Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Pi iu' of IflU l\pc lu ti" im eh. meed to '.c lowei D 1 i.i.mml nn.iu ic.n\e for mcu.isul ot fonng-, following decline in egg puces Olluings of hc.ivv t.pc hens while limited ~ ncialh fully adequate for cun cut needs Pi ices paid at fai m Light Type Hens 63 M 7 1 ,. 8c Heavy Type Hens Tfewi Delmarva Ready-to cook movement con tinues active with unfilled needs continuing in some quint ers Advance mteiest mixed ranging light to fair however early trading too limited to quote prices Less-than tiuek’ot prices continue to trend highoi on both Plant and US Giade A Live supplies geneially ade quate though weights tending somewhat hghtei Undeitone mixed ranging steady to fum Pool tiucklot puces foi Thuisday ai rival at teiminal markets U S Grade A 28 ! ,2 32 M 29 30c, Plant Giade 27» a 29 M 28-28V2C Special packs in cluding 3Vfe# sizes Tfevvr BA-" i' Federally Inspected Livestock Slaughter (For week staitmg May 11, 1970) Cattle Hogs Sheep Week to date 470,000 1,169,000 148,000 Same period last week 458,000 1,153 000 151,000 Same period last year 440.000 1 - ■ 1,094 000 163,000 Estimated daily livestock slaughter under Federal Inspection. P R2BV^ W Arcadian Liquid. Now’s the time to plow down for corn. Build up soil fertility with SLF complete liquid fertilizer. We can male Aicachan SLF m any N-P-K latio you need foi bal anced glowing powei Plowing it down spieads plant foods throughout the loot zone Speeds decomposition of ciop lesidues into soil-building humus Aicadian liquid is the fastest and easiest feitihzei you can use foi plow-down Saves la bor. Pumps and hoses do the work And liquid spieads evenly, smoothly Doesn’t seg regate, cake 01 set-up We can apply it for vou 01 lent vou the applicator Eithei way, vou’ll profit by plowing down Aica dian liquid now It helps youi land do more foi } ou. JOHN Z. MARTIN New Holland Riil Fogclsville Mav 12. 1970 iPi ices paid dock wcndils cents pci II). except vvhcic noted) lIKVS hi'.ivv type Hi'j 24'j PULLE I’S 15 31, RO \STHRS 8 31. DUCKS 31 ‘a 33. DRAKES 25'.. 33 RABBITS 50 71. CUIN EAS 102 117, PIGEONS (pei pair) 40 2 10 mostly 1 05 1 25 TOTAL COOPS SOLD 431 Local Grain Prices These pi ices aic made up of the aveiage prices quoted by six participating local eed and grain concerns It should be noted, however, that not eveiy dealer handles each commodity. All puces aie per bushel, except for ear coin which is per ton. The aveiage local giam puces quoted Thuisday, May 14, 1970, are as follows- Ear Coi n Shelled Corn Oats Bailey Wheat “Bid is the puce the dealer will buy fiom the fai mei dehveied to the mill Offeied is the puce the dealei will sell lor at his mill iillr- - "" "" I ARCADIAN See me now, Bid Offered 5 $37 33 $4l 33 148 1 60 79 87 103 121 1 59 140 Rs=n (Jiemica! Phone 717-354-5848 New York Eggs Puces ii icgulai ly iinchiinm*d to lowci on laige .ind small 'jc highii on mediums lU.npls lu;ht horn the South model at" 1 1 oin no nln ,u(Mi Slici I 1 1, id my .k In iU is liclit on I.n ge .iiui st.iiid.n(ls I.'ii on medium. K\ ti.i I.n ge clc.iiir” closelv with most slicit ‘..iU .it lit Ki( loi best (|ii.ilil\ Laige wliiles .ne ample I.nee hi owns mcieasing in a lew (|ti:nlei.s undci less ac live intciest with occasional small lot sales as low as 35c Mediums megul.uly distnbut ed and langed adequate to oc casionally short of immediate needs, however, ample offci ings aie available at some coun tiy points Offenngs of smalls aie fullv adequate to ample The caiton movement into le tail channels is only fair with best intei esl wheie promotion al activity is m piogiass • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) stiong to 1 00 higher VEALERS Choice 54 GO -56 00, few 56 50 59 00, Good 51 - 00 54 50. Slandaid 47 00 52 00, Utility 38 00 46 00. Cull 90-120 lbs 33 00 37 00, 65 85 lbs 29 00- 33 00 HOGS 251 Bauows and Gilts steady to weak, instances 1 00 lowei on weights ovei 250 lbs BARROWS AND GILTS US 1- 195 235 lbs 26 35 26 75 US 2- 190 250 lbs 25 35-26 00 US 3 4 230 255 lbs 24 60-25 10 US 3- 260-270 lbs 2? 