Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 09, 1970, Image 2
- l.uncnMcT Farming, Saturday. May 9,1970 2 AtLant&ter Yards Weekly Review Ma> 7, 1070 CATTLE 2700 Compaied to last weeks close. Slaughter Steel s 50 100 lowei. Cows steady lo 25 lowei Bulls most- Jv steady Supply includes an estimated 60 peicent Slaughter Steeis. 20 peicent Cows and Bulls, with the balance mainly Feodei Steeis SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Fume 1075- 1275 lbs 30 75 32 00. including loin loads on Monday at 32 00, Choice 950-1350 lbs 29 50 3150, high Good and low Choice 28 50- 30 00. Standaid and Good 26 50- 29 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Choice 700 900 lbs 28 75- 29 50. COWS Utility and high diessing Cuttei 23 50-25 10, tew 25 25 25 60, Cuttei 22.75 24 50, Cannei and low-Cuttei 21 GO -22 75 BULLS Choice 28 50 29 50, few 30 00 30 25, Good 27 00 28- 75 Utility and Commeicial 27 - 00 29 75 sevei al 1500 2000 lbs Holsteins 30 00 31 50 CALVES 300 Vealeis 1 00 300 highei. full advance on Good and Choice VEALERS Choice 54 00 57 50 fom head 59 00 60 50, Good 49 00 54 00 Standaid 45- 00 50 00 Utility 38 00 45 00 Cull 90 120 lbs 30 00 36 00 65 85 lbs 25 00 31 00 HOGS 1100 Bauows and Gilts 75-1 25 highei CLOSING SALES, ROWS AND GILTS LS 1 235 lbs 27 00 US 220 lbs 26 35-26 50 US 250 lbs 25 85-26 10 US 260 lbs 24 85-25 10 SHEEP 200 Slaughtei Lambs mostly steady. Ewes steady to 1 00 lowei SPRING LAMBS Choice 60 95 lbs 32 00-34 00, few head 50 60 lbs 34 00-35 00 WOOLED LAMBS ( 60-90 lbs 25 00 28 00 SLAUGHTER EWES lity and Good 4 00-9 00 Try A Classified It Pays SUTAN Sutan I Elective heriici^ ! | Call Us For j Custom | Application CHARLES K. NISSLEY 1 R. D. 2, Columbia, Pa. | Phone 285-5506 I t T by Stauffci MARKET NEWS REPORT Auction Only May G. 1970 l.isi Tuosda.v, Slaughter Steel s CATTLE 1304 Compared 50 ‘ 75 lowei. Cows steady to 50 .. lower. Bulls mostly steady al- Monday, Slaughter Steei s lhou{ , h severdl isoo-2450 Ih weak to 50 lower. Cows steady utility and Commcncal weie 50- to 25 lower; Bulls steady to 50 jqo highei Supply included 28 higher. p e i cent Cows and 10 pel cent Bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1075- 1275 lbs 30 75-31 85: Choice 950- 1350 lbs 29 50-3100. high-Good and low-Choice 28 50-29.60, Standard and Good 26 50-28 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Choice 700-900 lbs. 28.75- 29 50 COWS Utility and high diessing Cutter 24 00 25 10, few 25 25-25 60; Cuttei 22 85-24.50, Canner and low-Cutter 21 50-22 - 25. BULLS Choice 28 75-29 50, few 30 00-30 25, Good 27.00-28- 75, Utility and Commercial 27 - 00 29 75, several 1500-2000 lbs Holsteins 30 00-31 50 CALVES 97 Vealers 1 00 highei, instances 200 higher on Choice VEALERS Choice 54 GO -57 50, fom 59 00 60 50, Good 49 - 00 54 00, Standard 45 00-50 00 Utility 38 00-45 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 32 00 36 00. 65 85 lbs 25 00- 30 00 HOGS 208 Gilts 50-75 highei BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 215-220 lbs 26 35-26 50 US 2 3 195 250 lbs 25 85-26 10 US 3-4 250-260 lbs 24 85-25 10 BAR One lot 1- 215 2- 195- 3- 250- SHEEP 2 No market test Good Uti- May June July August September October November December February ’7l 29.82 March April Tiend Cattle aie stionger, Hogs aie steady, Potatoes aie stiongei, and Eggs aie steady AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M. FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M, FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12.30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2101 Bauows and FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thuisday, May 7,1970) New York Chicago Chicago Maine Chicago Cattle Hogs Potatoes Fr-sh Eggs 30.50 27.42 30.75 25.67 30.10 23.00-b 29.92 22 62-b b-bid n-uommal a-asked HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M, Vintage Auction May 5, 1970 CATTLE 828 Comp.ncd to SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Pnme 975 1225 lbs 30 75-31 85, ten head 32 10- 33 00, Choice 950-1300 lbs 29 75 31.35, 1300-1400 lbs 29 25-30 85, high-Good and low-Choice 28 50- 30 00; Good 27 50-29 00. Standaid and low-Good 25 00-28 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS—Few Choice 750-900 lbs. 28 00 30 00, Good 25 50-28 00 COWS—Utility and high-dieas ing Cuttei 23 50-24 75, few 24 85- 25 75, Cuttei 22 25-23 75, Canner and low-Cu tier 20 00-22.00 BULLS Choice 28 50 29 60, f°w 30 00-30 35, Good 26 35-28 85, Utility and Commencal 26 60- 29 50, ten head 1500 2450 lbs 30 25 31 75 CALVES 450 Vealeis 2 00- 3 00 highei VEALERS—Choice 53 00-55 00, L-w 56 00-57 50, Good 49 00 54 00 Slandaid 45 00-49 50, Utility 38- 00-44 50, Cull 90-120 lbs 34 