Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1970, Image 4

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    Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 23.1970
Maintain Hay Quality
F,>r the icUirns from vour hay
crop, cut n at the i ighi stage of maturity.
ad\i-es Max Smith, counl.x agricultural
What does it matter it the farmer is
busy and can't got around to cutting his hav
for a couple ol weeks aftci Smith advises
>t should be cut (see storv explanation on
page IT Doesn't the crop keep on growing?
What does it matter?
The answer is that careful studx and
research b\ many sources has shown that
if the crop is allowed to stand in the field
after it should hate been cut it begins to
lose its feed value In the older crop, nu
trients that produce weight gains on live
stock or milk in cows simplv are replaced
by fibers th?t fill an animal but don't do
the animal or the farmer ant good
According to "Silage and Silos" speci
al circular 80 distributed bt Penn State Uni
versity the legume crop that has 70 per
cent total digestible nutrients (TDN) with
19 per cent protein when harvested in the
‘‘vegetative" stage on Max 15 will drop to
53 per cent TDN and 15 per cent protein in
'he bud stage on May 30; it will continue to
drop to the 56 per cent TDN lev el and 10 per
cent protein level on June 15 in the bloom
=tage and to 49 per cent TDN and 7 per cent
orotein level on June 30 in the "mature"
While this schedule shows that the
iarmer might delay his hanesting a few
It’s Dairy Princess Time
Contestants for the 1970 Lancaster
County Dairv Princess Pageant are now
being sought.
Young ladies in the count\ who have
completed their junior year in high school
and are under 21 jears of age should seri
ously consider entering the competition by
contacting Mrs. Robert Gregory. Box 248,
Lititz RDI 17543.
Unfortunately, the contest was cancel
led last year due to lack of contestants This
should not be allowed to happen again this
Dairying is by far Lancaster County's
largest farm income producer and brought
more than 537 million to dairymen in 1959
That was about 30 per cent ol the total of
$123,650,000 of county farm income in 1939
The Dany Princess Contest is one way
for the local faim community to achertise
ns most important farm product In todac s
highly competitne world it is utalh im
portant that farmers keep the geneial pub
lic alert to their existence and then needs
Locusts—Fascinating Creatures
Brood X (.10) of the 17-year locust is
scheduled to be out in force this year
Local officials assure us it s nothing to
get excited about in terms of damage to
crops or animals or humans except some
possible damage to orchards near forests
or some slight damage to the trees them
sehes when the locusts lay eggs But o\er
all, any damage is expected to be exti erne-
Jy limited.
Lancaster Count}'s Own Farm Weekly
P O Box 266 - Lititz Pa 17543
Office 22 E Main St Lititz. Pa 17543
Phone Lancaster 394 3047 oi Lititz 626 2191
Robert G Car pbell Advei Using Director
Zane Wilson Managing Editoi
Subscnption price S 2 pei vear in Lancaster
Countv S 3 elsewhere
Estabhshed November 4 1955
Published eveiv Satuidav b> Lancaster
Farming Lititz Pa
Second Class Postage pmc at L'titz Pa
Member of Newsoaper Fair- Ecatois Assn
Pa Newspape> Publishes As.ociation <.nd
National Newspaper Association
clavs with onlv minor food value !»»*«♦•. <t
clearly shows that ho dare not delay nri
without risk ot Mibstanlial feed value !o cv
The difference between the fetd value :r
the plants on May 13 and June JO i» noa r .\
one third loss of TDN and almost two tn'ro
loss of protein
It is also clear that e\en minor
of feed \alue when figured over mans acres
of ground, several crops per year and over
a period of years can total up to huge
Another fact should also be kept :n
mind A second crop can't be started until
alter the first one is cut.
It would appear that the fanner wr.u
attempts to cut his crop on time and wo~k
in an extra cutting or two is going to be tne
farmer who ends up with the most na..
and also the best hay.
Many Lancaster Counts farmers don't
need to be reminded of these points W.:h
only 85.800 acres in hay in 1969. the counts
produced 243.100 tons of has to lead tr.e
state in has production Bradford Counts,
sslnch had far more hay acreage, produced
only 200,500 tons of hay on 110.400 acres of
So many local farmers don't need to be
told how to produce hay : still it's important
to keep quality in mind, as well as quantity
It's the high quality of hay which will keep
the area ahead in other phases of farming,
Any appeal to y oung women to enter the
contest, howe\er. should not be based on
milk industry needs It should be based on
the young woman herself and what the con
test can do for her.
Not only does the contest offer the op
portunity for many material rewards, more
importantly it offers young women experi
ence which money can't buy an oppor
tunity to meet people and to detelop them
own personalities and character. In this
regard alone, we think every contestant will
be a winner.
The ability to appear in public with con
fidence is to be highh prized And me
\oung woman who assures herself
couldn’t possible face it is the one who m>.>:
needs to enter the contest She might sur
prise herself and win And if she doesn’-
win, what has she lost 9
To repeat, all those who enter will be
winners, particularly if thej accept me
competition as a personal challenge to
learn and improte themsehes
The locusts don’t seem to eat much n
am thing in the four to si\ weeks the> re out
of the ground in the adult form Thej, d«-nl
bite or sting, officials assme us. o\era i,
they appear to be quite harmless
But fascinating, neiertheless. because
their music is quite interesting and seep
ing and their appearance is so rare Here s
an insect which spends 17 \ears trave. ng
through babjhood in order to spend a
weeks as a harmless adult singing a-c
The locusts mav come and go w
many or most farmers in this area nara.y
knowing it we’re assured That's because
they generally are pre\alent in wooced
areas, particularly in oak forests
But those of us who ha\e the 00p0r!..-: 1 -
ty will want to satisfy our curiosity o\ tak
ing a close look at: this strange and unusual
insect We can evpect him to begin anpear
mg at any time now. and his music -no.-ld
till the air in June where\er he dac.cei to
We suggest the locust is a creature mat
will delight the heart of any farm boy dr
girl, too.
