C LaiiciiHU'i' Knnnintf. Saturday. May 30.1970 Many Local Youths to Attend Congress at Penn State 4-H Outstanding l.ancastei Coun ty 411 membeis base been named to attend the Ponnsjl viiniii 4 11 Congiess .lime IS 18 on the Penns.\l\ama Slate Uni vcisity campus The Pennsylxama 411 Con qiess is designed to de%e!op an appieciation and nndei standing of national and international piobletns and to pi act ice lead ciship and the acceptance of i esponsibilil.v foi independent gioup actions In addition, membeis will shaie and cotnnbute ideas with others upon then leturn home At Congress they will paitici pate in assemblies, discussions, and intei est groups, and rec reational activities Featured confei ence guests aie Jesse Owens, Olympic Hack DIFOLATAN 4 FLOWABLE The only flowable fungicide made to fight potato blight. OIFOIATAN * 4 flowable ISS * a liquid luutiudt BfcyJ ' tr 3nt * SHSf nntnl L C»UTIOt) ’l"' Last year we introduced DIFOLATAN 4 Flowable This veai it’s the fastest selling potato fungicide on the market Theie are a lot of leasons foi this One is that DIFO LA.TAN is the only completely flowable fungicide you can buv That makes it easiei to handle Theie’s no dust to bothei vou when pouung it And because it’s flowable, it goes through any nozzle In othei woids, it wont clog youi equipment And when it comes light to the heait of the mattei fighting blight ORTHO DIFOLATAN is bsttei than any fungicide being sold today It gives excellent piotection against both eaily and late blight And is paiticulaily effective against tubei lot DIFOLATAN sticks to the plant, icsists weathering fiom lain 01 spnnklei 11 ugation That means you can mam tain youi schedule without woilying about the effects of weathei or irngation Protection against tubei rot is outstanding When you put potatoes in stoiage you’ll nevei know how well vou did in the blight fight until you’ve shipped the last of them Fields may look icasonably healthy befoie haivest, but if you put infected tubeis into stoiage you can find yourself with a costly, heavy cull out of late blight tuber rot infec tion DIFOLATAN woiks to give you gieatei yields of healthy potatoes And—because it’s flowable—it does that even bettei The fust time you use DIFOLATAN 4 Flowable will be the last time you ever see potato blight Anothei good thing about the fastest selling potato fungicide ft woiks on cucumbers, melons, and tomatoes, too -N Chevion Chemical Company, Ortho Division. San (OKIMOj Tiancisco, California 94120, Helping the Woild Glow Betterrf'- j v» v ' /■/* v- • • ‘ SMOKETOWN Phone Lane. 397-3539 star, the Koshar Indians, a Boy Scout Hoop Horn I Junta, Coloiado. L)a\ id Joynei. eastern collegiate hoax > weight wrest ling champion and football tackle foi the 1969 70 Niltany Lions and Se\ei Toietti. assis taut dn color of athletics at Penn State Coopeiatixe Extension Se;- \ice peisonnel. including Uni \eisity facultx membeis, coun t.v agents and extension home economists will assist with pro giam activities. Jay liwm associate county agent said local 4-H members participating in Pennsylvania 4-H Congress include Maiganta Eshleman. Pequea RDI; Cynthia Balmer, Lititz RD4. Nanc> Barley. Millers ville RDI. Sandy Calfant, 33 N. Kmzcr Ave. New Holland. Margaret Freeman, 257 Locust St, New Holland. Becky Glat feller, 2025 State St, East Peteisbuig. Debia Giegory, Lit itz RDI Joanne Leatheiman, 1213 Hillcrest Road, Akion, Judy Miller, 64 Bethany Road, Eph rata, Deboiah Royer, Ephrata RD2 Margaiet Shope, 754 Vil lage Road, Lampetei. Janice Weaver, Ephiata RDI Linda Witmer, Willow Street RD2, Kuk Bussell, Manheim RDI; Allan Crider, Nottingham RD2: Wayne Lefever, Quarry ville RDI, - Michael Leinmger, Denver RD2, Jim Watts, 31 N Grant St, Manheim Deadline for paying the $2O pasture crop for each animal per cent below last year and 20 cost per delegate is Friday, June unit, Kreuzberger points out per cent below 1968 The number 5, Miss Maiy Rosenbeigei , assis- The same acreage can be used one and two Southern producing tant extension home economist for both winter grain and sum- States, South Carolina, and Geor mfoimed the youths this week. mer annuals gia, expect 14 and 17 per cent . , , less than last year, respectively. The group will be chapeioned ‘Sorguhm and sorghum su by Mrs Luke Brandt, leader of da " hybrids arc not considered Mississippi growers expect to suitable as forages for sheep, harvest the same size crop as Mountville 4-H Club and mem- Kreuzberger emphasized “For last year, but all other Southern ber of the 4-H Leader’s Coun- pasture, these forages may be peach States expect smaller cil- dangerously high in hydro- crops AGWAY Can Put A Pipeline In Any Bara WHY BUY A PIPELINEI For An Average 40 Cow Herd You Can . . . X. Save walking 100 miles a year. Save carrying 202 tons of milk a year. Save 200 hours per year on an average herd. Produce higher quality milk. 5. Increase your milk production. WHY BUY A ST A RITE PIPHIHP Engineered for the modern dairy farm of today as well as the dairy farm of tomorrow. Around the barn pipelines and milking parlors. The only milkhouse control unit that is assembled at our modern new factory on a stainless steel panel. Pretested for trouble free operation, self-draining with patented washing features. Built and guaranteed by Sta-Rite Industries, Inc., of Delavan, Wisconsin, a recognized leader in home water systems and agricultural components. • 24 Hour Milking Equipment Service • Installation and Service CALL TODAY AND ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT Agway Penn State Official Urges Sheep Handbook Winlci small grains make ex cellent late fall, early spring, and summer pasture foi sheep, accoiding to the new “Sheep Handbook” published by Penn sylvania State Umveisity Col lege of Agi iculture. “With appropriate planning and management, certain small grain crops can extend the grazing season an additional two months oi more,” said Frank L Kruezberger. Penn State extension animal scien tist, one of the publication’s authors ” In addition to supply ing good foiage when ewes need it, small grains also pro vide an area for winter exei cise.” In general, plan on one fourth to one-half acre of a well - fertilized Agway Bee Line’s Local Commodity Technicians are MR. FRED BERLIN MR. HAROLD KINSEY BEE-LINE SUPPLY CENTER supplemental 1027 Dillerville Road, Lancaster Ph: 717-397-4761 cyanic acid at the desirabla growth stage for grazing.” The "Sheep Handbook,” which contains the most up-to date sheep feeding, manage* ment, and health information found anywhere in the United States, may be purchased for $2 00 plus 6 per cent Pennsyl vania sales tax. Make check or money order payable to Penn sylvania State University and send with your name and ad dress to SHEEP HANDBOOK, Box 6000, University Paik, Pa. 16802 This handbook is designed to be a useful refeience for both full-time and part-time sheep laisers. Southern Peaches Off Peach production in the nine Southern States is forecast 14 N.
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