Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 09, 1970, Image 6
() Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 9.1970 Poultry Processors Discuss Controls ' . i i r .i....,,,,,) nrohnhh ill ii profit "Industry. for example should I’u’sidml Gene 15a1lev of the is hoped they may come up ton. undo, one head foi bilk l pi, “ J ' a ‘ timc decide what will be put in a I’ Poult.y Pieces with an idoa that will \yqik and and moie acceptable contiol. » 1 ‘ av no l be pio landfill, and allow the Health soi s ion lepoitod at a bo acceptable Lawless said iblc •>nd > olher plans indiid- Dept to look at the situation ieconl meeting that a pioblcm The matte, of ictimi inji wann The USDA has now approved „ * .‘ ,t in*, V be necessary loi compliance "When the pro has anseii legaidmg featheis watei is not in efleil yet: there- the Go.don Johnson eviseeialoi mf. •' .. . j, iam KOCS in to efrect, plans w,ll and h.ui on necks of buds, so a foie. evc.y plant should cheek As soon as nnpiovements on the "Theie aio a number of i, e p,esentcd to the county and meeting was called and the m out the situation bcfoic meet- o nc at Gnmos has been made, methods of disposals -atih as lhe countv w ,n WO rk thru tho dustiv was lecpiested to co mg an inspocloi’s iequest other pioeessois aie united to sight burning, sp. cad on fields, Dept " Lacour said opciate It appeals now that meal and come and examine it landfill oi disposed of by liu rpi . . mn , t poultry inspection will be se Picsidcnt Bailey called upon mg some one to haul waste it was repoi ted that HB. , i hiii thp mriiisin will be paiated as it used to be. It is William Lacour. Assistant Chief away. =1619 dealing with markings ••non time lo make liecessaiv ex P ectecl th ‘' l m:in -' situations Solid Waste Section Fcnnsyl- -Accoiding to the Dept sur- ® n packages appears to be na collections with * the helo of will impiove because theie will vama Depaitmenl of Health, to vev mfoimation approximately popular in the Legislature, and equipment manufactuieis be a bstter understanding of discuss ACT 241. relating to 123 tons of waste is generated therefore is not likely to pass. If the industry does not cor- con ddions Those at the top Solid Waste Disposal p ei . temploye annually Any Following a shoit discussion, reel the situation, however, be tbe sa ™ e . - but the ser- Lacour said. “The question disposal of solid waste must be it was unanimously decided that regulations will be established vic . es be divided from that 1S o f ten raise d, how does the done in a manner that will the Association will support a and the inspection service will P°* nt - disposal of solid waste effect avoid any kind of pollution display of products at the 1971 collect the situation and in so It appeals now as if industry agncultur-e No permits are -industry should start think- Farm Show. It is understood doing hint some operations, will go along with the moistuie needed b y those f aime is who mg seriously about a program that support will be financial Bailev warned control regulations r’lesemiv lise waste for a by-product or 0 f so ii d was t e disposal, but will with products to make the dis there is alobu d test, ana it w hen waste is stoied on the pre- be notified in advance when ac- play acceptable. It is also under , The question of waim water moisture is high buds from mises tion will be taken There will be stood that the Turkey Random at the inspection stations was that point on must be held un- “For poultry pi ocessors there standaids for an incinerator Sample Committee will assist discussed, and it was decided til another test is made and 1S offal, feathers, blood, papeis, and mdustiy will be given time financially as they have for sev that if waim water is provided moisture meeting requirements etc < with the fnst thl . e e being lo mee t such standaids eral years foi inspectois. everyone would On the moistuie situation a . . want it Again the equipment change in proceduie will be people weie approached and it granted, providing it is present- ed in writing The Institute of Amencan [ WELCOME [ _ Poultiy Industues will hold a -—*■■■ - .