Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 18, 1970, Image 6

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    (> Lancaster Karmlim. Saturday. Aut il lit. 1070
Local Youths Attend 4-H Capital Days
Two founts 4 H nu mtu >llll
1(I wall UOo'lui Cnumioi m . 11
411 eis to p.u u ipati n M,i llt
Capital Pa.s- |i in It .11 -
bm \pi it la 14
The souths wfu Pali Pint,
ss.iltf! Liu:/ RIM. .u.d .1 >.is
R.ssim 1.f01.i HIM
The counts dele-tati-.
w'h outsi.iiuhnu 4it iiiOid*
iii - with kai'latois .it .1 '•iH’i.ul
b eakfist oh'eued llu no
House ot' and Se
nate svhile in 'CS'ion. and touied
tile Capitol and WTlli.iin I’uiii Museum
At the Mondas luiulieon, ope.i
int; lemaiks svc.e made bs Le-
Lnd G Jinks, State 4-H kvr'ei
at The Penn'ilvama State I'm
veisity Mastei of
■was Jeffrey Reitz of Caibon
The lawmakeis 'eiced as hosts
Apnl 13 when the\ united the
4H membeis to ‘sit in’ wh.le in
session 0 .entauon p,o;;onb
xveie conducted bv Senatoi El
mer D Havvbakei, ieoiesenlina
the 33rd Distnct, and Repiesen
tative Sherman L Hill, lepie
srnting the 6th Distinct
At the Mondaj e\cnmg ban
quet, two political lendeis dis
cussed the topic ‘ Politics ioi
Young People ’ Spcakeis weie
Ciaig Tuiax past Republican
state chriman and Ol' = Mo -e
foimei Demonciatic stale chau
Tuo othci officials of goccn
ment ueie speakeis at the Mon
daj banquet State Scene a ol
Your corn glows fiee fiom manj giassv weeds Fiee fiom the
giowth stisss weeds cause Fiee fiom then competition foi soil
nutuenls and moistuie needed to let voui hybuds ieach full
hred-m yield potential Fiee fiom extia cultivations possible loot
damage and fiee fiom weedy fields that slow youi Innest
This season use dependable, economical Sutan on 30m
coin acieage stop the toughest glasses Youi com grows fiee
, fiom the competition of nutgiass, crab
glass iall panicum foxtails aohnsongiass
seedlings, goosegiass, shalteicane and
otheis that 1 educe voui yields Liquid Sutan
is tvsv to handl° and apph Yi\ Solan in
the soil as you make your seedbed Theie’c
no need to depend on unpiedictable lainfall
lo mo\e the heibicide into the weed seed
Sutan will oe waiting to conti ol weeds
as thee spiout Used at lecommended lates,
Sutan contiols weeds without leaung haim
ful 'cs'dims in the soil Fiee \oiasolf fiom
woik and wouv see us now foi Sutan
Box %, Ephrata, Pa
mi k
b W V" ft -'*7
Ephrata R D ~'l
AgiiuiUii’e Lc’ind II Bull i lab
o atecl cn P. ms h n a De / ■
mart ol *.
ICo ti'Vif uon , Hi
Selective Herbicide
Sharing ideas 01
Davs in Harrisburg
o Shei
atu e Jack B Horne
10, i' i
Phone 733-6525
j Jl3-6SIB
Pi- ■
n local go\ eminent during a special legislators breakfast at State 4-H Capital
April 13-14 are. front, from left' Diane Euckwalter and Kathleen Landis; back,
rman L. Hill. Jel!re\ Risser. Repre a entati\e John C Pittenger. and Represent-
The Programmed Hog was conceived a decade ago But because of
the high standards >«'e set for this program it was not born until just
last fall in time to be introduced in the 70 s
The goal healthy lean hogs going to market consistently at 200
pounds in less than 160 days
The prof't goal the lowest possible feed cost for the most
marketable hogs
The ntelhod Research And more research And still more research
For ten years wc experimented learned relearned and
experimented some more until we wore convinced that wo had the
most effective combination of feeds and feeding piogiams possible
The place Rod Rose Research Farm where v e raise
approximately 250 hogs a year Breeding lines include Voi ksi ire
Landrace and Hampshire with ci osses of Iheso breeds
The result In the fall of 1969 we fai rowed 132 pigs from 11 co is
for an average of 12 pigs per sow Of the 132 farrowed 125 weaned
for an average weaning of 11 4 pigs per sow An outstanding
example of the quality of litters raised was that of Sow i 94 A
York-Hampshire cross her third litter of 12 pigs were all raised lo
market weight The 12 averaged 200 7 pounds in 139 days Feed
conversion was 2 38 pounds of feed per pound of gam Many o'hor
litters achieved equally remarkable records And all litters were well
above average After a decade of rcseaich and new feed
development, we knew we had achieved the ideal we wore loot mg
for After 128 years of developing and mixing feeds wo aio not
kidding ourselves into thinking that wc have tne perfect orogiam
We know as you know that nature gives no guarantees of
anything But we do feel thal this combination of new Red Ro c e
swine feeds and this scientifically developed and researched feeding
program is one of the most effective start-to-fimsh programs
available to hog raisers anywhere in the world
SRed Ro'
r v
These Dealers Carry
The Complete Line Of
Red Rose Programmed
Hog Feeds i
E. Musser Heasey & Son
Chcs. E. Sauder & Sons
H. M. Stauffer & Sons,
Mountville Feed Servici;
Walter Binkley & Son
Brown & Rea, Inc.
Elverson Supply Co.
Henry E. Garber \
R D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa.
L. T. Geib Estate
I. B. Graybiil & Son
R. D. 4 2, Mt. Joy, Pa,
Heistand Bros.
Red Rose Farm
Service, Inc.
N. Church St, Quarryville
Musser Farms, Inc.
Musser's Mill
The Buck
Terre Hill
Ammon E. Shelly
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honey Biook
David B. Hurst
G. R. Mitchell, Inc.
Refton, Pa.