Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 09, 1970, Image 7

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    CCC’s Dairy Price-Support
Purchases Down for *69-70
Commodity Ciedll Coipor.r
lion's dairy piiresuppoil pm
chases in the 1069 70 marketing
year weie (quivnlent to 4 1 bll
lion pounds of milk compared to
4.7 billion pounds in 1988 69
In addition, the Depai tmciit ie
moved from the maiket through
purchases 0 2 billion pounds of
milk equivalent in the foim of
evaporated milk with Section 32
funds and 0 1 billion pounds of
milk equivalent in the form of
cheese under Section 709 of the
Food and Agiicultuie Act of
The 1969-70 icmovals (pm chas
es, delivery basis) weie 3 9 per
cent of total maiketings by faim
ers compared with 4 3 pei cent in
The ieduced purchases weie
due mainly to slightly lower
Tobacco andßalari
go hand in hand.
Goodbye weeds
and grasses.
Available thru
Ephrata, Penna. Phone 733-G525
or contact IVULLER-Representative. , ...
' .* c* -a -
milk production Milk pioduc
non was 116 3 billion pounds,
about 0 2 billion pounds less
than last ,\eai
Impoils in 1909-70 wcie near
the 1 8 billion pounds milk equi
valent for 1968 69 Commcicial
consumption of milk and dan>
pioducts was about the same as
in 1968 69
CCC's icmovals of 182 million
pounds of hullei in 1969-70 weie
only four million pounds less
than a >ear earliti Puiehases of
cheese and nonfat dry milk weie
down substantially, totaling 31
million pounds of cheese and 358
million pounds of nonfat div
milk compaied with year-cailier
puiehases of 69 million pounds
of cheese and 553 million pounds
of nonfat diy milk.
The 1969 70 puichases included
Tobacco grower acceptance of Balan is
mo\ mg mighty fast for a crop that’s been
cared for by hand for centuries. But Balan
is taking o\er. Stopping 20 weeds and
grasses as they germinate. For months, too.
Cultivations have been dropping to 1 or
2 at most. Balan is the most economical
weed control insurance you can buy today.
Let Balan woik foi vou. Talk about it
with your dealer or ask any Balan user.
He'll tell you.
When %ou hear it from Llanco,
you hear it right.
(UrtCO MOOUCTS COMfAIY . A Oiyiittn »t Eli L.i j »p 6 C5"-» tny . |n(i|nt*i i UU
13 S million pounds of cheese
undir Section 701) for school
lunch use and the (list pi lee .sup
port pm chases of 17 3 million
ponmlH of instant nonfat thy
milk. The Depai Intent also pur
chased 107 million pounds of
evapoiuteri milk with Section 32
funds for distiibution lo needy
Because of i educed supplies.
CCC utilized (committed to pio
g’am use) less of each of the
thiee dairy products in 1969-70
than a year cailier Neaily all
of the bultei and cheese weic
donated domestically. Most of
the nonfat diy milk was donated
domestically and abioad. Sales
for espoit of nonfat dry milk de
dined shaiply.
On Mai eh 31, 1970, CCC’s un
committed slocks weie down
substantially fiom a year ago,
totaling 45 million pounds of
butter, 92 million pounds of non
fat diy milk, and no cheese
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. M«> 0. 1070
Pick a John Deere
53 h.p. 2020 to hustle
seedbed preparation,
get this bonus...
Power and power outlets
to hustle fully equipped
planters-2- and 4-row
You can turn a lot of ground per day plowing 4 furrows
or disking an 11-foot swath per pass at a steady 4-1/2
to 5 mph. That's par for a “2020." The news is just as
good when it's planting time. “Floating”- control,
through cylinder or huch, makes for constant planting
depth over all terrain. And the “2020'5" Power-on-
Dcmand hydraulics lets you imse and lower fully
loaded, fully equipped phutois effortlessly, positively.
The 8-spced transmission puts the exact planting
speed you like at your fingertips The proof is in the
driving our guest for afield test. Ci edit available.
Wenger Implement-, Inc.
The Buck 284 4X41
A. B. C. Groff, Inc. M. S. Yecrsley & Sons
New Holland 354-4191 West Chester 696-2990
Landis Bros. Inc.
Lancaster 393-3906 Elm