■ li"S THE _ meeting soon and it is hoped t sufceLi^e^lTTild 1 ' tests °be jSw C AIS H\Ar Ail SELLING W comphshed instead of inst one Piesident Bailev repoi tod lYi DDI^C ELMPENRYN 1-H that an Industiy 8101101 Com- 'A. IJiflS/isC' Q r|%IVL By Giegory Schell mi «ee has been appointed * . i T A piesumablv to advise the El finnle For Tklc I 1 1 H/VT COUN ih' The Elm-Penivn 4H Chib v?s Goveinment No meeting has , Jrw V _9. s | * called to 01 dei b\ the picsidcnt been held vet, so the pm r 1 TOMPARF AT fA^HWAY and club pledge lecited Roll ro se of the committee is not // I | dwam- va?i nm/ call was then taken and club known 7/ a a BEFORE YOU BUY membe.s icsponded b\ gi'ing a A pioblem is expenenced by __________________ _ _ lepoit on then piojects The piocessois wheie a vetennanan —————— minutes weie then lead and ap- and a lav inspector both take 1/BMVI IYIICDI AV PLUSWOOD® $ M QO Plowed chaige of a situation and cause W |PI 1 L W W I .. ~n - T u , , , . vanations Theie should be one „ .. . . VINYLPACE® m !n new business it was decided m charge to make deci . Four Attractive Finishes 3/16”x4’x8’ Panels Si n ."IS sums and not two as m the case changed to Monday. June 8, 1970 , , ; 4- at the White Oak Elemental y no ' v ’ ll was mged ", '4*l 0 , i n „ The industry should be given g - -I : PLASTIC shutters exterior theschoolyea. wien '“he eZ Tl Y. at »® l/Vood Mflill BSIUT Then a demonstiation on clash of peisonality, E J Law- ClVfc WWwWW IfIVIU | Atiican Violets was given by less Ji , association secretaiy, In Tnlnrc; Can he Minted 11 II Debbie Patschoike followed by a reported In Col^, s , NONE BETTER! speech on How to Take Care of It appears now as if districts j P * - m Yom Pig pioject by Mike Giube will no longei operate as they <t/l on n mr Oil RACF UOIKF PAIKIT Then we had a few songs and do now It is expected that all 16 P Qir BA!SE HOUSE PAINT the meeting adjourned will be centralized m Washing- T£ 1/ x48 #/ $7 90 nmr White $4.95 90!. r * LATEX HOUSE PAINT t 16 # xss 7 $B.BO pair White $5.50 gal. I ■ ■! IMS I —■ ■■ I II II HIM I———■■lll T I Square Barn Poles GARAGE HSH Penta Tieated Yellow Pine T =s =Tj======== r^^| rrf ’ i? ■ ■ “*gs DOORS fflN 14’ ... $3.57 . 16’ . . $4.16 ®y colder 4”x6” 12’ . $4.56 }J PRIME COATED WOOD CONSTR. B\7’ 4 Panel 4 Section $ 55.85 18 $7-20 9’x7’ 4 Panel 4 Section $ 52.50 20’ . $8.20 10’x7’ 4 Panel 4 Section $ 64.85 6”\G” 14’ S 7 08 16 x7’ 4 Panel 4 Section $124.25 IC , cq'io 9’x7’ 4 Panel 5 Section $61.50 ; b 16\7’ 4 Panel 5 Section $131.50 18 ... . $lO.BO 9’x7’ 4 Panel Flush S 68.00 20’ . . $12.30 16 x7’ 4 Panel Flush $131.50 22’ $13.86 FIBERGLASS WHITE 24’ $15.48 9\7’ S 77.00 __________________________________ 16’\7’ $128.25 Low Headioom Kit $ 7.50 ““Torsion Hardwaie $ 8.00 FENCE POSTS GARAGE DOOR OPERATOR 7’ 31/,” ton $ll5 Includes Transmitter $111.50 1 * Extia Transmittei $24.00 Show much ;an your n take? ich without the yield hurl :orn doesn’t have to take any se AAtrex® SOW controls all I. tion of AAtrex gets the foxtail i almost all the other trouble rostdleaf and grass weeds. )ly AAtrex for foxtail control? apply to your particular II tell you all that when you call. See Your USS AGRI-CHEMICALS DEALER Available At: HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn, Pa. Phone: 964-3444 or 653-5718 Haul Your Own And Save .... Delivery Available. w~v■ i ■ . ii ~n rniiMM ■■ ■ i ■ - -- - -* - 3 Miles East on Route 340 (2275 Old Philadelphia Pike) Lancaster, Pennsylvania ____ ;^==== - OPEN 7 30 to 5 30 *" SIX DAYS A WEEK Phone: 397-4829 Phone; 397-4820