Eastern Milk (Continued rrom Page 1) year, Iherc was an increase in production of 190 million pounds, but class one (highest return for farmers) consump tion went down 40 million pounds, he said This meant an additional 230 million pounds went to the manufacturer foi processing into other pioducts. but the margin of piofit is so low on these pioducts, manu facturers don’t want to take this extia milk. Yoik noted that the pioblems of over supply of milk national Penn State Dairy Club The Penn State Dauy Science Club is preparing to climax an active year by staging its 45th Annual Dairy Exposition Apul 27 through May 9. The Exposi tion features contests from milk "chugging” to dairy cattle judg ing. Borland Laboratoiy will be the scene of an ice cream sculp turing contest from April 27 through May 8. Winning entries will be on display in the Uni versity Creamery. On the evening of April 29, the dairy products judging and milk “chugging” contests will be held In Borland Laboratory, starting at 7:30 p.m. Highlight ing the event will be the selec tion of the new Dairy Princess. The University Dairy Barns become the center of activity on * ' •'** yg&Vi -'> Increase Your Yields by Getting the broadest possible annual grass (foxtail, panicum and crabgrass) and broadleaf weed con trol. - ' ~ n! i i. ( Use this combination as a-tank mix in water,ar fertilizer.solution., Pre-Emergence or pre-plant incorporated. See Your Niagara Chemical Dealer or call The Niagara Chemical Warehouse ly primarily involve the North east and the pioblcm particu larly involves "a serious sur plus of butterfat ” The butterfat suiplus stems partly fiom too big a supply, but also from impoits and skim mmg of buttei fat off whole milk. Milk pioduction runs in cvcl es. We’ie now at the beginning of the “spi mg (lush” and the peak of pioduction is icached in the last week of Mav and the low point is in iNovcmbn The piesent ovci supply be gan about seven months ago Prepares for 45th Expo May 2 as 4 II and FFA mcmbeis fiom all ovei Pennsylvania, as well as University students, take pait in a dauy cattle judg mg contest This event begins at 12 30 p m The Exposition will be cli maxed with a dairy cattle fit ting and showing contest held at the Dairy Barns on May 9, starting at 8.10 a m. In conjunc tion with this event raffles will be held for a purebred dairy calf and dairy products. Finals will be held at noon in the an nual calf-dressing contest. Exposition wmneis will re ceive their prizes at an awards banquet to be held in the Hetzel Union Building on campus, May 9. The banquet starts at 6:45 p.m. NOW •y * For Details APPROVED BY USDA Coop Holds Banquet 'M' S " *S»w Key figures at the recent Eastern dent, Robert Martin, local piesident and Milk Producers meeting at Blue Ball were John York, Eastern general manager. Irom left: Freeburn Love, Eastern presi- and Yoik thinks it will last a year or two “Cycles in milk run about seven yeais,” he said Asked if the milk industry Call Us Now Our main numbei here at Lancaster Farming is 394 3047, but Akron, Ephrata and Manheim advertisers and subscribers can avoid a toll call by calling us at 626-2191 and asking for Lancaster Farming. might be making a mistake insumeis to be leluctant to con emphasizing high buttcifat pio- same butleifat milk duction in light of the ovei sup ply, York said theie is no evi dence of haimful effects of but- termilk and most doctors have a limited knowledge of dieti- txcs, but they have caused con- A % ffyffman EDSj Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 25.1970 -9 On the other hand, iemo\al of butleifat fiom milk takes away its taste and quality, and milk sales diop The milk in dustry is “on the horns ot a di lemma,” he said. A.H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. Located in the Heart of Lancaster County LANDISVILLE. PENNSYLVANIA 17538