Neighbors Save Day for Farmer (Continued from Page 1) Thirty-one men and seven women had been thcic for all 01 pait of the day. By C p m . some Of them were still theie, finish in:,' up the planting of about 80 acies of corn Under the leadership of men like Deacon Luke 801 l and Elias' bi other Jacob, woid of the community day of woik w.h Sent out over the countryside Elias’s two brothei s, John and Aaion, also weie on hand to help direct the opeiation. which at some times included five oi moie tractors in a single field With that kind of massive at tack, it didn’t take long to plov and plant a field Elias and Mauan had listed the many people who had come Along with his biotheis, Elias' father Clayton, of couise, was theie. There was Amos Hess and his two sons, Paul and David Laverne and Caleb Hess, brolh eis, and their Uncle Ben Hess And Eail Swartzentiuber, Ben Shank, Sam Metzlei, Claience Lee Hess, Claude Walters, Mah- a nd j oe , along with the Stokes, lon Shenk, Warren Railing, Dan and his son Haiold Risser, Ben Wengei, and Lestei Wikei helped, too His Deacon 8011. five-yeai-old daughter, Nancy, The Metzler biotheis, Abe, was seilously injured bj an auto- Harry and Daniel, weie all there mobile that weekend when she The Bests, Joe Best and his sons, i a n onto the load following hei Jlobert, Rodney and John older sister Nanc> is in a cast The McKelvey biothers, Bob fiom her waist to her hip at WAYNE CALFNIP" MILK REPLACER NEW All milk protein New Calfmp is high in milk prod- ucts. No cereal filler. Better digestibility, NEW High fortification. New Calfmp delivers vitamins A, D, Biz, K, thiamine, niacin and C, plus a new blend of essential minerals. Also contains me thionine, a vital building block of protein PLUS Many other improvements that you will see in the calves you raise on new Wayne Calfnip. H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer ROHRER’S MILL R D 1, Ronks DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R D 1 Stevens C, E SAUDER & SONS n D 1 East Eail PAV.DISE SUPPLY P uadise POV/l FEED SERVICE HEISEY FARM SERVICE R D 1 Qaau\\ille Lawn Ph 964-3444 R D 2, Peach Bottom GRUBB SUPPLY CO. P-OUNTVILLE Elizabethtown r’ : d D z S CoSf WHITE OAK MILL P D 2 Columbia R D 4. Manheim H. JACOB HOOBER HERSHEY BROS a uetcoiuse, Pa. Remholds Two of the many tractors used May 8 on the Elias Groff farm are shown cultivating a field SEE US TODAYI Mg Lancastei Osteopathic Hospital and will probably be theie foui to six weeks Elias lepoited Seven women, all wives of men previously mentioned, also weie theie to piepaie a leal faimers meal They wei Joyce Hess, Ethel Metzlei, Arlene Metzlei, Pearl Best, Elsie Hess, Elsie Swartzentiuber and Ruth Gioff The women also helped Mauan plant a small garden Besides the corn, Elias has about foui acres of lye giam and eight of barley, as well as about 30 acres of clovei, alfalfa and pasture He has 14 steers, after just selling 21, and 21 hogs He’s planning 10 to 12 acres of squash 'But his greatest love, tomatoes, will be a big disappointment this year Last >eai, he had 22 acies ot tomatoes This yeai, he was hoping foi about one-fifth that many, despite his illness But the woid from a soirow ful Elias this week was that theie would be six acies of tomatoes but the\ will be locat ed on his biothei Jacob’s faim, too fai awaj foi a bed-ndden Elias to look aftei It seems, Elias said, that “stiong opposi tion” lose to having the tomatoes “wheie I can see ” Duung the past seveial vears, Elias has had farm hands fiom Puei to Rico to help look after the tomatoes He developed a close lelationship with them and even went to Puei to Rico to see them He’s going to miss them this yeai, he said It’s going to be long summer foi Elias, but not nearly so long as it might have been without his fuends and neighbors And when he finally gets well, be cause of them, he can go out and take up f aiming as though nothing ever happened Help Us Serve You Is yom farm organiza tion’s meetings making our farm calendai ’ If they’re not and you think they should, let us know. As a public service to fanners and the faim com munity we tiy to get as manv meetings as we can on the calendar But we miss some Remind us by calling 394- 3047 01 626- 2191 oi by wilt ing to Lancaster Fai ming, 22 E Mam St. Lititz Pa 17543 You can help us seive you better. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 16.1970 Elias’ brother Jacob poses in front of his tractor Jacob, described by neighbors as “very close” to Elias, helped organize the work May 8 The Groff family, Elias and Marian, and the children, from left, Steven, six, Myron, three, and Evonne, two Elias Groff, with the cane he didn’t know he'd need so soon and a smile now that the anxiety about his 1 lelds has been relieved through the generosity of his neighbors 11 - * life * *\ ). —■ Aw Jk*fc * * r “1