L.iiu iMit Farming. Saturday. Mh.v 2. 1070 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review Auction Only Vpiil 30, 1970 CVI'ILE 3300 Complied to l.,st weeks close. Slaughtei Steel s sleadv to 25 lowei, Cows strong toSOhmhei Bulls mostly steady. Feedei Steel s slow Supply in cluded .in estimated 60 pei cent Siaughtoi Steels 20 per cent Cows and Bulls with the balance mainlv Feeder Steers SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Fume 1100-1250 lbs 31 85 32 50. mound 3 loads on Mondav 33 00. Choice 950- 1350 lbs 30 25-32 10, 1350-1450 lbs 29 85 30 75 high-Good and low Choice 29 35-30 50. Good 27 - 75 29 60 Slandaid and low-Good 27 50-28 60 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Choice 800-950 lbs 28 85- 30 25 COWS—Utilitv and high-diess ing Cuttei 23 75-25 35. a few 25- 35-25 60 Cuttei 22 50 24 50 Can net and low Cuttei 21 00-23 00 BULLS Choice 28 00-30 00, few head 30 00 30 75 Good 26 50- 28 50 Utility and Commeicial 26 50 29 50 few head 29 50 29 85 C VLVES 300 Veaieis most ]' steady \ E AUERS Choice 50 50-54 - 00 tew head 54 50-57 00 Good 47 00 51 00 Standai d 43 00 48 00 Utility 35 00-44 00 Cull 90-120 lbs 30 00-34 00. 65-85 lbs 27 GO -33 00 HOGS 350 Bauaws and Gilts 25 50 highei Sows scaice CLOSING SALES. BARROWS AND GILTS One lot US 1 230 lbs 26 75. US 1-3 200-250 lbs 25 10 25 60 SHEEP 200 Spiing Lambs -■Jiostly steady small supply Wooled Lambs. Ewes fully stea dy SPRING LAMBS—Choice 60- 90 lbs 32 00-34 00, few head 50- 60 lbs 34 00 37 00 WOOLED LAMBS—Good 60- 90 lbs 25 00-28 00 SLAUGHTER EWES—Uuhu ai.d Good 5 00-10 00 Local Grain Prices Ma - V These puces aie made up of June the aveiage puces quoted by six pai tiupatmg local eed and giam concems It should be noted, howevei, that not eveiy dealei handles each commodity All puces aie pei bushel, except foi eai coin which is pei ton The aveiage local giam puces quoted Thiusdav, Apul 30 1970 die as follows Bid Offered $3B 67 $42 50 1 45 1 58 70 83 1 03 1 21 1 42 1 63 Eai Coin Shelled Coin Oats Bui lev Wht.it