Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1970, Image 7

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    Prevent Poultry Diseases
Prevention is the most satis
factory way to deal with poulti v
diseases and paiasiles, advises
the USDA.
Many disease conditions can
be pi evented tluough good
management, but cannot be
•Ured once they actually occur
Contagious diseases usually
•an be prevented by completely
Isolating the flock, vaccinations
are useful against some com
mon diseases. Many inherited
diseases can be avoided by us
ing tested, healthy stock.
Diseases caused by nutrition
al deficiencies seldom develop
St chickens are fed balanced ra
Some drugs are effective in
Tobacco and Balati
go hand in hand*
Goodbye weeds
and grasses*
Available thru
Bpkrata, Penna. Phone 733-6525
or contact MILLER Representative.
pi eventing specific diseases or
paiasiles. but Ihev do little
good when used hapha/aidl.v
Dings should be used to icin
foice good management, not as
a substitute lor it.
The following aie effective
pieventive moasuies
Clean the poulti y house be
fore moving the flock in.
Provide clean, fresh feed and
pure water Treatment of water
is not necessaiy unless the
source is contaminated.
Keep poultry house and
equipment clean and diy.
Provide adequate ventilation
duung hot weather.
Tobacco grower acceptance of Balan is
moving mighty fast for a crop that’s been
cared for by hand for centuries. But Balan
is taking over. Stopping 20 weeds and
grasses as they germinate. For months, too.
Cultivations ha\e been dropping to 1 or
2 at most. Balan is the most economical
weed control insurance you can buy today.
Let Balan work for you. Talk about it
ruth your dealer or ask any Balan user.
He’ll tell you.
When vou hear it from Elanco,
Scieen houses to piotecl the
Hock fiom diseases earned In
lice flying buds
Contiol i .its and mite
Obtain US Pulloi um Tv
phoid clean chicks fiom a Na
tional Plan halihciy.
If possible, have birds of only
one age on the fai m Alterna
tively, separate birds of differ
ent ages into different flocks
Keep flocks at least 40 feet
Keep poultiy house locked
Lunit visitors to the poultry
house When a visit is lustified.
supply the visitor with lubber
or plastic boots or insist that he
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Ma> 23.1970
su ill) amt (hsinh'd his shoes m
Stoic dioppmgs and hltei
wlme then aie not attessiole to
lange 01 wild buds.
Use a vaccination piogiam
iccommended foi yom aica
Keep delivciy liticks as fat
away from the flock as possible
Disinfect (nick tnes befoic cle
livei ing feed to i ange
Do not let lush 01 pink ac
cumulate in 01 near the poulti y
When a disease outbreak oc
cuis, deteune the cause as soon
as possible.
If vou do not lecognizc the
disease 01 paiasite, take 01 send
foui 01 fne live chickens to the
neaiesl poultiy diagnostic lab
-01 atoiy (Yom vetennaiian 01
county agent can give you the
addiess ) Poultiy-disease ex
pel Is need live buds to make an
accin ale diagnosis
In sending chickens to the
laboiatoiy, be sine to list the
svmptoms, number of affected
buds, numbei of deaths souice
ot stock size of flock, feeding
piogiam vaccines used yom
name, addiess, and countv, and
othei peitment mfoi mation
Ooni be
al the
A BLOWER that can’t keep pace
with the capacity of your forage
harvester is expensive as well as
You’ll never be kept waiting
when you make a silo-filling date
with the AUis-Chalmers 480. It’s
got big, ton-a-minute capacity to
fill the biggest silos in record time.
It’s built rugged, too. Stays on the
job, hour after 60-ton h6ur... day
after dependable day. See it today.
Roy H. Buch, Inc.
Ephrata, ED. 2
Grumelli Form Service
Quanyville. Pa.
Nissley Form Service
Washington Boio, Pa.
Ilci omiiK'iidfd incasi in", to
(onliol (II.MMSC
Inc hum.ik> oi pul into .1 di*--
PoS.ll pit .ill (ll'.ul ( 111 l kl’llS
Ilemou' all obMouslv sick
thickens (10111 the flock It
usually is best to kill them .mil
dispose of (he cai casscs
If buds :11c to be tiented. put
them in a sepaiate pen or hos
pital coop as fai away from the
othci buds as convenient Fol
low the treatment suggested by
the poulliy laboialoiy or a
poultiy pathologist.
Be careful not to spread
disease fiom the sick birds.
Take caie of the diseased buds
last, weai clothing and boots
that can be left outside the
pen, or disinfected aftei use
Wash voui hands befoie woik
ing with other chickens
Clean and disinfect the poul
tiy house as thoioughly as pos
sible aftei diseased buds aie
icmoved, without distuibing the
lemaimng flock Remove litter
used by diseased buds and ic
place it Clean and disinfect
To get nd of intei nal pata
sites, contact youi county agent
01 a poulliy specialist
L. H. Brubaker
Lancaster, Pa.
N. G. Myers & Son
Rheems, Pa.
H. Brubaker
Lititz, Pa.