Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1970, Image 29

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    Sprague to Discuss Poultry Housing
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Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 23.1970--
In addition to Dr. Scibeit of
the USDA, who will discuss Leg
islation and Regulatory Develop
ments, and Tom Reese, \ice pies
uknt of Ralston-Punna, the
Pennsyhama Poultry Fedcia
tion for its annual meeting June
24 has seemed David Spiague an
Ag engineer who will discuss
poultry housing.
Sprague's picsentation will be
followed by a panel discussion
The panel on layer housing
,11 include Di Glenn Biesslei
and Glenn Hep The bioilei
housing panel membeis aic
Hany Hess and Di Caiev Qu.u
Di Biessler has made a ical
b'eakthiough on the handling ol
poultiy manuic and his svslein is
being adopted bv many poulti >
opeiations all ovei the counliy
A. p’ogiam has been planned
foi the ladies, which will include
a torn ol the Heishey Penn State
Medical Center, Heishey Choco
late Factoiy, and Heishey Rose
Gai den
The Public Affans Committee
was informed that Govemoi Sha
fei signed Bill No 1564 This
was a packaging Bill” and will
gue the Depaitment of Agucul
tuie the authouty to inspect and
piosecute if they do not meet
lequned standards on foods that
aie packaged outside of Penn
sylvania and sold to the Pennsyl
vania consumei
The Fedeiation s Executive Di-
» Rural Housings
(Continued fi om Page 32)
The leseaicheis conclude the
ca,’ - Smith said “The aveiage consumers did not buy eggs for
house we are financing is a futuie consumption they just
thiee-bedroom borne, modem mcieased consumption duung
in its facilities, costing Sl2 000 the week following the sale
to Sl3 000 to build in a ruial The lepoi t concludes that spec
aiea It is fully adequate for ial promotions aie a good way of
the family that will occupy it, mei easing egg consumption Egg
Faimeis Home financing is packers and letaileis should take
available to families only after advantage of featunng eggs on
it is established that they cannot ‘ special’’ sales to help move the
qualify for housing credit fiom piesent production
1 othei souices All Fainie>s The Poultiy Festival Commit-
J Home loans aie made thioual. tee is finalizing then plans foi
I the agency’s local county offices the statewide Poultiy Festival,
[ in imal aieas which will be held August 25
1 and it can be bought and paid tin ough August 30
j foi by a mral family of modest One of the outstanding attiac
j means ’ tions will be an omelet cooking
Funds for the agency’s msm- demonstration by Rudolph Stall
ed housing loans come fiom dish, the “Omlet King” Standish
I local lending institutions, oi will be at the Festival on Aug-
I investors in other places if ust 25 and 26
I local lendeis cannot be found (Continued on Page 30)
icctor attended a hcaiing on
House Bill So. 213, which would
piohibit the sale of ecilain de
tuKents It appeals as though a
new bill will be intioduced into
the legislatuie
The agiicultuie giotips aie
quite concerned about the elim
ination of cletei gents until such
a time as a satisfactoiy substi
tute can be found Testnnonj was
pi csentcd asking for new ie
seaich, and the people attending
the heaung weie infoimecl that
il the piesent bill would become
,aw, it would be impossible loi
igucultuie to maintain the high
stanclaids in pi educing quahU
tood-, and in the end the consum
er will suflci
Thu hudci of the Statu Consum
ei Piotection Buieau, Belle Cle
mens, stales that she teds the
Bill lequmng the dating of pci
ishable foods will meiease pi ices
cO the consumei and says that
ahile she does not officially op
pose the pending bill she pei son
ally thinks it would do little
good She lecommended that the
best solution is for the consumei
to letuin unsatisfactoiy pioducts
to the stoie and demand an ex
Resealch woik done in the
Atlanta, Georgia aiea shows that
the season of had uttle ef
fect on egg sales
A special sale gieatly mci eased
the volume dining the pi emo
tion The icpoit also shows that
these incieased sales did not
aftect the volume sold dining
the following week