00-23 00 SHEEP 31 Spnng Lambs mostly steady SPRING LAMBS Choice 55 90 lbs 35 00-38 00, Good 45- 60 lbs 30 50-34 00 • New Holland CCorlmuea from Page 21 Hoises 115-320, Dnvmg Horses 115-440, Mules (single) 125-275, Pony Mares 15-25, Geldings 10- 20 Killeis 9-10 HOGS May 11, 1970 Hog leceipts totaled 877 at Eleven loads of hay sold as Monday’s sale Retail 26 75 28, follows Alfalfa 44-52, Mixed 34- Heavyweights 25 26 25, Whole- 41, Sti aw 36 50 41 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 16. 1970- Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Fioni .Mondai Ma.v 11th to Fi iclav Mas ’.Mil Mon. wiiiti: 14 3,-) :;4 .to 31 31 II 21 23 2.3'. 24 20 20 10 15 15 14 Kc\ l\ Lai Fi > L.n "e Fc\ Med mins Fc\ Pullets Fcv Pee wees BROWN Fey Lai ge Fey Mediums Fey Pullets Fey Peewees 39 39 39 39 27 27 27 27 20 20 19 19 15 15 14 14 Standaids Checks 29 29 29 29 20 20 20 20 Trend An unpiovcment called for Laige Whites noted in most places but letail demand still in some sections Mediums, Ex Laige and Jumbos fnm Copyright 1970 by Urner Bany Publications Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compaied with last weeks close Choice and Pi line steei s orei 1150 lbs 25 50 lowei Othci steei s steady Slaughter heifeis 25 highei Cows 25 50 higher Bulls steady Receipts 75 peicenl slaughtei steeis, 20 peicent heifeis with the balance mostly cows o\ei all finish of steei s aiound 18 peicent Pnme 75 peicent Choice this compaies with 15 peicent Pnme and 75 peicent Choice last week and 15 pei cent Pnme and 69 peicent Choice a yeai ago Aveiage cost sale 2, 3 and 4s 26 26 75, Sows 1820 50, Boais 18 75 20 CALVES May 11, 1970 Receipts of 87 calves sold as follows Choice and Pnme 50- 58, Good and Low Choice 44- 49 50, Standaid 36 43 50, Com mon 28 35 50 HAY May 11, 1970 Wed. Tues. of steei s estimated at 30 75 as compai ed with 30 22 last week and 33 50 a yeai ago Aveiage weight ot steei s expected to be up this week as moie steei s weighing ovei 1200 lbs weie maiketed The aveiage weight estimated at 1218 lbs one of the heaviest on lecoid and compai cd with 1196 lbs last week and 1153 lbs a yeai ago Slaughtei heifei supply mostly High Good to Fume weighing 850-1050 lbs SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday Pume 1200 1450 lbs Yield Giade 3 and 4 3125 32 00 up to 32 50 on Monday Prime 1400 1525 lbs 31 00-31 25 High Choice and Pume 1125 1400 lbs 30 50-31 25 1400 1500 lbs 30 00 30 50 Choice 950-1400 lbs Yield Giade 2 to 4 30 00 31 25 Good and Choice 29 25- 30 25 Good 27 75-29 25 Stand aid and Low Good 27 00 27 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS High Choice and Prime 900- 1075 lbs Yield Giade 3 and 4 30 75 31 00 up to 3125 on Mon day Choice 850-1050 lbs Yield Giade 2 to 4 30 00 30 75 Good and Choice 29 00 30 00, Good 27 00-29 00 BULLS Utility and Com meicial 26 00-29 50 43 Carnation Growers Quit in Pennsylvania Fourty-thiee carnation glow eis in Pennsylvania quit pioduc tion in 1969, leaving a total ot 241 foi the state, accoiding to the Penn State extension sei vice In the 23 states that lepiesen about 95 per cent ol the nation’; floncultmal industiy, then vveie 127 fewei caination glow eis for a new total of 1861, the extension seivice said Cai nation aveiage nationa. pi ice was shaved a little las veai, down fiom 7 1 cents to 6 9 cents Pennsylvania’s puce was oL foui tenths ot a cent, down to 9 6 cents Theie weie 10 pei cent moie cm nations sold in 69 nationally, but Pennsylvania cai nation pio duction was down BV2 pei cent (to SoV'a million bxooms) Intentions foi ’70 9 Foul pei cent fewei plants in Pennsyl vania Two pei cent moie in tlu nation Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Paf-z Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Eeusel 548-2559 3 Frl. Thin s, 3") 1 31 '2 20 10 14 29 >2 20