00- 38 00, 65 90 lbs 31 00 34 50 CALVES RETURNED TO FARM Laige shaie 80-120 lb 37 00-47 00, few 50 00 55 50 HOGS 560—Bauows and Gilts steady to 50 highei BARROWS AND GILTS—US 1 200-235 lbs 26 50 26 60, US 1-2 190-245 lbs 26 00 26 10, US 2-3 190 255 lbs 25 50-25 85, US 3-4 240-265 lbs 24 75-25 25 SHEEP 42 Spung Lambs about steady 4.10 32.25 27.20 2.52 33.85 2.85 3.06 C \TTLE 701 Compaied to last Thuisday, Slanghtei Slecis 50-1 00 lowei. Cows fully steady. Bulls steady to 50 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS— High- Choicc and Punic 1075-1350 lbs 30 75-31 50. couple 31 75. Choice 950-1350 lbs 29 50-31 00. high- Good and low-Choice 28 50 29 75, Good 27 25-29 25. Standaid and low-Good 24 75-28 25 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 740-990 lbs 28.85-29 85 COWS—Utility and high-diess ing Cuttei 23 50-25 25, few 25 50- 25 85: Cutter 22 50-24 35, Cannei and low-Cuttei 2150-22 50 BULLS Choice 28 60-29 85, three head 30 75-3175. Good 27- 00-28 50; Utility and Commercial 27 00-29.85, few 30 00-31 60, thiee head 32 35-32 75. CALVES 260 Vealeis stiong to 2 00 highei VEALERS—Choice 53 50-56 50, few 57 00-59 00, Good 4800-53 50; Standard 44 00 49 00; Utility 39 - 00-44 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 30 00- 36 00, 65-85 lbs 28 00-32 00 SHEEP 4 No maiket test. Receipts of 117 cows, 2 bulls and 22 heifeis sold steady Fiesh Holstein 425 600, Other bleeds 265-350, Bulls 185-350, Heifeis 100 365. Receipts of 450 horses sold steady Riding hoises 110-500, Driving Horses 90-260; Mules (single) 175-285, Pony Mares 20-40; Geldings 15-30; Killers 9*' 10, Work Horses (single) 165- 355, (pairs) 425-500 Hog receipts totaled 1001, Retail 25 50-27, Heavyweights 24 25, Wholesale 25-25 75; Sows 19 22, Boars 19-20 50 Local Grain Prices 31.95 These pi Ices are made up of the average puces quoted by six participating local eedandgiain conceins It should be noted, however, that not every dealei handles each commodity. All prices aie per bushel, except for ear coin which is pei ton. The aveiage local giam prices quoted Thuisday, May 9, aie as follows 32.50 35.00 35.10 Eai Coin Snelled Com Oats Bailey Wheat '"Bid is the puce the dealer will any horn the faimei deliveied to ;he mill Offeied is the puce the lealei will sell foi at his mill. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:<10 A.M. ft For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager New Holland Auction May 7. 1970 COWS May 6, 1970 HORSES May 4, 1970 HOGS May 4, 1970 Bid’ Offered $4l 00 159 85 123 161 $37 33 144 71 104 140 CALVES May 4, 1970 Receipts totaled 78 Choice and Piime 49 50 55; Good and Low Choice 44-49; Standard 38« 43 50, Common 28-37 50. HAY May 4, 1970 Twenty-six loads of hay sold as follows- Alfalfa 43 56, Mixed 33 47, Straw 41-46, Chicago Cattle Weekly Review Compaied with last Friday, Slaughter Steel s and Heifers mostly 25 lower, Cows and Bulls steady. Receipts included 75 per cenß Slaughter Steers and near 20 pel cent Heifers with balance mostly Cows. Overall finish Slaughter Steers improved over past week with 15 per cent Prime and 74 per cent Choice, compared with 11 per cent Piime and 78 per cent Choice last week and 15 per cent Prime and 71 per cenß Choice same week last year. Average cost and weight Slau ghtei Steers estimated at 30.30 and 1195 lbs compaied with 31.- 05 and 1195 lbs last week and 32 34 and 1163 lbs last year. Heifei supply mostly high-Good to Pnme weighing 850-1100 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday, Prime 1200-1450 lbs. Yield Giade 3 and 4 31 50-32 00, two loads at 32 00, mixed high- Choice and Prime 1150 1400 lbs. 30 75-3150, Choice 950-1400 lbs. Yield Giade 2 to 4 29.75-31.00-, mixed Good and Choice 29.00- 29 75, Good 27.25-29.00, standard and low-GWdd 26.00'-27 25 ' SLAUGHTER HEIFERS High-Choice and Prime 900-1100 lbs Yield Grade. 3 and 430 25- 30 75, Choice 850-1050 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 29 50-30 25, mixed Good and Choice 28 50-29.50, Good 26.50-28 25 The Doctor's Advice In icsponse to a letter from, a 90-yeai-old man who wrote that he had been losing weight in spite of eating well, taking vita mins and exercising regularly, Di George Thosteson (Chicago Sun - Times, April 9) replied: “At your age, some loss of weight is natuial apparently n„tuie’s way of taking some of the strain off our bones and the lest of our organs as we get old ei ” He suggested a thorough phy sical and noted that “it may be just a matter of eating less and burning up moie eneigy in exer cise 01 othei activity than you think tiy increasing your Cdlone intake, cieam instead of milk, moie butter or maigarine, uchei desseits, maybe an extra snack ”