—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 2.1970 28 Larry Weaver backs a spreader into the stall during the 1970 Garden Spot Young Farmer tractor contest. Weaver Wins Safe Tractor Contest Lany R Weavei New Holland wele ell S‘hle to compete RDI was winnei of the Gaiden The contest consisted of safe Spot Young Faimeis Safe Tiac- p opeiating a Uactoi thiough to. Opeiation Contest lecentlj Vlllloll3 rnanuveis and obstacles ct Gaiden Spot High School Sconng was based on conect Runnei-ups weie John C piestaiting and staitmg pio .Cc-mpbell, Box 56, New Holland, ceduies, as well as spotting the fcnd Mai\in Zimmeim«n, tiactoi to vauous implements, RDI \dult faimeis emoll- backing a into •ed in the Young Faimci pio- a stall with a three inch cleai- ance on each side, dining with the spieader thiough an obstacle couise, backing a foui-wheeled wagon into a stall with a nat iow deal ance and having it centered Weavei scoied the least pend tj points and was declaied the vvinnei mmurmDSfi / Command Parformanco New Van Dale “1230 Series II” Silo Unloader Customer- Certified to outperform, outlast any make its size. You’re in command. Push the the new Van Dale "1230 Senei U nloader go into action—give yoi output, feed more head—withoi booster or added electricity. Our say so? No, our customers testify the "1230 Series II” is better three ways: 1. handles meaner haylage 2. throws out of larger silo 3. unloads on lower current draw So, demand Command Perform■ TRY A CLASSIFIED A with a powerful new REMINGTON PLS $ 214.95 s 3soff lowest price ever on the professional PL-5 179 CEHMAN BROS SALES & SERVICE , Phone 445-6272 1 Mi. N. of Terre Hill on Rt. 897 East Earl R I EXTRA THROW ROWER DOUILE V AUGERS WITH 3/lt' FLIGHTING chainsaw NOW, for March and April ONLY 4