Lancaster Fanning. Saturday. May 30.1070 18 Martin Wins County FFA Quiz Contest At top, Gerald Martin answers last question successful ly to won the quiz contest Monday at Manheim Central High School, while Ken Gi’ube, who finished second, is in the background Both Grube and Martin are Warwick FFA Chapter members At bottom, Martin accepts the trophy for the quiz contest from Earl Stauller of Ephrata RDI Stauf fer is state FFA treasurer. 8 Your tobacco giows r'ree from mos 1 grasses, cmaa'leaf weeds and nutgrass Ree from their corrpeYion tor lerti'izer and soil moisture Fiee irom repeated cuYvahons a n d cultivator oamage to young roots Free yourse'i to do oßer irr portant farm jobs tnat reed your attention This year, use economical, dependaole Tiilam on both flue cureci ana ouley tocacco acreage Stop the toughest grasses ir===> and broaoleaf weeas yellow and purple nuigrass, craograss, lambsquarters, wild | oats, barnyardgrass, pigweeds, Florida pus- R|?Tnu|a i ley, goosegrass and others that keep your (sSSiP tooacco yields down and production costs i up Tillam 6-E liquid is easy to handle and "TjH ' a Pply Mix it into the soil before setting or • * Han * \ place it below the soil surface with covered selective herbid e>e s veeps No need to v/ait for ram to push it , down to the weed seed zone Free yourself . from unnecessary work and worry... see us now for your supply of Tillam. Distributed In ROYSTER CO. Richland, Pd There is a Roy stcr Dealer near j ou Call Richland 717-866-5701 or Millersulle 872-5503 {Company At a county FFA 1.-.kUm>l»P ntmunup in the quiz eon j|v..ssl..n»l Chapter of New Hola t .uninu pro” foi counl\ ;uicl ll 'st pn , s ‘ Tiophtes wcic also presented local chapter Vh A; o(lice> s. t.ei- »im«Kh\ Hut >•J J' 1 1 A|o „ u . top , h ur county FFA par aid MJitm ol Waiwtck FF\ *w-,s held i» the school l.amentaiy piocedme teams and SSX.n.iu'lSS. Sin Utlll a,lT,nen. ch..,.- .IK- ..,, pttbhe spesk,n 8 The contest, conducted like- n ten ptesented pioH>• ,m ''“ ““rho ch"ptt-, (.trims held meet a*3JCfrr :M^rr s sre —*- Kenneth Giube of VV.nwiek Icitammenl was piouded bj then vat .ous otiiccs During the county FFA leadership Central, and Bill Landis, Penn Manor, training meeting this week, various chap- Zane Wilson, Lancaster Farming man ter officers held discussions of how to aging editor, told the group that news in conduct each individual office Among volving local organizations and persons al-< those attending a meeting tor chapter re- ways gets top priority at Lancaster Farm porters were, left to right; Jim White, mg. Pequea Valley; Gary Buchen, Manheim Election Rules Changed The incumbent commumtj A faimei who is an owner. For ASC Committeemen committee can submit names ol tenant 01 shaieciopper is eligible The USDA has announced sev- can( hdates only if fewei than six to Sign a nominating petition and c al piocedu tl dunces foi "the have been nominated by petition to vote foi committeemen Any elections ol ‘ ASC community If ejaht pei cent 01 mole of eligible voteis may committeemen 1 ei o nc pei cent 01 mote m eligible faimei and may nomit> Local candidate now will be the ellglble votpls aie nilnorit > rate moie than one nominated by petitions submitted ° !OU P membeis, and none have \ votei may sign, as many pe by taimeis This change p.ov ides been nominated by petition, at titions as he wishes The petition* the oppoitumty foi individual mast one of the candidates added must have at least six signatures' Lameis to lune fiist choice in to the slate by the incumbent and be submitted between July nominating candidates for the committee shall be a mmonty 28-Aug 17 The election day is committees gioup membei the second Fuday in September*; Command Performanaa New Van Dale “1230 Series li” Silo Unloader Customer- Certified to outperform, outlast any make its size. You’re in command, the new Van Dale “1 Unloader go into actu output, feed more h* booster or added ele> Our say so? No, our testify the “1230 Series II” is better three ways: 1. handles meaner haylage 2. throws out of larger silo 3. unloads on lower current draw So, demand Command Perform ance—the new Customer-certified Van Dale “1230 Series II." I
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