Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 30, 1970, Image 13

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    Lamb Chops Getting Bigger
A dinnor-platc sUocl lamb Menhennell cites the cun cnl cds shown at the Ohio Stale Fair
chop? It could be in the future, tiend among puicbicd sheepmen since 1954 Rive a clear indica
accordlng to Warn G Mcnhen- 10 breed for si/c. Weight avei- d°'i of the emphasis on si/c.
nett, president of the Penn-Mar ascs for the lop yearling rams
Shropshire Brecdcis Club among Inc so-called mutton bie-
of Real Estate and Personal Property
Including A Lot of Antiques
Located along Silver Mine Road, 8 Miles South of Lancaster,
One Mile North of Marticville, just off Route #324 Pequea Twp.
Real Estate includes a Ib-Story Dwelling Built in 1953
Containing 5 Rooms and Bath (large Kitchen) first floor;
4 Rooms and Bath (Apartment) on Second.
Plenty of Closet Room, throughout full basement.
Situated on a Lot, well over an acre in size. Plenty of
Trees and Flowers, Well, Cistern. Well constructed House
over-looking the surrounding Countryside.
Real Estate to be sold at 2:00 P.M.
For Information or Appointment Phone 872-8052 even
Antiques Include Cherry Corner Cupboard
Oak Round Extension Table, Old Rockeis, Waidrobe, High
Chair, Cradle, Oil Lamp, Old Trunk, Pictures, Plenty of Dishes,
Waterbury Wall Chime Clock, Old Beds, Dressers, Wash Stands,
Chests of Drawers, Cane Chairs, Kitchen Coal Range
Zenith AM & FM Radio, Frigidaire Refrigerator
Upright .Freezer, Dextei Wringer Washer, G E Toaster, Sun
beam Mixmaster, Breakfast Set, Studio Couch, Rechner Chair,
32’xI8’ Living Room Rug, Porch Glider, Metal Beds, Mattresses,
Desk, Photo Developing Set, Portable Sewing Machine, Comforts,
22 Rifle, Single Bairel Gun. Tools, Wheelbarrow, V 2 Inch Drill
Household Items will be sold at 10 30 A M.
Sale by
Executors: Norman D. Miller & John Henry Miller
Carl Herr, Atty.
Carl Diller & J. Everett Kreider, Aucts.
Lunch by New Danville Auxiliary.
Intercourse, Penna.
Suffolks h.iu, gained fiom :m
aveiagc of 250 pounds lo 200.
Ilampshnes fiom 210 to 275.
but the fastest giowlh has been
in the Shiopshires gaming fiom
appioximately 170 to dose lo
250. If picsent tales of giowlh
continue. Menhennctt pi edicts
all thiee breeds will appioach
the 350 pound innge in 20 yea is
Gams by Doisets, Southdowns
and Cheviots have been considei
ably less than those shown by
the thiee above mentioned
breeds, he said.
The lapid size change in Shrop
shires reflects a conceited effort
by Shropshne bieedeis over the
last 15 yeais to pioduce the ideal
meat and wool sheep. In a recent
letter to members of the Amer
ican Shropshne Registiy Asso
ciation, piesident D W. Cham
bers stated the goal of the asso
ciation as the production of “a
useful, meaty, pioductive, big,
open faced standaid of excel
Results of 1969 lamb caicass
contests attest to the tiend foi
bigger animals In pievious years
a loin eye measuiement of 2 5 to
3 0 squaie inches would have
been consideied a supeuoi show
At the 1969 National Lamb
Show in Cedar Rapids the grand
champion caicass, a Suffolk, had
a loin eye of 3 05 squaie inches
The Chicago International Live
stock Exposition giand champion
carcass, a Hampshue, had a loin
eye of 3 25, while the winning
carcass at the Pacific Interna
tional Show was a Shiopshire
sired lamb with a loin e> e meas
ui ment of 3 5 squai e inches
CALL Titus Burkholder
850 Gal. Esco Bulk Milk Tank Only 2 years old
SOO Gal. Girton Bulk Milk Tank
Both M.C.D. 1. N.Y.
3 H.P. Brunner Compressor Belt Driven
2 H.P. Lehigh Compressor Belt Driven
15 Nice Clean Milk Cans
12 & 7 Can Star Milk Coolers
Lehigh Refrigeration Compressors
Automatic Bulk Tank Washers
NOTICE We have been appointed Stocking
Warehouse foi Milk Keeper Bulk Tanks.
CALL Leroy Zook
CALL Chas. Eshieman
Autolite Tractor Batteries
For A Limited Time Only
20% OFF u p ice
For Only 20 Tickets
With Each $lO 00 Purchase Made On Pai ts,
You Will Receive A Ticket,
Offei Extended Through May and June
10% OFF List Price
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May .10. 1070- M
Composting Termed Way
Of Reducing Pollution
If more homeowners would
leain the ail of ‘composting",
theic would be considerably
less trash for municipalities to
collect and dispose of, says a
Univeisity of Maiyland hoili
Each day housewives throw
into gaibage bags tons of fiuit
and vegetable scraps Each ycai
trash collectors aie faced with
the pioblem of discaidmg tons
of leaves and grass clippings oi
other organic wastes collected
by homeowners
Dr Fiancis R Gouin, exten
sion hoiticultunst, says each
homeowner can play an impoi
tant pait in reducing his con
tribution to the national pollu
tion problem.
If homeowneis would learn
to compost these oi ganic wastes,
there would be significantly
less trash to collect and dis
pose of, and this means that
municipalities could concen
trate their effoits towaid moie
profitable community goals
Composting is not difficult,
he says, and requires little time
and space All you need is an
area no laiger than four squaie
feet The compost may be made
in a pit dug into the giound or
on the suiface with an en
closuie of old snowfence or
second-hand building matenals
To build a compost, put a 10
to 12 inch layer of oigamc mat
ter (such as leaves, twigs, glass
clippings, old house plants or
cut flowers, trimmings from
fruits and vegetables and wood
ashes from your fneplace) in
CALL Henry Esh
For Sales Service Parts
We Sell From 31 i K.W. to 100 K.W.
Generator Sets
CALL Bob Kistler |||
New 444 $3400.
856 Custom Less Than $9OOO.
Utility 544 _ $4300.
SCO Farmall with 3 Bottom Plow
John Deere 60 w/cultivator $1175.
560 Allis Chalmers D-17 - Model 240
4 Unit Planters for tool bar $150.00 each
Just Received Carload Of The
"NEW" 990 Mower Conditioners.
Phone 768-8231
the bottom of the pit oi em los
On top of this la\ei put one
half lo one inch of soil fiom the
gaidon and a light spi inkling of
lime and fcitilizcr Continue
building these alternate laycis
until youi compost is complete.
Keep moist and turn occasional
ly to hasten decomposition
Youi compost will be leady lo
use in your gaiden in six
months to a ycai
• Farm Calendar
(Continued fiom Page 1)
Beef and Lamb Club, Fai m
and Home Center.
800 p m Senior Extension
Club, Faim and Home Ccn
Thursday, June 4
7 00 a m to 3 00 p m Bei ks
Count> wool pool. Reading
Fail grounds
Friday, June 5
800 pm Lancastei Countv
Holstein Association dnec
tors, Faim and Home Cen
Saturday, June 6
11 00 a m to 600 p m Lan
caster County Extension
Club chicken baibeque,
Stauffei’s Maiket, Rohieis
town Road, Rohieistown
The faim value foi all the in
gredients in a loaf of biead is
exactly the same today as it i\as
in 1950 3 3c