To Mow Weeds
E ,i i\ p opens ownu has the f°P l ° wl ' OO -''P l b ffc« cut
-ponsib.lits of controlling the ,in ° •'J* « I,,Sjes snau ld be cut
*u,h. this include* contractors, 31 ll( ! adin S this includes
re.J e?:ate nun. and apa.tment timothy, orcha.d. brome and
owners who ait* often veiy slow r^ ud caaa •' = ia»»es. Alfalfa
jn -tweping the weeds undei con- should be cu, ,n the bud
,'Oi Manv to.vnships and boi- stage foi the cutting and
ej.h- have weed ordinances ic- t hcn about e '«> 3a da ys dlllin S
pairing weed cont.ol We uige * he lemainder of the season.
c>k.a ls to enfoicc the .ecu la- First-.veai alfalfa snould be per
tmr.s and all pioperty owneis to «">“«» » nto :ae f 10 ' 20 P er
•no* oi sp.j.v weeds seveial bloom sta S e bef ?’ e cu . tll ”S the
•intcs duung-he growing season rs l Cl °P Red clover is best in
?a"T.ers should clip pastuies to the bud to eailv biOSsom stage.
vOVrol weeds and encoiuage Barley oi wheat fo’ silage is best
r-.a growth of the foiage ciops vvhen cut in the blossom to early
nuik stage
To Cut At Proper Stage
M-aiv grass-legume forage
.-ops will be cut for hay or sil- The weed spiay mg season is
age in the next few w’eeks One at hand and many herbicides W’ill
cf tne most important factois m be used to pre\ tm weed growth,
getting top quality feed is to cut AH gioweis and p opeity owners
"ne crop at the peak of feeding are uiged to thoroughly study
, a iue oased upon stage of ma- (Continued on Page 10)
Lesson for May 24,1970
Background Scripture: Acts 17.16*33; 19*22*
41? 1 feter 3 13*17,
Devotional Reeding: I Thessafonians 7:2*70*
The Chamber of Commerce of
Ephesus swung into action to
combat the growing subversive
movement known as "Christian
ity.” In an attempt to alert the
people of Ephesus, a flyer was
distributed to the general public.
This is what i*
Citizens of
Greater Ephesus!
Wake up! Wake
up! A little band
of subversive athe
ists is plotting to
hung the downfall
of our glonous re
„ , hgion of Artemis,
Rev. Althouse Th{s grouPj called
"Christian” and led by a man of
Tarsus named Paul (alias Saul),
has already caused much falling
away from the faith throughout the
province of Asia. He has slandered
our goddess Artemis and our idols,
saying, “Gods made with hands are
not gods.” He attacks not only
our religion but our city of Ephesus,
the home of the temple of Artemis,
one of the seven wonders of the
world, and center for the manufac
ture of Artmcis statues. What will
happen to the worship of Artemis
throughout the woild if it is learned
that the people of her own city are
forsaking her? Who will want to
come and see cur glorious temple
if this subversive group is allowed
to grow ? Let us crush this move
ment now' It ts the religious and
patriotic duty of every citizen of
Ephesus to join in this great strug
gle to defend all that we hold dear!
In the public interest.
Your Chamber of Commerce
Bad for business?
A second communication was
sent to all the businessmen of
Ephesus. Added to what had al
ready been said to the general
public was news of the alarming
drop in sales of silver statues,
and a warning that this was a
threat, not only to the silver
smiths, hut to all; “The banks,
the hotels, the markets, the
By Max Smith
Lancaster County Agent
tin it.v Sonic p. oJacei s allow tin
To Be Careful with Sprays
winery’s, the sacred prostitute*
... all will suffer! Merchants,
face up to this threat and join
us in stamping out this menace
to our livelihood!”
Well, of course, no such com
munications were ever distribu
ted because Chambers of Com
merce did not exist in those
days. Yet we can be sure that
the merchants of Ephesus re
acted in a way not unlike that
described above. There was no
doubt about it: Christianity was
bad for business when that busi
ness was based upon the pagan
practices of the people.
The clash may not have been
inevitable. The merchants of
Ephesus were quite unconcerned
with the theology of the Christian
faith until Paul pronounced that
Jesus Christ makes all idols
worthless. If Paul had avoided
this issue of little silver idols,
he probably could have contin
ued his work undisturbed.
Profitable exploitation
Yet, though Paul did not seek
conflict with local interests,
neither did he shrink from pro
claiming and teaching the trfcth
regardless of whom it offended.
The gospel of Jesus Christ could
not help but come into conflict
with certain vested interests. It
refuses to condone human ex
ploitation regardless of how
This' is no less true today.
Christianity is still constantly in
conflict with the vested interests
of many communities and groups.
It does not seek to offend, but
it cannot help but offend unless
Christians suppress its radical
teachings. The values of the
gospel are often radically differ
ent from those of society. Not
only are they different, hut they
judge the values of society us
being false.
For example, what would be
the reaction if the churches of
Las Vegas were to mount a cam
paign to tell the truth about
gambling? Can sou imagine how
the gambling interests of the
town might react? The same
could be said of many other
cities and towns. There are
vested interests wherever people
What about the vested inter
ests where you live? Is Christ
ianity "bad for business” with
(Bastd an ouHlnts by tha Division
•f Christian Education, National Council of lh»
Churchas of Christ in tf»a U, S, A. Raftfl**d by
Community Prats Sarviea)