Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 30, 1970, Image 22
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 30.1970 22 Harrisburg to Start Crop, Livestock Survey The t’ennsvlvanla Ciop He polling Sciviee begins 3 two part surve.v M.i> 25 to detei mine number of livestock ami the acicagc and tv pcs of ciops being giown on f.nms m the state The siiivcv i out nines through .lime 6 Thntv nine enumeiatois will make pcisonal visits to fauns designated in an aonal suivcy At the same time two sepai ate mail suivevs will be conducted imong faimeis not geneiallv included in the personal enu meralion One will seek mfoi mation about livestock opeia tions the othei about ciop pro duction State A.i?i icultm o Secretaij Leland H Bull said the mfoi mation obtained in the sui\e\s will be benelicial to faimeis and businesses semng agucul ture Enumeiatois foi the Eastern counties aie Mis Virginia G Bush. Cochranville. Wilbur K Cassel. Fan view Village; Rob ert M. Clvmer, Bethlehem, Frederick Glosser, Bernville, Mrs Jean H Kveragas, Fnends ville, Carl A Reber, West Lawn; Ralph E Shupp, Strouds burg, Alexander Tercha, Wes cos\ille, and Mrs Marian R. Yon, Hazleton ★ "Fetter Power Pays” WORLD LEADERS IN DIESEL ENGINE DESIGN MAKE US PROVE IT! Over 1,000 Amish farmers al ready have. They have found that Petter delivers all it pro mises. Our diesels provide long working life, dependability and good cold starting characteris tics. Foi Piompt and Efficient Service Call YOUR AUTHORIZED PETTER DISTRIBUTOR 6EHMAN BROS. Gas and Diesel Engines Sales and Service 1 Mile .Voith of Terre Fill on Route 897 East Eail R D 1, Pa Phone 215 445-6272 WE ARE AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE * * * Sunset Valley Electrical Service JOHN M. ALLGYER, (V 2 mile northwest of Bard’s Crossing, on Hunsecker Road, 4 miles east of Lancaster, off Route 23) 17505 Bird-in-Hand, R. 1, Pa. Phone: 397-4081 Solanco FFA Officers, Sweetheart Solanco FFA Chapter’s recently elected officers for the coming year are as follows, front row, left to right, Frea Edwards, vice president; Scott Kreider, presi dent.; Jackis Wimer, new chapter Sweetheart; Roger ★ IV2 to 45 H.P. Continuous Rating IT GOES MUCH BETTER POWERED BY PETTER Prop. Pick a gift. Any gift. Buy a New Idea Mowy&itioner now... choose one of these fine gifts free! Gifts range from Black & Decker drill kit to 30- cup West Bend perco lator—24 gifts in all to choose from. Act now. Offer ends June 30, 1970. The Mow/ditioner. Finest haying machin anywhere. Gives hay a softer texture, improved palatability, more digestibility Special non-stop, non-wrap conditioning make leafy hay with tender tips, not sten Liberal trades and terms. Special gift off' June 30,1970. Another CAN DO machine from the CAN DO people. Kinder Equip. Co. Kinzer A. B. C. Groff, Inc. New Holland Campbell, vice president. Standing, left to right, Larry Myer, sentinel; Robert Young, parliamentarian; Barry Ulrich, reporter; Carl D. Kreider, treasurer; Adolf Bensinger, photographer, and Rich Aument, secretary. Landis Bros., Inc. Lancaster Graybill Machines, Inc, Lititz, R. D. 2 Longenecker Farm Supply Rheems Chas. J, McComsey £ Sons Hickory Kill, Pa. , Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata, R.D, #2 A. L. Herr & Bro. Quarryville