2fl—nncn.stcr Farming. Saturday. April 25.1970 Soybean Oil Use Grows in U. (CoiUiiuk’il fiom page 25) <*bo\\c(l .< definite use in this kml of consumption This mm lIH 10 be lel.’iled in p.nt to ll’e using pel tentage of young people in the population From nn obseuntion. I would suspect Ih.it addiiioinl f.ictois .no tele vis.on and piofessional football We no longei eat thicc times a day eat ins seems to be a con tinuous piociss. especially on v u k ends It is plain th.it \meiicans ate eatins much moie meat and poulli> than was the case a few ytnis ago And what’s mote, consume is aie paying less foi these choice food items each passing month on a trend basis in i elation to othei consumei goods This is quite a tnbute to the Ameiican fanner whether consumei s lealize it oi not And I am afiaid they do not realize it Large U. S. (Continued from Page 24) try is affected by the ability of cd that the capacity to produce— a j; 0 { us to influence and help the capacity to process—is detei- shape events and economic mined by the level of capital in- tiends in the woild vestment flowing into produc- ;ion machinery . consider the bioad policy ques- The pi ospeiity of j our soybean influencing your business ndustiy is affected by the situa- “ , ion pievaihng in many other in- I- also why lam pleased to lustues Yom industry is affect- have been with you today ‘Tetter Power Pays” WORLD LEADERS IN DIESEL ENGINE DESIGN MAKE US PROVE IT! Over 1,000 Amish farmers al ready have. They have found that Fetter delivers all it pro mises. Our diesels provide long working life, dependability and good cold starting characteris tics. For Piompt and Efficient Seivice Call YOUR AUTHORIZED FETTER DISTRIBUTOR CEHMAN BROS. Gas and Diesel Engines Sales and Service 1 Mile Noith of Terre Fill on Route 897 East Earl, R D 1, Pa. Phone 215 445 6272 WE ARE AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE * * * Sunset Valley Electrical Service JOHN M. ALLGYER, Prop. (Vz mile northwest of Bard’s Crossing, on Hunsecker Road, 4 miles east of Lancaster, off Route 23) Bird-in-Hand, R. 1, Pa. 17505 Phone: 397-4081 Between 1960 and 19(59. per capita consumption of led meal in this counliy rose fiom 161 pounds to 182 pounds with a rise in beef consumption that was most sinking Beef consumption per poison went up fiom 85 pounds pci capita to 110 pounds The consumption of poultiy also went up in a spcclaculai wav _ fiom 35 pounds in 1960 to 48 pounds in 1969 a use of one thud Thus the combined consumption of moat and poul- Uy went up fiom 196 pounds to 230 pounds per person in nine ytais The aveiage American is eating a highei quality piotein diet than ever before, by fai The steady upgiadmg of diets in Ameuca pi onuses continued giowth in oppoitumty for faim eis who produce feedstuffs and animal pioducts To Amei icans, good living means meat and milk, poultiy Soybean Output ed by world events; your mdus- This is why it is good that you V/2 to 45 H.P. Continuous Rating IT GOES MUCH BETTER POWERED BY FETTER and eggs, and a rising popula lion with using living standards means oppoitumty foi this sec tor of agricultuie CJood living also seems to mean moie snacks more canyout foods The same influences me at work around the woild We could cite tiends in Japan, in Koica, in Taiwan that add up to glowing markets foi feed in giedients and vegetable oils soybeans to you 1 Western Em ope continues to expand per capita use of animal Lanchester Club Plans Riding for Handicapped Plans foi a new piogram of horseback riding for handicap ped children have been announc ed by Lanchester Pony Club Mrs George Hasslei, 11, Hidden Acres Faim, and Joseph Little, RD3, both of Quarryville, are the District Commissioneis of Lanchester Pony Club A group of Lanchester Pony Club members and their parents recently met with Miss Maudie Hunter-Warfel, founder of the National Foundation for Happy Horsemanship for the Handicap ped, Inc Miss Hunter-Warfel explained the therapy piogram and showed a film of founda tion activities Lanchester Pony Club will tiam then membeis and their paients to woik on a weekly basis with a gioup of handicap ped youngsteis They hope to interest 4-H clubs, Boy Scouts, and Gul Scouts in helping with the progiam Their effoits will be duected by Miss Hunter-War fel of Mon Ami Le Cheval, Mid dletown, Del Funds raised at the Lanches ter Pony Club horse show on May 2 at Pony Club Headquar teis at the John Gibson faim at Diumoie, will finance this new progiam for the handicapped ARE YOU READY FOR NO-PLOW PLANTING? SEE US FOR CUSTOM NO-T PLANTING We can supply the ferti- nitrogen, insecti cide and Golden Acres Corn * v f' s &&sster R. D. *2, Columbia, Pa. pi odiicts, although the Em openn protein foods via the p Community shows a riistuibing technique. But this is ano endency towaids ialiening high speech Last year BOX' killed more com rootworms than any other com rootworm insecticide. What makes Blx so special? A lot of tilings, including effecthe season-long control. Ju-t a single application of Blx at planting time keeps corn standing tall right up to harvest. Besides that Blx offers several “extras.” Extras no other root* x\ orm insecticide can give you. • It resists leaching in rainy weather. • It’s lower in toxicity. You don’t need special clothing or equipment. Just follow what it says on the label. • Corn treated with Bux can be fed to livestock. • It won’t bridge over in applicator hoppers or clog equipment. • It doesn’t have an objec tionable odor like other insecticides. So treat your corn to Bux. Before rootworms treat them selves to your corn. CHEVRON CHEMICAL COMPANY ORTHO DIVISION Helping ihe World Grov. Belter® TM'S-ORTHO, CHEVRON DESIGN, HELPING THE WORLD GROW BETTER, BUX- REG U.S PAT. OF! ON ALL CHEMICALS READ CAUTIONS, WARNINGS AND DIRECTIONS BEFORE USE. 4 SMOKETOWN it CHARLES K. NISSLEY ORTH - BUX tenniF Phone Lane. 397-35 Ph. 285-5506