Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 09, 1970, Image 20

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 9.1970
Lanchester Show Results Announced
Special Pony Club classes serve Pony Feathers, Polly ca; 4. Eric Hunger. 1. Charley Brown, Mary Beth Lit- Higginbotham; 3.-Ralph Hill; 4.
drew riders from Pennsylvania, Wallace. Horsemanship over fences, 14- tie; 2, Crosspatch, Deo Hobbs; 3. Nanoy. Henkel.’
Maryland, Delaware, and New Large Pony Hunter Champion 21 —l. Nancy Henkel; 2. Ralph Miss Belinda, John Martin; 4.- Horsemanship-on Rat, 13 and
Jersey to the fourth annual Lan- Charley Brown, Mary Beth Hill; 3, Sally Lane; 4. Patti.Yar- Ho Hum, Milbury Ross. under L Kathy Hume; g.lilil-
Chester Pony Club Horse Show Little: Reserve —Ho Ham, Mil- nail. . . „ . ... - bury Ross; 3. Susan Hume;. 4.
on Saturday, May 2, at Pony Club bury Ross. "D” over fences —l. Kathy -Junmr outside courte John Martin. -. _
Headquarters overlooking the Junior Hunter Champion Hume; 2. Susan Hume; 3. John « Lead line—vl. Holly Atkinson;
Susquehanna River at Druraore. How About It, Ralph Hill; Re- Martin; 4, Karen Caton. mo 1? , n ww"?# nil 2. Abbie Humet-S.rChip'HajSler;
Kathy Hume. West Chester, serve Touch and Go. Ralph . We M ?“ry; 4.4. Dan Shocnukon, ■' .
was the winner of the Pony Club Hill. c ‘l over fences ~ l - Sajw* north's Sir -Echo. Nancy ,Lun-. Maiden-.ponies ,—'-1.- Ritter-
Grand Championship and the “D" Pony Club Champion Henkel; 2. Bonnie JeanCoperS. pert. sweet, Joanna DuPont;3. Peppy,
firtt winner of -the trophy pre- Kathy Hume; Reserve Susan Sally.Lanc; 4. Candy Groff. Junior Hunter back 4. Din- Kathy .Hume; 3; J?dny- Feather*,,
sented by William H. Murry. Hume “C-2, B, A” over fences I. ky. Peter Garratt; 2. Holderfteas. Wly-'Wallace; 4, Mr,' Co Go
Newark. Del in memory of his “C-l-Pony Club Champion - Debbie Maury; 2 . Ralph Hill; 3- Mary Wade Warner; 3. Chantilly
mother. Mrs. Edith Scott Murray. Nancy Henkel; Reserve - Hazel Wendel j Lane . 4 Patt i Yarna ii. L ace.- Judy .Higginbotham; *4: - fg*
Winner of the Duke Challenge Lowe. Quillo Q. Hazel Lowe. C°lb; 2. Purrevan Forget Me-Nbt
Trophy for the highest number “C-2, B, A" Pony Club Champ- Special, 13 and under —l. " Hetty Atkinson; 3; Sugar, Carol
of points in the show went to ion Ralph Hill; Reserve David Boley; 2. Eric Hunger; 3. Large Pony Hack 1. Ho Stenson; 4. Sugar Foot, Kim
How About It, owned and ridden Wendell Lane. John Martin; 4. Bonnie Jean Hum, Milbury Ross; 2. Maritime. Bradley. |
by Ralph Hill of Hillview Farms, . Cope. Nancy Henkel; 3. Crosspatch, -C-2, B, A” horsemanship on
Lincoln University. summaries Deo H obbs; 4 street Lite> Les . flflt _ L Ralph HiU; 2 . Wendell
Judges: Bn*. Gen. F. F. Wing, _ W S tfn RobiS Wen lle Simpers - Lane; 3. Wendy Pinckney; 4.
Jr.. Col D. W Thackerav, Miss Glendora’ dell Lane; 4. Ralph Hill’ ' Small Pony Hack - 1. Troug- Judy Higgmbootham.
Susan Powers, and William H. /’ R a « an , uffin ’ „ , „ hill Twinkle. Margretta Fred- “C-l" horsemanship on Rat
Murray. \Sh ° ’ Sm . all Ponies - outslde course- ncks . 2 . Glendora, Susan Hume; 1. Hazel Lowe; 2. Nancy Henkel;
tSffSS, GrMd Cb ‘ mpion Junior Hunter over fence, - Pony 3. others, Polly Wallace; 3 Wendy Maury; Uffl,
Duke Chellenge Champion - *’ * ? ' PPy ’ ne”!
