—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 23,1970 18 Also Discusses Food Stamp Program Hardin Says Secretary of Agriculture Clif ford M. Hardin recently told a meeting of agricultural adver tising and marketing leaders the fact that food is a good buy is one of the worst told stories of the day. “And understandably so,” he said. “When milk, for example, goes up a cent a quart, how do you dramatize the fact that in terms of working time required to buy it, milk still remains 15 percent cheaper than it was 10 years ago? “You don't The fact that a quart of milk cost him more time and effort 10 years ago means nothing to the consumer hit by a price boost today This is the problem faced by those of us who would point out that iood expenditures continue to take a declining share oi dispos able consumer income in this country." The Secretary addressed the 11th meeting ol the National Agricultural Advertising and Marketing Association in New York City. He also discussed participa tion gains in the USDA’s food assistance programs, and the need to develop rural America as a place to live for all who would choose It, but he dwelt most heavily on food as a good buy. He noted that food prices have risen less than three fourths as much as all other consumer goods in the past 10 years. “While the overall Consumer Price Index was rising by more than 30 per cent from the 1957- 59 average, the retail cost of foods, as measured by a market basket, was rising 22 per cent,” the Secretary said. “In the same period through 1969 income per pei son rose by $1,252, or 67 per cent, while food expenditures went up by Sl3l, or 35 per cent "Ten minutes of facloi v labor bought twice ns much bread in 1969 as it did in 1929 It bought more round steak, butler, milk, eggs, poik chops, maigarine all of them majoi food items “And it buys the American woiker moie food than the same working time buys the man in other countries. “Americans pay a smaller share of their income for food than anyone else about 16V2 per cent of our total consumer expenditures goes for food. In Canada, the figure is about 20 Food Is Good Buy per cent; in Western Europe and Japan about 37 per cent; and it goes on up to 50 per cent in Russia and 60 per cent or more in developing countries. “The fact is that in terms of income, in terms of working time, and in terms of other countries, food in America, is a good buy the best it has been. That is agriculture’s con sumer story, and one that must ue row.' Food to Take Smaller Percentage of Budget Food prices me expected to average 4Vi per cent higher this year than last, but consumer dis posable income is expected to gain at least as much as last j c ar’s (i 7 per cent. That means the proportion ol disposable income spent on food will drop even lower than last year’s record low of 16 5 per cent US DA reported recently. At the same time, the USDA also reported that increased sup plies of poultry, eggs, beef, and canned and trozen fruits and juices suggest that total food con sumption per person will in crease slightly from a year ago. The Secretary said he recog nized that averages are some times deceptive, and that there are some poor people on fixed incomes such as the widow on an annuity for whom ris ing food prices are a real hard snip. Turning to family food as sistance programs, the Secre tary said that about nine mil lion needy persons took part in them in March five million in the Food Stamp Program, and about four million in the Commodity Distribution Pro gram. ' “The number of people par ticipating and their food buying power have increased sharply since improvements made in the Food Sump prog) am earli er this year have begun to be implemented by State and local governments.” he said “In March, the value of bon us stamps provided to partici pating families totaled an esti mated $7O million up 37 per cent from $5l million in Febru ary, and more than double the January figure.” The Secretary said that this increase indicates that the re vised program is accomplish ing what it is designed to do to reach the poorest of the poor and provide all needy families with more food for less money. Under the program, a needy family pays the amount it has been spending on food; in re turn, it is given enough food tamps to buy in local stores an “economy level” diet worked out by Department food econo nists. The Secretary said the added "ood buying power not only helps participating families, but also bolsters farmers’ markets and increases business in food stores in low-income areas. In the case of food stores, he oaid, it can have an important effect in ghettoes and rural areas where sparse consumer buying power has limited effi cient food retailing operations. He predicted that these bene fits will grow as participation expands. • He estimated that bonus payments under the stamp program will reach $lOO million a month for June and continue into the new fiscal year at that level. The Presi dent has asked for a budget of $1.25 billion for the program for next year. The Secretary reminded the (Continued on Page 26)