Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 09, 1970, Image 1

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    VOL 15 NO. 24
Grassland Soph
Captures Trophy
On Mai 5, the Lancaster, York
!c Ch< ':er County Daily Pro
duels ' ontest was held at Penn
suprec.* Dames
Barry Martin, a sophomoi e
fiom *> assland FFA Chaptei,
Garde:* Spot High School placed
fiist of approximately 45
Barry was ptesented a first
place r.obon and trophy sponsor
ed by the Pennsupieme Dairy
Bain along with five othei
boys from the aiea, will partici
pate in. the Dauy Products Con,
test a*' Penn State University
this summer
Nefecn Martin, Grassland
Chapter repoitei said the contes
tants j-dged off-flavors in vai
ious imik samples, disci epancies
in milking equipment, and sedi
ment cLsks The other five plac
ings Wf -e as follows
Larry Myer, second. Solanco,
Call D Kieider, thud, Solanco,
Marlin Smokei, foui th, Ephrata,
Bill Landis, fifth, Penn Manoi,
and Martin Good, sixth, New
4-H to Present Comedy
“Weddin”’ May 15-16
Lancaster County 4-H Clubs
will pn-ent a tluee act comedy,
“Headir' foi a Weddin’,” at 8
pm’ and Satuiday,’May
13 and 16 at Conestoga Valley
High School
The pav is held annually to
finance me county’s exchange
piogra" This summei, county
4-H Ci o membeis will visit
Banor, County Wisconsin and
host a o*- legation fiom Plymouth
County lowa
The Imd ides aie poitiayed
by Ray Biubakei 206 Rohiers
tovyn Et. Lancaster and Donna
Hess. SLasburg, RDI Ray is cast
as Heart! Hollowbone, the hill
billy h f io who falls in love with
Donna, :ne debutante
The comedy is under the dnec
tion of Tnomas Quinn, Hempfield
High School English teacher
Others in the cast include
Diane E ckwalter, Jesse Balmei,
Audiey Yungingei, Sue Buck-
Farm Calendar
Saturday, May 9
10 00 ax: - 6 00 p m —‘A Gi eeh
Th .mb Thing’, St Thomas’
Ilfjscopal Chinch, off Rt
I*2 North
>londay, May 11
7 30 j m.—Ayi shire, Jersey, &
jfc’cwn Swiss 4-H Club,
W Biam Aaion’s home,
ff-.anyville RDI
800 p ~'i Grassland FFA
Fne Safety meet
ing, Blue Ball Fne Hall
■[Tuesday, May 12
9 30-21 30 am Pattein Alter
aDvn Woikshops, Beiwyn
Rt „ Ci oss Bldg , Chestei
6 15 j -r —“Sew Smait”, Chan
nel 33
6 30 s c-—Faim Women Socie
ty 12. Mothei-Daughter ban
(-Ctn'mued on Page 3)
Barry Martin
waltei, Cindy Smith, Eddie Hess,
Ida Mae Reiff, Phil Bixler, Dar
lene Neff, Joanne Rohier, Bob
Zimmerman, Nancy Yunginger
and Kaien High
In 4-H play rehearsal,
Widow Blairhouse (Darlene
Neff) pulls Homer (Ray
Brubaker) from her son
Shm (Bob Zimmerman) af
ter the two got into a light
over —what else but a girl?
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 9, 1970
Smith Cautions Farmers to Use
Proper Practices With No-Till
By Max Smith
County Agricultural Agent
The no-till method ot com
planting is defined as planting
coin seed in an untilled seed
bed No primary tillage such as
plowing 01 discing is done to
the field
This method of planting com
is new to most Pennsylvania
farmeis and is being discussed
by many corn glowers this
spring The pm pose of this
aiticle is to point out some of
the practices recommended if
a corn giowei has decided to
intioduce this kind of com
glowing this yeai
Some soils may not be suit
able to no-till planting and
many local coin gioweis need
time to evaluate this planting
method before total acceptance
type of com planting re
qunes a fluted coulter no-till
planter which has a heavy, well
constructed frame, the coulteis
are 17 inches in diameter and
weigh 70 to 80 pounds each
These fluted coulteis till a nar
row slot in the soil about two
to four inches wde, in which the
disk openers plant the seed
If the soil is too wet, this slot
may remain open after the coi n
is planted, inviting pheasant
Judy Longenecker to Visit Britain
For Six Months as IF YE Delegate
Judy Longeneckei, 24, of Har
mony Ridge Dave, Diumoie
RDI, will tiavel to the United
Kingdom for six months under
the Intel national Paim Youth
Exchange Piogram (IFYE)
An oiganizational leadei of the
Diumoie 4-H Home Economics
Club, Miss Longeneckei is em
ployed as a tellei at the Fulton
National Bank in Lancastei The
bank has gi anted her a leave of
absense foi the tap abioad
A giaduate of Solanco High
School, she was active in both
the agncultural and home econo
lines phases of 4-H
The Lancastei County IFYE
Committee is in the piocess of
laising $1,200 to sponsoi the
tup to Butam in June
Lancaster County has sent sev
en young people abioad as IFYE
delegates since 1951
Purpose of the progiam is to
piomote people to people undei
standing among nations Many
countues also send young people
to the U S undei the piogiam
She is the daughtei of Mi and
Mis Aithur W Longeneckei
The Longeneckers recently le
ceived a plaque “foi conti ibul
ing to woild undei standing and
youth development thiough 4-H
International piogiams” The
awaid of appicciation was pie
sented by the Coopeiative Ex
tension Service and the National
4-H Club Foundation because the
Longeneckers were a host family
Max Smith
and other bird damage; this
open condition may also result
m reduced stands due to poor
or uneven germination The
slot will remain open in wet
soils, despite the action of the
ribbed pi ess wheel which fol
lows the seed opener
It is important that soil mois
tine and soil texture conditions
allow to fall back into the slot
foi Miss Maua Gaicia of Las
Palmas, Spain last summei
While in Butam, Miss Longe
neckei will wute letteis home to
infoi m people about her life
Judy Longenccker, IFYE delegate to Britain, and Jay
Irwin, associate county agent who is helping coordinate
the trip, show the citation the Longenecker family received
recently for hosting a Spanish visitor last year.
52.00 Per Ycar
allow soil to fall back into the
slot betoie the passage of the
pi ess wheel
Cold, wet soils are not suit
able for the no-till method be
cause of the danger of pool'
coverage of the seed, the most
favoiable soils aie those that
respond favoiably to conven
tional methods of tillage, and
those that should not be tilled
because of soil eiosion Soils
should have at least 6 to 10
inches of good topsoil for best
pi oduction
By not plowing down the
trash 01 mulch on top of the
giound, this organic material
helps to deciease soil erosion
and helps to conseive soil mois
No-till planting includes kill
ing oi subduing sod or vegeta
tion with a herbicide that also
prevents the giowth of weeds;
corn may be planted in a killed
sod or following a row crop.
Adequate chemical weed con
trol is essential to the success
of the no till method
The recommended contact
heibicide is to use one to two
quaits of Paraquat per acre to
kill all weeds on the ground,
along with two to five pounds
(Continued on Page 10)
theie (Lancastei Fanning plans
to cany these letteis )
An IFYE biochure explains
that “IFYE begins in the minds
(Continued on Page 8)