<inlph Hill; Reserve - Polly and Go Rafnh Hil" i Diivonn's Chips. Karen Caton. Horsemanship on Sat, 14-21 - Mnll Dillm, Lyle 0»n; 3. Q«JIIo
Wallace. s Ecbo Limnert Large Ponies, outside course— 1. Mary Wade Warner; 2 Judy Q - Hazel Lowe, 4. Dilworth s
Horsemanship, 13 and under. Large Ponies over fences —l. Sir Echo, Nancy lampert.
Champion Susan Hume; Re- street Lite. Leslie Simpers; 2 ____ _ _ __ __ “D ’ horsemanship on flat 1.
serve Kathy Hume. Serenade. Pixie Waters; 3. Ho | 3ft Dam|a#a XII f’A S||% Kathy Hume; 2 Susan Hume, 3.
Horsemanship, 14 through 21, Hum, Milbury Ross; 4. Cyrano, wViICOI Vail HuplflCC lU Jw /® John Martin; 4. Debbie Queitz-
Champion—Mary Wade Warner; Maureen Little sc^-
Reserve Nancy Henkel. Horsemanship over fences, 13 ftf (aim an I Ilf OCf’AClf PatiAllC hor ® e ™ ~
Small Pony Hunter Champion and under —l. Susan Hume; 2 VI VWI H 111 LIVcsIUIIV IwallUllS Milbury Ross; 2 Joanna DuPont;
Glendora, Susan Hume; Re- Deo Hobbs; 3 Bonnie Jean Cop- 3. Candy Groff; 4. Hazel Lowe.
Now’s the time
to give corn a good start.
Plant and feed more acres per
day with liquid starter. Seed
lings develop faster, roots grow
bigger, maturity comes earlier
when you plant and feed an
Arcadian SLF premium liquid
starter. It provides the nourish
ment germinating seeds need for
vigorous start in the critical
early stage of growth. High anal
ysis phosphate from Poly-N*,
Golden Üban* liquid nitrogen,
potash, secondary elements, mi- -
cronutrienti, even pesticides.
Phone 354-5848 or Phone 354-0432
can be prescription-mixed to’suit
your soils and crops. And SLF
liquid saves time and labor. The
Guinz Farms in Indiana, plants
1300 acres of com 50% faster
since switching from dry to an
SLF liquid starter. If you want
to get your com off to a running
start, then count on us and SLF
premium grade liquid starter.
See me now.
From a nutritional stand- Wheat is lower than corn in
point, wheat can be used in calcium and vitamin A but
beef, hog and dairy feeds if fed about twice as high in avail .
in a properly balanced ration, f . _
say North Carolina State Uni- a^e phosphorus, vitamin B and
versity specialists. other critical amino acids.
Wheat can replace between The economics of feeding
30 to 50 per cent of the corn or wheat are favorable. It has a
milo m the beef ration and up heavier weight —6O pounds per
to 50 per cent of the corn in hog bushel compared to corn’s 56
or dairy rations. pounds. Wheat is generally re-
Relative feeding values vary garded as being worth about
with the quality of gram and \2 per cent more than corn on
the kind of animal fed Good a pound-for-pound basis when
quality wheat is about 25t0 3 f ed to beef cattle and hogs, and
per cent higher in protein than eight per cent more for dairy
corn but contains less starch or cattle,
carbohydrates Recent amino
acid analysis of Blueboy wheat Animal husbandry specialists
indicates crude protein to be encourage use of wheat in hve
-12.83 per cent, compared with stock rations, but warn that any
9 9 per cent for yellow dent change in present rations
corn. should be made gradually.
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At low cost, too, because you use your own
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proteins. It’s power-packed with needed vita
Stevens Feed Mill, Inc.
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Harold H. Good
Terre Hill
East Petersburg, Pa.
Phone 569-3296
Super Milking
mins, minerals, molasses ... all to help you
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Ask for simple, easy formula. We'll be glad to
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about SQO lbs. Ful-O-Pep Super Milking 32 per
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suits. So drop by as soon as you can. i
S. H. Hiestand & Company
Salunga, <
Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. j