□ £J WHERE IS Contains Metaldehjde for use controlling slugs, snails, cutwoims vegetable gardens and tobacco beds 1 lb. box $ .69 5 lb. box $2.29 5% sevm dust For ornamentals, vegetables, fuut, turf, to control a laige number of in sects It’s relative safetv and pei missible close use to harvests makes it a favoied insecticide Not especially effecUye against aphids. 4 lb. can $2.19 lUMI [|p BORDEAUX | MIXTURE Potatoes, tomatoes and celeiy foi blight control Apples for bitter and black rot Peach leaf curl Strawberry leaf curl Gray mold in Ins, Peonies, Dogwood blight, etc. 1 lb. 98c Conti ols wide xange of insects on floweis fimts, ornamentals, \egetables, and pets Especially effective against aphids 1 lb dust will treat appioximato ly 400 teet of low 4 lb. can $2.39 95% Sulfur which can be spiayed 01 dusted for prevention of diseases on fiuits, floweis eveigieens Spray 4 tbsp pei gallon of watei 5 lb. can $2.59 Agway mm GROWING THINGS OUR BUSINESS SNAROL PELLETS 5% SEVIN DUST 4% MALATHION DUST WETTABLE SULFUR LANCASTER 394-0541 Momheim Pike and-\Di|lerville Road Dust containing Captan, Se\in oi Methoxychlor, and Malathion Will ef fectively conti ol most vegetable insects and diseases in the home garden Apply eveiy 7-10 days Most useful in control ling aphids 1 lb. can $ 1.29 4 lb. can $ 2.95 25 lb. can $14.75 1C BOTFNONEDUST Safe to use on floweis, sluubs and vegetables for control of a wide range of insects Can safely be used right up until harvest time Rotenone is harmless to humans and pets Used to control fleas and ticks on dogs 1 lb dust will tieat appioximately 400 feet of low. 1 lb. can $ .85 4 lb. can $2.19 No 140 3V2 gal capacity, 20” ex tension Heavy duty use Funnel top com piessed an spiayers fill many needs Two stage safety locks prevent pumps fi om blowing out if released under pres sure Units aie electrically welded for greatest stiength Pumps, adjustable nozzles and % inch extension tubes are brass Hose, gaskets and valves aie oil lesistant lubber Price $13.80 feH fruit MM IT SPHA^ 13l Recommended for conti oiling many common diseases and insect pests of home gaidens, fruit plantings, flower gardens and ornamental shrubs 1 lb. can $ 1.98 4 lb. can $ 4.95 25 lb. can $28.95 1% ROTENONE DUST SPRAYER Lancaster Farming Saturda.v. Mnv 23. 1!)70 13 What’s New? New Waste Shredder Solid wastes geneiated by rais in? of livestock and crops are nn inci casing pioblem in this countiy The annual total is piesently estimated to be over two million tons. One erw produces animal waste equal to the sewage of 16 people A feedlot of 10,000 cattle has the waste disposal needs of a city of 160 000 people A new solid-waste disposal ma cnine, the Roto Shieddei, offeis a solution to the glowing waste pioblems of huge scale imal livestock opeiations, accoiding to field studies now being con ducted on composting of oiganic wastes at Rutgeis New Biunswick. New Jeisey In five months of testing swine mamue. it has been found that the shiedding unit ieduces the volume of maniae by at least 50 pel cent, eliminates all offen sive odois and lengthens land fill life The Roto-Shieddei, developed b> Geneial Pioducts of Ohio, Inc, Ciestlme, Ohio, lecently was declaied one of the “Seven Engineeung Wonders of Ohio” b> the Ohio Society of Piofes- A new $lOO meat cutting at s'onal Engmeeis The awaid is tached foi \pollo Bandsaws is given each yeai foi imaginative announced by And'c Industnes, and unique engineeung pioiects Inc _ Bok 1113 Bismaikj ND Puipose of the unit is to pio- ggggp la p ld iy and accuiately vide methods of disposal for , , piesent day organic solid cut 01 Silte fiesh 01 flozen meat wastes including paper, both fiom any size animal The at agucultmal and uiban, in a trchment can be placed on any samtaiy, high volume, economi- poilo y lodel MBS 500 Bandsaw cal fashion When used foi landfill, ad- in 10 minutes 01 leaS vantages to the shieddmg-com posting process aie longer land- , . fill “life”, a reduced volume of New Kesistanf Lima ieaith lequned to cover the land- , , , , , . fill, i educed fne hazaids and A new baby gieen-seeded bush stenlized refuse causing no lima bean variety icsistant to giound oi air pollution downy mildew stiains A and B When spread ovei the soil, has been dev elooed. the U S De manuie thus processed is great- t f A o llcut uie repoits. ly i educed in volume saving i- I * llu laboi costs In addition, all of- uSDA’s Agncultuid Research ftnsive odois aie eliminated g e ivice leleased the new Dover The machine also has a low operating cost compared with in- v.iiety, which was developed cmeiation and othei composting cooperation w ll h e / aw ,? t r , h d Agucultuial Expeiiment Sta- Offensive odors and high geim- Don, Wheatley Canning Corn producing bacterial content of pany. and Seabiook Faims Com the wastes which threaten the pany It is tl e l^ u o£ existence of the swine, poultiy yeais of leseaich to develop iai and dany mdutnes of New Jei- leties superior to those now sey led to the Rutgeis study It giown in plant chaiacteiistics, is being funded equally by grants resistance to pi odaction liaz fiom the US Depaitment of aids, and jicld of hijr-qual ty imicultme and the State of ciops that meet the needs o. m- New Jei sey dustiy and consume) s DHIA MONTHLY REPORT (Continued from Page 17) DJle E HiesUmd B _ s 499 39 John S 23 314 96 7 45 9 4 2 194 John C Metzler „ „ i oq pH 30 410 90 4 50 3 3 3 t y 3 Joseph L Fishei . „ _ ■, Q o R&GiH 31 30 7 9o 9 52 4 3 i 193 Edwin K Wise , , , q, RH 26 28 0 92 7 47 3 4 1 193 Amos B Lapp „ „ , Q 9 R&GiH 27 33 0 97 0 53 6 3 6 192 Mbeit E Fiy „. , . nc o 0 i qo RH 37 30 0 94 1 49 5 3 9 192 Samuel F Long „ 1 Qn R&GiH 30 39 4 96 4 51 3 3 7 190 Allan R Shoemakei . 0 R&GrH 32 35 0 96 7 47 2 4 0 189 Glenn C Heishev R&GiH 21 22 0 96 1 49 2 3 8 187 JZNOIt RH 26, 340 879 47 2 40 187 For Full Market Reports Read Lancaster Farming Meot Attachment