Task Force Gives Rural Development The report of the President’s Task Force on Rmal Develop ment, presented recently to the Rural Affairs Council, contains some 78 recommendations, rang ing from the creation of a rural development credit bank to a study of the rate structure of public carneis with mral grow th in mind Prominent among specific rec ommendations are these propos als: Explore the feasibility of using Low-cost baler with big-baler benefits i l *' •>4*- , *?":<■* % , 4 - r “Su -v*4 - Xt' f ? ; %' -* : ” fA>7 ■* * *■~ *" , '•' "J!' v ,7 < ' ' '•< <v > v- v O a* >- "\ .- ; ; a;; * ;>> a ‘i A A >',* “*■ * v> '" AAV '<<A \lzfzi ~yA A ,' , <•<.», -• A>- ~ ■'. "*.***■’a, . *7 * V <■ K- - £ * * '< "• ** s * . . v»* John Deere 24-T Twine-Tie Baler If you are on a family-sized farm, a John Deere 24-T Twine-Tie Baler is the practical baler for you. It's a low-cost baler with big baler benefits. For example, 24-T has all the capacity you’ll ever need. Bales are neat, square-cornered, and tied to stay tied. Bale size is 14x18. Many safety devices protect the 24-T from damage. A jackstand is regular equipment. The long hitch gives you excellent maneuverability and better visibility of the pickup. It’s a light-running baler, re quiring a 2 plow tractor for most conditions. Come in and get the full story on the John Deere 24-T Baler, The Credit Plan makes it easy to own machines in The Long Green Line. A. B. C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 351419] Wenger Implement, Inc. The Buck 2844141 Shotzberger's M. S. Yearsley & Sons Kim 665-2141 West Chester 696-2990 Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 investment tax credits for at tracting industry to non-metropo litan growth areas The cication of a rural deve lopment credit bank The recommendation that the Nation’s industnes should launch a campaign to establish jobs and plant locations in countryside America. Gi eater use of funds for com prehensive planning under Sec tion 701 of the Housing Act. A long term piogram of forest lesource management of puvate non-industry land, including re forestation of economically mar ginal crop land. The report fuither recom mends that the Interstate Com merce Commission make an analysis of the development im plications of the rate structuie of public carneis as these ielate to the rural part of the country as compared with the cities, and among rural areas At this stage, the Rural Affairs Council has heard the report and at foithcoming meetings will be considering the specific recom mendations made. Other recommendations of the repoi t included - “The first function of the Coun cil for Rural Affairs should be to 'establish appropriate goals, policies and priorties for the economic and social development of rural countryside America,” the report said. “The Task Force recommends tnat new and revised programs should be designed to preserve and strengthen our decentralized system of government: make maximum use of private enter pnsc. and aim to solve problems lather than perpetually treat the symptoms ‘‘We iccommend that Ruial Development efforts be organiz ed around piesent or potential “growth centeis" and that Ruial Development committees be or ganized on county, multi-county and legional bases “We uige that communities which aie too small to manage a woithwhile Rural Development piogiam themselves, unite with other communities, towns and counties to pool their stiengths into viable economic growth cen teis “We uige the housing industiy to develop special programs to pi ovide better adapted, more ec onomical housing for mral areas “Educational programs should be developed to assure people living in the small cities, towns and on the farms of Rural Amer ica of educational opportunities that are comparable in quality and quantity to those provided otheis in our society, including pre-school, general education and vocational and occupational edu cation ” The Task Force, a blue-ribbon committee of concerned private citizens appointed by the Presi dent September 29, 1969, was headed by Mrs. Haven Smith of Chappell, Nebraska, national chairman of the American Farm Bureau Women, Other members included Dr Joseph Ackerman, managing di rector of the Farm Foundation, Dr. C E. Bishop of the Univer sity of North Carolina, William Erwin, a farm manager from Et na Green, Indiana. Claude W. Clifford, of Farm Journal, Dr. Roy M. Kottman, of Ohio State University, Clifford G. Mclntire, former Member of Congress, True D Morse, former Under Secretary of Agriculture, Dr. Eniiel W. Owens, of Prairie View A&M College, A 1 A. Schock, president of Nordica Food Com pany, Incorporated. P Kenneth Shoemaker, vice president for governmental relations of Heinz 'Company, and