pennsyl
vania Crop Repoiting Seivice
The 1970 pioduction was up 9
per cent fiom las,, jeai’s fair
output and neaily one thud moie
than the poor 19G8 total
hunting and lishmg is a giow
mg pioblem. not so much bv
fai mei s as b.\ city people who
buy laud and post it This ti end
goes against elfoits by the stale
to piomote open land, Mowicr
The only thing worse, he said
is another small group of urban
people who abuse piopeily.
tearing down fences, shooting
near buildings and even cutting
fences instead of crawling un
—ln adiscussion on whether
non-farmers who own land
should get ACP money, it was
generally agreed that each case
must be considered on its own
merits, based on such factors as
the value of the conservation
practices to the public and on
the applicant’s financial need
—Concern was expi essed
about the ACP progiam only
being funded on a yearly basis,
making it difficult to reach
agreements to help finance con
servation practices on large
land tracts Such laige pro
grams generally have to be un
dei taken over several years and
the owners aie often reluctant
to start without assurances of
Richard A. Pennay
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Among about a dozen local agricul- committee; John J. Herr, ASC County
tural leaders discussing the future of agri- Committee; Fred G. Seldomridge, chair
cultural conservation this week at the man, ASC County Committee, and Miss
Farm and Home Center were, left to Dorothy Neel, ASCS County executive
right: Frank W. Aument, ASC County director.
continuing ACP support. It was
agreed a program similar to the
Great Plains program which
provides for long-range con
tracts and funding is needed
—The project or community
approach to conservation in
volving large numbers of per
sons planting trees, laying tile
or doing other woik, including
park development, should be
encouraged Most of those pre
sent favored this type of thing
because it involves a lot of
people who tend to feel respon
sible for the work they do
Besides Pennay, Bass and
Mowrer, participants in the dis
cussion included Fied G Sel
domridge, ASC County Commit
tee Chairman, Frank W Au
ment ASC County Committee,
John J Herr, ASC County Com
mittee, Miss Dorothy Y Neel,
ASCS County executive direc
tor; Aaron Stauffer, Soil Con
servation District chairman;
Robert K. Mowrer, Soil Con
servation District director
Jay Irwin, associate county
agent; Arnold Lueck, associate
county agent, Roy Giesmann,
Farmers Home Administration,
county supervisor; Edison Os
borne, National Farmers Union.
Clifford Holloway, Pomona
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