Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Puces of lit'ht t> pc hens un changed at farm lew! ckspite Jower bids from pioeesso's in some quarters Offerings adequ ate for needs though geneially lighter than past several waaks. Limited offerings of heavy hens generally fully adequate for a light demand. Prices paid at farm: Light Type Hens 5%-7*6 mostly 7-7% c. Heavy Type Hens Tfewr, Fogelsville (Prices paid dock welgnts, cents per pound, except where noted) , HENS, Heavy Type 9-24; PUL LETS 21-29 mostly 25-29; ROAS TERS 9-31 mostly 20-25; RAB BITS 49456; GUINEAS 120*6- 1.25%; PIGEONS (Per Pair) 1.00-300 mostly 1.00-1.40. Total Coops Sold 583. '-ret' »'' - ;r y *s* r ' wo*ov A Federally Inspected Livestock Slaughter (For week starting May 25,1970) Cattle Hogs Sheep 4 days ended, 5/28/70 470,000 1,089,000 151,000 Last week 455.000 1,102 000 149,000 Last year 473,000 1,075.000 166,000 Estimated daily livestock slaughter under Federal Inspection. For MORE and STRONGER RIGS at FARROWING FEED WAYNE BROOD SOW SUPPLEMENT—a specially formulated feed to help sows and gilts farrow big litters of strong, healthy pigs. Carefully blended vitamins, minerals and proteins properly balance farm grains. Self-feed or hand-feed Wayne Brood Sow Supplement before breeding, during gestation and on through the nursing period. mm HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph: 964-3444 GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim HERSHEY BROS. Reinholds DUTCHMAN FEED PARADISE SUPPLY MILLS, INC. Paradise R. D. 1, Stevens ROHRER’S MILL R. D. 1, Ronks C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. D. 1, East Earl H. M. STAUFFER & SOrtS, INC. Witmer Read\-tocook movement fan hut genei ally less aggicssive than desned pnor to upcoming holiday S.aughter continues heavy at most plants, advance business spotty however occas ional early negotiations noted at 26c on Plant Giadc. Lcss-than trucklot prices continued to trend lower within unchanged ranges. Live supplies fully ade quate though weights often light er than desiied. Undertone con tinues unsettled. Pool trucklot prices for Thurs day arrival at terminal markets; U.S. Grade A 28-31 M 28c; Plant Grade 27-28 M 27c. Special packs including 13/i-2,l 3 /i-2, 3*6# sizes Tfewr. Saws and gilts fad Iraod Saw Supplement et the Wayne Research Farm farrowed an aver age of 11 pigs per litter . . . average pig birth we'ght, 3 03 lbs. FOWL S FEED SERVICE R D. 1, Quarryville R. D. 2, Peach Bottom MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. Delmarva ■A/VM'/V'l] New York Eggs •SSSJm Weekly New York Egg IiKIU and consist mainly of huge (Fiom Monday, May 25th lo Fi iday, May 2J)lh) and smaller si?cs Disti ibutive • liadmg gcneially .slow Inquny is unsatisfied on inmbos, Extia largo aic adequate for legulai needs with most sales at 35*6- 37tic, some highei, occasionally shoit for wholesale inquiry. Laige, whites and browns ample, excessive in instance. Mediums are ample with floor stocks le duced by movement to breakeis. Carton movement unaggressive and of a no more than fair regu lai nature Undeitone cautious. • Lancaster (Continued fiom Page 2) 47 00, few 48 00-50.50; several Choice on Monday 52.00; Good 4150-44 50, Standard 3800-43- 50, Utility 32.00-39.00. CALVES RETURNED TO FARM Large share 90-120 lbs 33 0046.00, few 49 00-56 00. HOGS 1250 Barrows and Gilts 50-100 lower. CLOSING SALES, BAR ROWS AND GILTS One lot US 1 200 lbs 26 25 US 1-2 210- 230 lbs 25.60-25 85 US 2-3 190- 250 lbs 24 10-25 50 SHEEP 250 Spring Lambs 1 00-2 00 lower, Ewes steady to weak. SPRING LAMBS Choice 60 90 lbs 29 00-32 00, few Good 27 50-29 00. SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 5 00 8 00. • Vintage (Continued fiom Page 2) 29 50, Good 27 50 29 00, Standard and Low Good 26 50-27 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS—On Wednesday, High Choice and P T e . . Gl l dB 3 And in Lancaster County, fh 3 2 pu brown egg production is almost 1050 lbs 30 50 Choice 850-1050 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 29 00- 30 00, Mixed Good and Choice The big maiket for brown 28 00-29 00, Good 26 50-28 00 eggs is in the Boston area, few INVESTMENT Ist MORTGAGES BONDS DEBENTURES LAND Earn up to 10% and More (Depending on your tax Bracket) CALL JIM MILLEN WHITE Fey. E\ Large 37 Fey Large 33 Fey. Mediums 26 Fey. Pullets 18 Peewees 13 BROWN Fey. Large 37 37 36 36 Fey. Mediums 26 26% 26% 26 1 '2 Fey. Pullets 18 18% 18% 18% Peewees 13 13 13 13 Standaids 30 Checks 20 Tone Wholesale provisions still a bit megulai Geneially in reasonable balance on Large White Copyright 1970 by Urner Barry Publications Why Brown-White Egg Prices Differ Ever wonder why brown egg prices often differ so wide ly fiom white egg prices on our lepoits? We wondered and when the difference got to be five cents a dozen one week, we asked Here’s what we found Biown eggs account for a very small percentage of the total national egg maiket, pio bably less than one per cent, accoiding to Jay liwm, asso ciate Lancastei County agii cultural agent. IDEAS Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 30. 1070- Tucs, Mon. 37% 33%. 26% 18% 13 30 30 30 20 20 20 brown eggs are produced any where else Loun Weigard, piesident of the Lancaster County Poultiy Association, said that the sup ply of biown eggs, which in volves a i datively small nura bei of producers, fluctuates veiy little and the pioducers aie “zeioed in on their mar kets ” As a result of the stable pio duction and sound markets, biown egg puces fluctuate much less than do white egg puces The brown egg pi ices do fluc tuate, howevei, in response to but generally behind white egg puces, Weigaid said I The browns ti ail behind the whites when puces shoot up, as during last wintei, and the biowns have ti ailed behind the whites as the bottom has fallen out of the egg maiket in the past seveial weeks Overall, the bxowns sell in a nau ower range They don’t soar qmte as high as whites on good maikets and they don’t go quite as low in bad maikets, Weigard said. • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) US 1 205-215 lbs 26 25-26 35. US 1- 205-235 lbs 25.60-26 00. US 2- 195-240 lbs 25.10-25.50 US 3- 240-265 lbs 23 75-2460. 270- 285 lbs. 22 25-22 50 SHEEP 105 Spnng Lambs mostly steady SPRING LAMBS Choice 40 80 lbs 33 00 37 50, Good 30.- 00 34 00 WOOLED LAMBS Couple lots Choice 97-112 lbs 30 00- 32 00 Help Us Serve You Don't assume we know about your farm organiza tion’s meeting To get your meeting on our Farm Calen dar, it’s safer to assume we don’t know. Remind us by calling 394- 3047 or 626-2191 or by writ ing to Lancastei Farming, 22 E Mam St, Lititz, Pa 17543 You’ll be helping us to seive you better PS If you’ie not suie you told us ah eady, we don’t mind heaung fiom you again. Mkt. Wed. Thins. 37% 33% 26% 18% 13 37% 33% 26% 18% 13 3 Frl.