?0 LnncttHirr Fnrmlns. Saturday. May 30.1970 What Is Food? Better Make That: Who Are You? By Mrs. Richard C. Spence VVh.it is food" U .ill dtponds which a.c often tougher .met o i whom vou .nc t.nkmg to stungici th.m medium to thick To .i nutnlionul. food is caloi- si/cd .I'p.ii.mus ie.s Mt.imins ,nui minci.ils Can cold and speed .no cssen- To a clumist. food is chemical lial foi lop rjn. lily a'-paiagus elements and compounds Use flesh a'-paiagus as soon as To a chef, lood is c.i.tive op- possible aftci bnymg Wash and poi (unity ti.m it uadv foi cooking, if stoi- To a laimci. food is a piodncl mg is Pal it thoiough to bi giown. haivc-tcd and sold ly diy and stoic in moisluic- But what is food to the home- pioof bags in the icfngciatoi makci" Yon havi to find join Di.ving is essential since moist ownansvvci Food can be a meth- aspaiagiis has a shot I storage 0(. of showing join family join life love foi them, the favonte dish es piep.ncd just so. Oi food can be used to punish, the “unfa\el ite ' dishes solved in a hostile at inospheie Food mat be a method to im pi css ft lends oi guests Food can say "thank you" or "please" Food can be le.low ship the time of day when tne f.nmlv gets to gethei Food can be comt'hip Yoiu fii»t date was piob-’blv o\ei a cola oi coffee Food can mean {budgets, a job detested and 1 assed ovc as qu.eklv as possi ble ,\\ oid o\e'cooking the delicate aspairgus tips duung piepaid lion Tic st ilks in a bunch and cook uplight in a double boilei with w.uei coming the lowe» ha’f of the spcais Lse the top half of the boilei as a covei This me hod boils the toughe' stem while the tips die steamed Food can mean owneiship tlie tendei ‘ sliicth mint domain of the housewife Food can be secuutv the stoiage of things that wll piotect against haidship Food is subsistence Some peo pie eat to live Food is satisfaction Othei peo pie live to eat What should >ou spend foi food"’ I guess it depends on what food is to vou ASPARAGUS Pait of the lily fanulv, aspa'a gus is one of spiingtimes spec ialties Look foi aspaiagus that is fum, fiesh looking and has b'i ght gieen stalks with compact Ups Aspaiagus with all gieen stalks has a laigei piopoition of edible vegetable pei pound This SSSmaalScSizg tractor with Hydrostatic Drive wants to be compared. Test us against any other hydro static drive tractor The S'mpl'city will operate continuously at full tractive effort (Tilling, cultivating, etc] wi'hout overheating The Simplicity starts smoothly and runs quietly in any weather and with any attachment Gone for ever are the jerky starts and whining gears that plague some other units As a matter of fact, if you don't try some other hydro static tractor, you II never know how good you've got it with Simplicity • Rugged 12-hp Synchro-balance engine • Change speed and direction with one lever • Optional 48 inch No Scalp mower • Change attachments In minutes—without tools LIJ aa 3 2 -■■i 350 Sttasbifs? PR°, I .me, R D 3, I itil/ Phone 307 5179 Sit asbut ? 637 6002 Lit>U 626 7766 Avoid thin angular stalks Oictn .’spaiagus is an excellent souue of vitamin A and C while Munched aspaiagus offers only vitamin C Aspaiagus also con t.nns iiitin a chemical impoitant in keeping blood vessels in good condition Se> ve aspai agus as a mam veg etable. a side accompaniment 01 in tastv souffles cieam soups, ,md cisteiole dishes SPRING LUNCHEON TREAT ‘j pound fresh or 1 (10 ounce) package of frozen asparagus spears Water 2 tablespoons butter or mar gaiine 1 small onion, chopped 2 tablespoons all purpose flour V'i cups milk Jj teaspoon salt i > teaspoon basil leaves 1 cup slivered cooked ham 1 (2-ounce) jai pimientos, slic ed 4 Holland rusk Par=ley sprigs, optional • Hard cooked egg slices optional | Cook aspaiagus in watei until tendei, diam, keep waim Melt buttei oi maigaune. add onion i and saute until golden Stu in] floui then ne\t thiee mgiedients l SPECIAL VALUES MEN’S PAJAMAS 657 f Dacion-35% Cotton Peimanent Press SOLID COLOR BROADCLOTH CC j 42” Wide All Cotton J J y LUSTRO WARE fH C CEREAL BOWL ONLV Double Wall (Plastic) 10% OFF WITH THIS COUPON And Total Pui chase of $1 00 or moie Offer Expnes June 6, 1970 Good only on items bought at om legular list pi ice L F W2h 'mm WE WILL KE OPEN ON MEMORIAL DAY OclMpg, S’Kias, Koitscviaics Faidwaie and Geneial MetcJundise 1 tn.lt V. th of Route 23 Along Route 625 P J) 1, Ea=* FtfJ, Penna. Ph. 215-445 6156 Cling to boil, stiiring. then cook until thickened Add ham and When buving cucumbers, look pimienlos, sliced, heat through foe a good gicen color and loi Spoon over Holland rusk, which firmness over the entire length has been topped with asparagus They should be well shaped and If dosticd, garnish with parslcv W ell developed but not too large and egg slices Makes four se.v- , n diametei A cucumber may mgs have gieenish while coloi and RHUBARB Locally gicwn rhubaih is now avalible Field giown rhubaib is daik red and nch in color with coal sc, gieen foliage while foic ed oi hot house ihubaib is pale, pink oi light icd with under developed yel'.owgicen leaves VVel’.-gi own stalks gcnci ally have moie flavor than those showing little coloi Stale ihu hath has a wilted, flabbv appeal ante and may be stnngy and poor in Jlavoi Choose ihubaib stalks which, aic fan ly thick Tenderness canj be detei mined by bending the stalk to see if it is buttle oi crisp Keep ihubarb cusp and cool b\ washing, diaining and stonng in moisture-pioof baks until pie paiation time Cut off and thiow away ihubaib leaves as thev aie haimful to eat The high conce.i tiation of oxalic acid the> con tain is dangeious to the bodj in laige amounts Rhubaib 01 “pie plant” is a foi pies and tails but theie aie othei uses, too Jams, jellies, sauces, puddings, puivh and baked dishes aie all ihubub possibilities Garber Oil Co. Texaco Heating Oil Burner Sales & Service MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 2.65- Reg Price 55c still be top quality Avoid cuke that have withcied or shrivelec ends as these ate signs of toagh ness and bittei flavoi And ivok those that aic veiy large anc have a dull coloi tinning yellow SAVE AT BOB’S Save Rite market 743 S BROAD ST LITITZ, PENNA Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 9 Sunday 9 to 5 TERMI T E S i ¥mmmWmmm JC EHRLICH me; 736 E. Chestnut St., Lancaster WORRIED Fluctuating prices and unsettled market conditions add nothing to peace of mind. But if you would like an investment that is always worth 100 cents on the dollar and pays an excellent dividend, it's time we became acquainted. Stop in. yd. 6 WE PAY UP TO .. . Of n ON SAVING /u CERTIFICATES Money in by the 10th eams intei est fiom the Ist. Accounts ai e xnsm ed up to $20,000 I- .. fj , lIFIRST FEDERAL j{ 9 QJavings 45 ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER SJ ■o S^intbfs 25 North Duke St. **Slllr* Phone 393-0601 Mon. thru Thurs. Fri. Sat. 9 to 4:30 9 to 6 9 to noon CUCUMBERS about your investment? CARROTS Almost all carrots roach the market prepackaged but topless, to the double benefit of the bu>- ei. Removal of the lops means a better product at less cost. The product is better because the carrot lops draw moistuie fiom the canot. which causes shiivehng. The picpackaged top less product ships better and stays fresh longer. Cost is less because shipping (Continued on Page 21) 397-3721
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