12--Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 23.1970 Instructional j DRIVERS NEEDED Ti.im NOW to dilvc so mi liucK, lot.it .met over Hie road Von i.in e.un over S 4 00 pei houi aftei ‘•hoil tiaminu Foi inter view and application call 304 2312 7250 oi wide SafeU Dept I lilted Sv stems, liu 183 N Hivei Uoid. Wheeling WeM A nmn i a 2(i003 DRINERS ARE NEEDED 1 ..in now to d ivt semi i.uck th o.uli lauliticr, ol tl.i". one c ,n in-, local oi ovei lilt load fOi npnlu .'.ion and p<. ■ in U \,o\ call 315 458 271)0, o wile I inted Svstein'- I,’t S le t' Dtat Intel'latt Itim n.,1 Bid- 15 Dippold S.net Sm.i t I-. \. a \oi k, 1,1211 C'nrken Bai B-Q Dinnei Bud in ILncl Fne Companv, Satur drv May 30 11 AM until ’ Adults SI 75, Childien $125 Take out available Foi Sale —3 pt hitch Fold culti vAois 2 wagons with flat beds-1 Giove and 1 McCormick Call aitei 6PM 442 4510 Foi Sale —Labiadoi Retnevei pups AKC Registeied Excellent bleeding Phone 626 5628 Foi Sale —14 Cheviot sheep Rams, Ewes and Lambs Phone 733-8554 For Sale —Like new combination tool shed and playhouse, custom made wood consti action with door and 2 windows, 4 ft wide b\ 7 ft long, $125 00 Phone 393- 9443 Foi Sale —New Idea 5 bar hay lake Also an Olivei tiactoi mow ei Phone 733-8770 Foi Sale oi out foi keep, 2 yi son of Tiue Type Model out of an EX9I Ivanhoe with 2 lecoids ovei 1 000 lb fat Phone 215-932- 9762 Foi Sale —Case Model C Gieen field choppei, pick up attach ment and coin head, also New Holland blowei Maness Rich ai dson, Delta 456-5160 M anted—One legisteied Buttany Spaniel male 1% to 3 yis old, famed Phone 562 8340 aiea code 215 Foi Sale—Registeied Kingpin Bull, seivice age Ivanhoe Dam 21,208 lbs milk, $275 00 Phone 665-4239 Foi Sale —32 new and used milk Cans, 8 yeai old Standaid Bied duvmg hoise Jonas E Zook, Quailyville RD3, 1 mile West of Geoigetown Foi Sale—John Deeie MT, dou hie plow s A 1 shape, sell 01 ti ade Juines F Claik, Malvern RD2, Pa 19355 Foi Sam —Faimall Supei H with good uibbei, also 40 ton of eai coin Claicnce Snydei, Red Lion, RDI Pa Phone 927-6580 Foi Sale—Hay foi bedding oi mulch, $2O 00 a ton John Deeie D Uactoi, Samuel S Zook, neai Wicmei Fue Hall Foi Sale—4 year old woik hoise 5 yeai old mule Apply Many Re iff, 101 Glenbiook Road, Leoia Pa Wanted —Good home foi male AKC Rogisteied St Beinaid dog Fi.il giovvn Phone 626 8972 Foi Sale—64l Foul Ti actor cul tnatoi and plow, Saudei ioadei with hydiauhc bucket, also Hahn Eclipse ndmg mowei Phone 626 8065.. , , Livestock FRI MAY 20—10.10 AM All Ua> Sales located on North u ant.-d to Bitv-Rcd and White Holsom H< nu Cal\*s K,ul Haiduaio. etc Tenm \Wiv Kukwoocl RD2 Fiione 5J9 l)X Dj\id 11 Good ,236/ For Sale Purebred Yorkshire * B^Pa' ui MaV ,' ■"■■ 7,7:1MW171 Sale Register ILFS MA'i 2 b—l 00 P M F«.ed i . P’ , M V ,llO! - I '*. Hi 11 b kv. \ a".e\ Ko.id ml i > Mi 1 \ - M Mm fr aWolgemuth Bros., Inc. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. PH. 653-1451 ' Sale Register b\l II NC b—lo 311 \M Pub he S..U* ol Rui! tX..te and Pei -i) iU Pi ope iiuh.'iim, a lot ot . iiKiai' ! oia e I ..lone. Silvoi ti ,u l.'i a 3 mi s ot LancasU”. I nn \ ol M iiu\.llo iu=l o*l i: i 24 K'(,ik Twp Sale b.\ * h 1 U tii.k’ E.'-ta.e ORIN •AIRY FEEDS YOFfIHCRU ILK PRODUCT! HD USSR U CHECKS! Sole Register MaglKitch is now being mar* kctcd nationally by Agri-Sy* stems, Inc of Daoatur, 111. MaglKitch is an automatic, self coupling hitch to provide for tow ins wagons, forage boxes and implements behind trac ,fr.v trvr hap is_MninA ,tols and olhci self-propelled SaUStSk Blue B.fll. Pa Spec equipment even at an ul pom sale Tack at S p m 1 angle as great as 30 degrees, ac- Pomes at 6 I’M Sale b\ Paul Z voiding to the firm Maitni I’h (717 i 354 6671 j WED. JUNE 10—9 A M. Public i S.ile ot Faim Equipment and Im plcments Martin's Sale Barn j Blue Ball. Pa We sell on Conv' mission. Paul Z Martin i JUNE 30—Leu \V Mast Cla> IN.. Beiks Co Remsteied Hoi stem Disp See later ad MON E\E IL L\ 13—Mnlins Salt Stables Blue Bali Pa Spec lal Sale ol Kentuckv Saddle Hoi ses Sale b\ Paul L Mai tin Pli (717) 354 0(571 New Mogic Hitch Sale Register MON AUG. 24—Shako Collpssal Vacation Sale Mmatare, Nebras ka Try A Classified Ad It Pays!