Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 23, 1970, Image 20

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    Lancaster Fanning. Saturday. May 23.1970
Text of Gerald Martin’s Winning FFA Speech
Under the shadow of great Agricultural research must
wealth and prosperity, starva- be supported largely by the
tion moves across the land. The United States and foreign coun
land is Amenca Yes, Amcnca, tries Other support must come
the country in which more fi om pm ate investment. This
people suffer from overeating includes inteiested businesses,
than from a lack of food, is coopeiatives. organizations, and
headed toward widespread fa- individuals These groups are
mine. America is about to join very impoitant to agricultural
the other countries of the world rcseaich
which cannot successfully feed
•heir populations
Another situation faces us is used wisely, and in areas
America is the only country wheie research is most needed
'hat has the knowledge and ic- Agncultuial research must
jouices to fight famine be done in the aieas that will
Food shortages hungei, and bung the most food These in
'tarvation have been here since elude the aieas of new food,
he beginning of time, but only food pioriuction. and land ic
now does it thi eaten the whole foim Once thought to be a
world Amenca is the onlv great menace to Amencan
jountiy which can thwait this faimeis synthetic foods must
•hreat and attain the goal of "a play an impoitant lole m feed
world without hunger” mg a hungiy world
Change must come Agricul
tural production must double
tuple, and even quadruple in
some areas of the world The
ehange must take place imme-
diately, and the main ingre
dient of this change is agucul
.ural research Granted, there i«
much reseaich being done in
every phase of aguculture to
day, but it is simplv not enough
The research must be intensi
fied and increased to meet the
needs of the woild
Even though I am sure that also take giant strides in the
agricultural reseaich is the aiea of food pi eduction Bettei
main thing that will dimmish and varied sti ains of crops must
the threat of woild hunger, it b e de\ eloped to attain maxi
will take a gieat amount of mum pioduction ficm the van
money Wheie will the money ed types of soils in the woild
be obtained foi the extensive Also needed for maximum
research that is necessaiy'’ (Continued on Page 31)
Howevct it is most important
that the money, once obtained
It is necessaiy that we pio
duce foods high in piotein and
Mtamins fiom uneatable ma
terials such as algae and pe
ti oleum
We must also haivest the sea
Today, ocean toods make up
only one per cent of man’s food
intake We must find ways to
raise and harvest sea foods, and 1
to take full advantage of a food
source so \ital to the woild '
Agncultui al i eseai ch muTt'
Some members of the Northern
Lebanon FFA chapter display the trophy
they won for first place at the regional
FFA parliamentary procedure contest last
week at Millersville. Left to right are. G.
Early or Late
Your Corn
Needs AG RICO*
in the Row!
t Early planted corn started
with Agrico gets the fast
early growth that adds extra
bushels at harvest time.
Kerne! Agrico supplies water-solu-
Grain fj[e f OOc j s that are easily
taken up by seedlings planted in
the cool soils of the early planting
Late planted corn needs Agrico in
the row to help it catch up. Agrico
gives late corn the extra boost to
overtake and crowd out weeds; to
shade soil and conserve soil mois
Early or late, your corn will do bet
ter with Agrico for Corn. It’s an
imfortant step along the Critical
Path to Farm Profit. Order Agrico
for Corn today from
Roy W. Zimmerman,
Ephrata, Pa
Pawl's Feed Service McCracken a'soii Brow " J R ® a ' ,nc *
R D =2, Peach Bottom Manheim, Pa Atglen, Pa.
■■■ ' ."
Lamar Bollinger, vice president; J. Ray
Bickel, adult chapter advisor, and Jim
Bragg, president. The team will compete
in the state contest this summer.
Lester M. Weover
R D #l, New Holland
Red Rose
Farm Service
Quanyville, Pa.