Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 02, 1970, Image 1

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    VOL. 15 NO 23
Paid E. Hand, Inter-State secretary, explains the proposed new Middle Atlantic Milk Marketing Order to about 75 farmers at the Farm and
Home Tenter Monday evening.
Inter-State Urges New Milk Order
About 70 area farmers attend
ed an Imer-State Milk Produc
er Co-verative meeting Mon
day ilight at the Farm and
Home Tenter on the proposed
new Miadle Atlantic Milk Mar
keting Older
Siftilla; meetings were held
Tuesday at Solanco and Thurs
day at Cap
At tin Monday meeting, Paul
Sheep Producers Urged
To Self New Handbook
A““Slipu i p Handbook” on vai
ions asp* 's of sheep pioduction
is available foi $2 fiom Penn
‘ - We (a* the county extension
office) strongly lecommend pur
chase oi this handbook foi man
agement and planning purpos
es,” Ma’i Smith, county agent,
Pieparen by the Penn State
animal science stall, the hand
book can be obtained from Ag
uculture Mailing Room, 110
Suviee Building Univeisity
Paik, Pa 16802
The harm nook has major sec
tions on sheep management,
economic., and potential; nutri
tion and feeding, foi age produc
tion, housing; health, and
lamh and sool maiketmg
Smith noted that Penn State
has had s.milai handbooks on
swine and poultij foi the past
veai and he also leeommended
these hanuoooks as a manage
ment toe ioi faimeis
Swme Producers Elect
NesfHieroth President
Mark ’-estleioth was elected
piesldent oi the Lancastei Coun
tv Swim- F-oduceis Association
at a meeting Thmsdav night
John fi nksl was elected vice
piesident and Jim Hoi ton, sec
The foi the coming
vear are Robert A Mai tin, Earl
S Ffshcr Melvin Hubei, Roy
Mentzer, Robeit Aimstrong,
Warren leinmgei and Donald
E Hand, Inter-State secretaiy,
strongly urged area farmers to
vote favorably on the new 01 dei
when, ballots are received by
mail, probably in late June
The new order would replace
present Orders 3, 4 and 16
However, if the new' Middle At
lantic ordei is voted down
"theie will be no blend mai
ket,” Hand said
“That’s chaos,” one faimei
said, but most of those piesert
did not comment on the pio
posal Many questions weie
asked, however
Hand said the new order re
sulted fiom changes in the old
marketing areas He singled out
two key changes expansion of
A&P plant distubution, and
closing of the Sealtest plant in
Washington, D C “These mean
changes and shifts in utilization
(of milk),” Hand said
To be enacted, the new order
requires a two-thirds favorable
vote “It takes two positive
votes to overcome each nega
tive vote,” Hand noted
He also said that in the last
such referendum only about 30
pei cent of eligible farmers
voted Indifference is a big fac
tor, particularly where there’s a
two-thirds majority, he noted.
Daniel L. Mania
Lancaster Farming. Saturcia\. Ma\ 2. 1970
Paul E. Hand
in urging farmers to vote foi
the proposal
A key provision of the new
Older is that “the base can't be
sold ” If there’s a continuing
farm operation, howevei, the
base can be transferred, such as
from father to son.
Hand said this provision will
rule out producers or dairymen
Horn other areas, such as New
Yoik, coming into this area.
Lancaster Man Named
Outstanding Ag Student
Enc R Stonei son of Mi
and Mis H Rajmond Stonei
1051 Eden Road, Lancaster, was
honoied by the Agucultuial
Alumni Association with the
Penn State College ol Agncul
tuie’s Outstanding Student of
the >eai 1970 awaid
Stoner is a senior majoring in
agionomj He received the
ai\aid foi outstanding qualifes
of leadeislnp, scholaiship and
cnai acter
Association dneetois elected
to foiu-jeai teims aie Robeit
K Hamilton Ambndge Pen
.ose Hallowell, Ottsville. C Lee
Bamberger Pittsburg, and
■Ralph M. Horst, Lebanon.
establishing a base, then selling
Such base sales mci eases cut
down on income for all the
faimers in the order. Hand in
dicated He said one purpose of
the new plan is to increase the
proportion of higher pi iced
Class I milk sales and therefoie
increase the overall income to
the fanner
In a piepaied statement to
the danymen, Hand also said.
“This plan was proposed to
meet the challenge of the fall
mg Class I utilization in the
“A significant pait of this de
dine has been caused by trans
fers of unneeded milk into the
Middle Atlantic i egion from the
New York market
“In addition, this plan will
reward those producers who
have level annual production
and who plan their expansion
in the fall months
“It is estimated that the base
price will exceed a market
blend price by over 15 cents per
hundredweight This is the im
mediate reward of the program
to fall producers and level an
nual producers
“This program will be voted
on by an individual producer
referendum If the plan does
not receive a two-thirds favor
able vote of those voting, we
will have a wide open maiket
wide pool Be sine to vote and
we lecommend a favorable
“If you have not already at
tended one of the educational
meetings on this program tn
to attend one in a neighboring
district If you have anv ques
turns, direct them to Dr Paul
E Hand at the Inter State Of
fice ”
In summanzing reasons foi
the new older. Hand said. “A
dany farmer can increase Ins
base the Class I percentage
will increase, it stops the mar
ket ‘inners’ and ‘outers’ and if
voted ‘out’, a marketwide blend
pi ice will result ”
Inter-State, Maryland Co
52.00 Per Year
operative Milk Producers ani
Maryland and Vugmia Milk
Pi oducers Association are mem
bers of the Pennmarva DaiJir*-
men’s Cooperative Federation
since it fedeiated July 1, 1968.
Pennmaiva has moie than 5,00#
(Continued on Page 5)
Late Bailots
Reported Good
Aiea Holstein Association
membeis haie been adused to
go ahead and mail right away
ballots icceived this week for
election of dnectois to the Na
tional Holstein Association Con
vention in Boston in late June.
Although the ballots were
mailed in March, the mail bag
with the ballots loi Pennsyl
vania was lost during the mad
stuke and the ballots are jusS
being delneied this week
It the ballots aie marked and
sent right away, they will be
honored, Robeit C Groff, Quar
lyville RD3, Lancaster County
Holstein Association news re
poiter, said Thuisday evemng.
Groft noted that the ballots
call tor selection of 32 delegates
fiom among 82 names statewide,
including 22 names fiom Laa
ccstei County
Farm Calendar
Saturday, May 2
Lanchester Pon\ Club Hess
Show John Gibson tain%
Monday, May 4
730 p m Elm Penryn 4-Et
Club, Pemyn Fne Hall
8 00 pm —Daii> Piincess Con
test committee meeting.
Faun and Home Center.
Tuesday, May 5
9 30 -11 30 a m —Pattern alter.
aaon \v orkshop Berw yn Red
Cross Building Chester Co.
(Continued on Page 7}