State Federation Warns Poultymen Pennsylvania poultry faim eis had an income of §160,634,- 000 in 1969, an inciease of 18 per_ cent ovei 1968 Pennsyl vania ranks fifth nationally on cash income on cgg», accoiding to the Pennsylvania Poulliy Federation The USDA lepoitecl icplacc muit clucks foi eg’ pioduction continues well abo\e a yeai ago Month of Febiuaiy was up 17 per cent and Maich, 14 pe: Call Us Now To serve the Lancaster County farm community bet ter, we maintain two phone numbers. Our mam number is 394-3047. But oui subscrib ers and advertiseis can also reach us through 626 2191 (ask for Lancaster Farming) and avoid a toll call fiom the Akron, Ephrata and Man faeim exchanges. Tobacco andßalari go hand in hand. Goodbye weeds and grasses. / f l' *' if n ,1/ W ] « 'i cent The West Noilh Central aiea was at 36 pel cent South Atlantic, 22 pei cent, West, 14 pci cent: Xoith Ccntial, 12 per cent. South Cential 11 pei cent, and Noilh Atlantic. 9 pei cent Placement of bioilei caick* in Pennsvlvama aie up 21 pei cent, while the placements in the 22 m ijoi bioilei pioduung states aie up 10 pei cent Cm lent sellings aie uinnmg nine pci cent above a yeai ago rideis thiough age 21 will be on The above figuies indicate the piogiam Classes will stait that we may be heading foi a at 9a m. big “bust” in both egg and bioilei prices United Egg Pio new a ddition to this >eai s duceis aie quite concerned schedule will be special Ponv about the heavy placements of Club Masses for Pony Club leplacement layeis and quoted members fiom Pennsylvania below is a telegram leceived a M a iyland. Delaw aie. and New few days ago Jeisey “Uigent, Drastic Egg Puce Drop Expected Paying puces old hens have little chance of foi breaking stock disasterously returning any fuither pi of it low Immediate Removal of with the egg puces in piospect layers that have, been pioduc- A delay in chick orders 01 can mg lOV2 months 01 longei cu- cellation will help bring future tically urgent to supplement egg supply m balance with de egg removal program These mand ” Tobacco grower acceptance of Balan is moving mighty fast for a crop that’s been cared for by hand for centuries. But Balan is taking over. Stopping 20 weeds and grasses as they germinate. For months, too. Cultivations have been dropping to 1 or 2 at most. Balan is the most economical weed control insurance you can buy today. Let Balan work for you. Talk about it with your dealer or ask any Balan user. IHe’ll tell you. When you hear it from Elanco, Lanchester Pony Club Show Scheduled May 2 The foui th annual Lanchester Pony Club horse show will be held next Satuulay (May 2) at Pony Club Hcadquarteis at the John Gibson faim at Diumoie Pa Diicctional signs to the show giounds ovei looking the Susquehanna Rivei will be post ed fiom Route 272 near Wake field Spectatois aie welcome and theie is no chaige foi admission to the show giounds Lunch will be available on the giounds with lice coffee seivcd until 10 a in Thntv-foui classes foi junioi (B*I«n»-b«n«fki, Ej«nco> Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 25.1970-5 Time to Check-Up On the Woolly Bear Want to check up on the wool and piecipitalion in Pennsyl Iv beai and the almanac’ vania weathei iccoids If so, iccall the fo> coasts and conipaic with the ic-ailts of the past haish wintci ..s compiled by the Pennsylvania Chop Re polling St" vice m coope..uion with vaiious olhei state and ftdcial gioiip>. including the Weathei Biiieau Tempeiatuic this pa 1 1 wintei season avciaged fotn degioes below noimal while the total watei equivalent of precipita tion was neai noimal The sub-noimal tempeiatui es in Match marked the 12th consecutive month of below noimal leadings in Pcnnsylvan la Snowfall totals exceeded 100 inches at many highei elec tions in nothein locales This winters total went down as the greatest or second gieatest on record at a majority of the cli matological sub stations scat tered over the State November temperatures weie two degrees below normal with most of the snowfall confined to the western half of the State The big news in Decembei was the white Chustmas exper ienced by almost all of Penn sylvania A series of snow storms started December 22 and by the 27th snow depths were six inches in lessei affected areas in the extieme west, 20 inches in central poitions and much of the southeast, and ovei 36 inches in the Pocono Moun tains While near record totals of precipitation were lecorded in December, Januaiy lesult was just the opposite Temperatuies 10 degrees below noimal maik the month as one of the coldest January’s of recoid and at the same time piecipitation totals (melted watei equivalent) weie among the lowest on iccoid Undoubtedly Januaiy lepie sented the lowest monthly combination of tempeiatui e Sub noimal tempeiatures and near noimal melted piecipila tions (above noimal snowfall again due to lowei tcmpeialur cs) wcie obseived in Febiuaiy and Match A maioi snowstoim on Maith 2qth maiked a fitting finish to the winter season THe hea\> and persistent snow cover was an excellent insulating blanket over the Commonwealth, thus limiting fiost peneti,ition to less than two inches in most aieas Moistiue penetrated to signi ficant depths so that initial soil moistiue conditions this spring are the best in many years ICC Holds Up Rail Rate Hike, Hearing Is May 2 Temporary relief from a new geneial fi eight rate increase was granted by the Interstate Com merce Commission The ICC re jeered a lequest by the railroads foi an immediate six per cent boost, and ordeied a broad m vestigation of all tales and charg es Don Giaham who directs tian spoliation activities of the Na tional Council of Farmer Cooper atives. welcomed the ICC decis ion, saying such a study is long overdue ‘Fanners aie hit especially hard by fi eight late increases” Graham declared “They’ve al ready been saddled with thiee rate hikes in less than three years, the most recent coming last November The new demand by the lailioads would have b; ought the total to 23 per cent in a 31-month penod” Giaham said the ICC invest] gallon scheduled for oral heal ings beginning May 2, will give shippers a chance to an then guevances and require the rail load' to justify the need foi their demands