Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 02, 1970, Image 18

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    if! Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 2. 1070
Persons Getting Food Stamps Climbs
32 Per Cent in 2 Months to 5 Million
Scciolaiy of Agnuiltuie Cltf
foul M Il.udm todav icpoilcd
(hat a total of about 9 million
not’dv poisons woic aided bv
USDA’s family food assistance
piogiams m Mai oh
This is a pielimmaiy estimate
fiom USDA’s Food and Nutn
lion Set vice Piecise figures
will be at.nlable later
Societal y Haidm said the
month’s big gain was in pai
ticipation in the Food Stamp
Piogiam. which has been signi
ficanllv nnpioved in leccnt
months so that low-income
families pay less and get moie
What's New?
Subirrigation Tested
Iloig-Wnnei Coipoiation is
a'it maikctuig a now poious
pi-ispc subn i igation tubing call
tci Miuo-Poi Good lesults have
1 Ken icpoued witn c* L ius iieos
"Uawbeuies coin potatoes and
j. '‘ses
The finn savs savs the unde’
onnd inigat’on leaves the soil
u face cli' shaimv leduuna
v.alei loss fiom uriofT and eva
relation as v ell as peicol.dion
.ne cliv sin face also mhio'ts
>..eed giovvth fungi's and in
Betlei aie leooited pos-
ible because vvatu and nutn
outs aie deliveiecl duectlv and
c.uicklj to the loots at the pic
cise stage of the gi owing cycle
vhen they aie needed most
■|Se!ec'ive Heroicide ■
lets your
com .
grow free
Youi corn grows free rom all nr, aor grasses a no' weeds Free
from the grcrvih st r ess t-s 1 - eess cause Free to develoo strong,
vgorous roots that reach ccor is mom use of soil
nutrients ana mosture Free me ' r a cji ''ahons, possible
root damage ana tree ct trasnv i a‘ rar/est time
This season, use oepercable economical Sutan plus atrazme
on all your corn acreage Slop the toughest grasses and weeds
nutgrass, wild cane, to<tails, fall pameum, Johnsongrass seed
lings craograss annual mormnggiory, lanosquarters, pigweed,
ragweed nightshade and othe r s that loweryour
prof.ts Mix Sutan plus atrazme in the soil as
fSUMSa i you prepare your seedoed There’s no need to
■MUSS I depend on unpredictable rainfall to move the
1 herbicide into the weed seed zone Sutan and
vijtail atrazme will be waiting to control weeds as
they sprout Used as directed, Sutan controls
Se uctive hehiic |!1 weeds without leaving harmful residues in the
j soil Free yourself from work and worry., see
us today for your supply of Sutan.
USS Agri-Chemicals Dealers
A. K. MELLINGER - Akron. Pa.
SPREAD EAGLE FARMS - Klmgerstown, Pa
RAYMOND NOLT New- Holland, Pa
JOHN MUSSER Quanyulle, Pa
ROSS H ROHRER Quarry \illc, Pa
P. L. ROHRER Smoketown. Pa
Pai ticipation in this piogiam
climbed to a recoid high 5
million pci sons in March up
16 per cent from the 4 3 mil
lion poisons taking part dm
mg Febmary, and up 32 pci
cent from the 3 8 million poi
sons paiticipating in Januaiy.
Payments of “bonus” coupons
to paiticipating families climb
ed to appioximately $7O million
foi the month up 37 peicent
fiom the $5l million in Feb:u
aiy, and up 160 percent fiom
the $26 9 million in bonus
stamps a month eailier P.nti
cipatmg families pay in appio
ximatcly the same amount they
would usually spend foi food
Then they aie given bonus food
coupons to bung then tot il
food buying powci up to the
level of USDA’s “economy
diet" (See USDA pioss ickvsc
3872 69 of Decembei 18, 19M )
Paiticipation in USD V s
othei family feeding piogiam
the Commodity Disliibution
Piogiam totaled 4 0 million
neeciv poisons in Fcbuuuv
Paiticipation in Match is e\
poctecl to be appio\imatcly the
These icsuits aie sign'll
cant, Secietaiv Ilai dm .said,
“and I am gialiiied that inoi e
people in need of food aie ac
tually getting the loot! I apm e
ciate the long and haid voik
that has made it possible fc
these additional people to p. i -
tiupate vvoik both bv
USDA’s staff, heie and in the
field and especially by our co
opciators In the Stales, conn
lies, and local governments
“But. significant as those 10
suits are.” the Secretary said,
"we still have much nioie woik
to do President Nixon has giv
en all of us a commitment to
‘wipe out hunger in Amenca,’
and we need to continue to push
vigorously foiwaid until hungc
is indeed wiped out ”
Sccretaiy Hat dm gave these
detailed lepoits on some mdi
vidual food stamp aieas in d>f
feient paits of the countiv
In Cook County. 111. bonus
coupons issued to participant*-
in Minch mote than tnpled the
amount issued in Febiuaty
neatly $2 million wotth, again.-.*
$647,211 wotth
In Shelbv Countv, Tenn the
value of bonus coupons issued
to pailicipants lose to 5420 043
in Match, against 5306 147 in
In Oilcans Palish La, .hr
value of bonus coupons issued
lose to $1 003,105 in Ma'di,
against $B4O 628 in Febmaiv
Pai ticipation in the Fool
Stamp Piogiam he said, also
inci eased significantly in all
thiee of these aieas
M spisiiia!irsis?g_ p
9" 'W
The world’s finest systemoted equipment is at
your Big Dutchman distributor now.
215 Diller Ave., New Holland, Pa 17557
m _ faelcUivo IlcrUicido
lets your
corn .
grow free
Your corn grows free from many grassy weeds. Free from the
growth stress weeds cause. Free from their competition for soil
nutrients and moistuie needed to let your hybrids reach full
bred-m yield potential. Free from extra cultivations, possible root
damage and free from weedy fields that slow your harvest.
This season, use dependaole, economical Sutan on your
corn acreage., .stop the toughest grasses. Your corn grows free
from the competition of nutgrass, crabgrass,
fall pamcum, fo (tails, Johnsongrass seed-
I mgs, goosegrass, shattercane and others
fgpißßll that reduce your yields. Liquid Sutan is easy
EM to handle and apply Mix Sutan in the soil as
•BSS3P you make your seedbed There’s no need to
depend on unpredictable rainfall to move
the herbicide into the weed seed zone.
1 Su’an will be waiting to control weeds as
I hitcuvE - sprout Used at recommended rates,
I IS. _n controls weeds without leaving harm
v I fu l residues in the soil Free yourself from
work and wony see us now for Sutan.
Stevens Feed Mill
Stevens Leola >
I company 733-2153 656-7630 !
CHAIM-SVIATIC FEEDER ... the reliable poultry
feeder—combines the best features
of pan feeding with chain and trough
delivery Fast, efficient and uniform
dislnouLion of feed keeps all pans
level filled Never any binding
or grinding of feed.
>? A 4 ,i. s SiA^
v v v> j
* *
> v
A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc
Our unique deep contour pan design
reduces feed costs by keeping
feed down, away from the nm,
to prevent spillage Only
Cham 0 Matic pan suspension
features strong bails
that permit easy assembly, easy
feed flow adjustment and easy
Cham 0 Matic—another
labor saving “Systemated” product
from Big Dutchman.
Phone 354-5168