Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 09, 1970, Image 18

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    - Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 9.1970
Finds Practice Has Potential
The day may come when fom
mowers plant with an planes
and haivcst with small giam
heads on then combine-. hut
that day hasn't :niivcl \vt. says
John B.itcha, Midwest Managci
of Asgiow Seed Company As
giow. a subsidi.ny of The Up
lohn Company, expei imenud
with that coin giowing techni
que last season at its icseaich
station neai Ames
A 3' 2 acie test plot at Ames.
lowa, was planted with an ai>-
plane, using two shoit season
Asgiovv vaneties—lXL4 and an
expei imental hybi id called
H 68307 Foi companson, the
same two \aneties weie plant
ed conventionally in 30 inch
iows m the same fieh' the same
Accoidmg to J Gienton Me-
Help Us
Serve You
Don't assume we know
about youi faim oigamza
tion’s meeting To get youi
meeting on oui Faim Calen
dai. it’s safei to assume we
don’t know
i Remind us b> calling 394-
j 3047 01 626-2191 oi by wut
* mg to Lancastei Fanning 22
j E Main St Lititz, Pa 17543
| You’ll be helping us to seive
! you bettei
11 PS —lf you’ie not sine
Iyou told us alieady, we don’t
mind heating fiom you
I ,ast year Hux 4
killed more
corn rootwornis
than any other
com roqtwomi
V. liat makes Bex so special ? A lot of things,
including effective season long control. Just a
single application of Bl\ at planting time keeps
corn standing tall right up to harvest. Besides that
Bl \ offers seveial ’ extras Extras no other root
w oim insecticide can give > on.
• It resists leaching in rain) weather.
• It's lowei in toxicitj. You don't need special
clothing or equipment. Just follow what it sajs on
the label.
• Corn treated w Ith Bex can be fed to livestock,
• It won’t bridge over in applicator hoppers
or clog equipment.
• It doesn’t have an objec
tionable odor like other
So treat your corn to Bex.
Before rootworms treat them
selves to jour corn.
Helping the \tarld Grow Better^
Kee. Manager of the icseaich
station, the varieties were so
lected because of thn excellent
yield and standabihty undei
high population conditions
Minnesota malinity lalings of
the hybrids aie 105 days foi
IXL4 and 85 days foi H 68307
Soil prepaiation of the plot
for the aerial planting expei i
ment was about the same as
for conventional planting The
pilot who did the planting, Bob
Shuei. flew 15 to 20 feet abo>e
the field at 80 to 85 mph, covei
mg a swath 70 to 80 feet wide at
each pass He estimated that he
bioadcast about a bushel of
corn eveiy nine seconds
A cultivator with spnng
tooth attachment was used to
covei the seed after it was
sown Good weed conti ol waa
obtained with a bioadcast ap
plication of foui pounds of
Atiex plus one gallon of oil
| “Two pioblems with the
i aeual seeded coin soon became
, appaient’’ icpoited McKee,
I “uneven emeigence, piobably
1 due to ditfeiences in seed
depth, and uneven plant dis-
I tnbution Laige aieas had no
plants while othei aieas had
! populations as high as 70,000
1 plants pei acie We weie tiying
foi a final population of about
35 000 pei aci e with H 68307
and 30,000 with IXL4
' When the plots weie haivest
ed in mid-Novembei the aeual
seeded H 63307 vielded 77 6
, bushels pei acie at 16 43 pei
i cent moistuie while the same
vai lety in 30 inch rows yielded
82 8 bushels at 15 6 per cent
The IXL4 yielded 76 6 bushels
pei acre at 18 34 per cent mois
tme in the aeual seeding and
Phone Lane. 397-3539
Plants by Plane
134 2 bushels at 17 9 per cent in
30-inch lows
"We feel the pumaiy icason
for the lower yields m the
aenal-sccded plots was the un
even distiibulion,” states Mc-
Kee, “which resulted in b.inen
plants as well as baie spots in
the field. In the aiea dneetly
beneath where the plane flew,
the stand was veiy thin Popula
tion at the outer edges of each
swath was veiy high At one
end of the field, wheie the pilot
had to fly highei than 20 feet
because of low of trees, the dis
tnbution was moie unifoim
That leads us to believe a moie
unifoim distnbution might
have been obtained if the coin
had been seeded fiom a highei
altitude ”
One of the things Asgiow
wanted to find out was whethei
an aenal seeded com ciop could
be harvestei successfully with
a conventional small grain head
MODERN power for the man who’s moving up
That’s the purpose behind the Alhs-Chalmers One-Seventy
and One-Eighty tractors. The Tractor People at Alhs-Chalmers
realize that agriculture is changing fast Farms are growing larger, and farmers need
more power to cover more acres per day.
And with this increased demand for more power is coming the demand for better
performance. That’s what led to combining power and performance in these two
medium-powered tractors. Both are loaded with XT features to help you do every
tractor job faster and easier.
The 3-plow One-Seventy, and the 4-plow One-Eighty ... two great new reasons why
Going Orange is Going Great. Try one and see for yourself.
L. H. Brubaker
Lancaster, Pa.
\Nissley Form Service N G Mvers & Son
Washington Boro. Pa. N * *
Roy H. Buch, Inc.
Ephrata, R.D. 2
We cxpci imenlcd with both a
John Deeie combine and a Mas
sey-Feiguson combine with a
‘Hume’ i eel,” says McKee
“Field losses wcic low with
both machines, aiound thiee to
four bushels per acie, but due
to the huge amount of stalk
and plant that had to be taken,
giound speed was cut in half
fiom noimal row haivesting"
Is theie a futuie for aerial
seeding of corn'' McKee sees
seveial potential benefits in the
piactice “Fust, there’s saving
of time and laboi,” he explains
“One man could plant several
bundled acies a day with a
“Second, theie’s timelines*-
Studies have shown a poten
tial loss of about one bushel
pei acie per day foi eveiy
planting day delated aftei May
10 in this aiea
“If a cool, wet spring threat
ened to seuously delay plant
mg, Turners might be able to
picpaic the ground for aerial
seeding with a shallow tillage
opei.ition when it couldn’t be
picpaicd for conventional
planting And the yield might
be gi eater than the yield from
a conventional planting made
two or thiee weeks later.
Thud, ther’s a possible sav
ing of time and equipment ex
pense by using a standard grain
head for harvesting corn. A
faimer could move from har
vesting grain or soybrans to
harvesting coin without chang
ing the head on his combine,
and he wouldn’t have to invest
in a com head
“I wouldn’t advise any one
to msh light out and trade his
plantei for an an plane,” Mc-
Kee concludes, “but Asgiow in
tends to continue icsearch on
aerial seeding The potential
benefits of time, labor and cost
savings aie enormous”
Grumelli Farm Servic*
Quarryville, Pa,
L. H. Brubaker
Lititz, Pa.