Dr. Henry A. You can still get weeds in corn with AAtrex plus For fast kill of weeds that are up, H H apply AAtrex plus an emulsifiable H H crop oil. " AAtrex and the oil knocks down V/z" high weeds. And then AAtrex keeps weeds out for the rest of the season. For more information see label or contact us. We’ll be glad to give you all the details. SMOKETOWN Phone Lone. 397-3539 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 30,1970 Wadsworth. Jr. of Purdue Uni versity. Its charge from the President was to iccomniend "what might be done in the pin ale and pub lic sectois to stimulate rural de velopment " Ruial development is. however many things - Ruial development is aimed at those with low incomes and the undei employed, but it is not just a poveity progiam howevei, dealing with poveity is a No 1 challenge Ruial development is a ‘peo ple’ program to lift up those in greatest need, whether disadvan taged for economic oi social rea sons but it is not a civil rights program 01 a luial slum program However, by cieating greater oppoitunity for all, those who will be helped the most are those who have been the most disad vantaged. Ruial development is aimed at job creation, but it is not just an industrialization program although jobs through private enterprise is the key to long lasting economic opportunity It is aimed at improving Rural America, but it is not just a farm or rural program that benefits only those in the rural country side although this is where the work will be done Rural development is built on local initiative, but it does not depend solely on local resources and local leadership, neverthe less, local initiative is the key to the success of rural development Rural development is aimed at a better quality of life, but rural development is not just a social program even though quality of life and a better society is the end product of rural develop ment. Rural development is aimed at population and industrial disper sion, but it is not just a land pol icy or settlement program however, physical surroundings and environmental development are vital for clean air, clear wa ter, open space, scenic beauty, recreation and room to live. “Rural development, then, is a combination of specific programs directed toward a broad horizon all intended to help create a Proposals nation of greater beauty, deeper satisfactions and expanded op poitunities foi ail Amencans, now and in the futuic. both in urban and ruial areas “Ruial development will build a new rural countryside Ameri ca. and by building a new and beltei Rural Amenca we will build bettei cities and a better America a new life foi the country. Additional recommendations by the President’s task force. “We recommend a national campaign to involve people in their local government "The Task Force iccommends the simplification and streamlin ing of proceduies for applying for Rural Development Assis tance. “We recommend that local communities develop zoning guidelines for future growth and development, including plans for adequate open space and recrea tion. “We lecommend that commun ities inventoiy the capabilities of local people and local resourc es, study what is happening in their areas, and lay out a pio graro to stimulate local produc tion and development. “We urge private enterprise groups to organize management assistance for small business en terprises in countryside Rural America. “We recommend a special ef fort by banks, financial institu tions and the Small Business Administration to lend money and provide management' aids for small businesses in country side America “The Task Force recommends that Land-Grant colleges and universities step up their com mitment to direct more of their efforts toward the needs of coun tryside communities and rural people with special emphasis on meeting the informational and educational needs of low-income groups. “The Task Force recommends that the Federal Highway Ad be amended to provide for a ■classification in the Federal, state highway system to be de* signaled ‘Rural Development Highways ’ These new short-mile* age highways should lead ta existing highways thereby serv* mg local areas that have a high development potential.” PROTECT YOUR FARM WITH A PINCOR PTO TRACTOR DRIVEN ALTERNATOR • 50,000 watts surge capacity ■> • Xb.UVU watts conunw as duty • Slow speed—l Boo KPM , operation | • Cool running triple chain 1 drive transmission i • Heavy duty motor starting • Close voltage regulation • Meets NEMA codes § Heavy duty construction • Induction hardened input shaft • Rain proof construction • Completely wired control box • Three phase available i SEE IT AT — Haverstick Bros. 2111 Stone Mill Bd. 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