l.anc’imhT l'‘iirniiiig. Saturday. April 11. 19"0 18 Marketing Said Big Future Farm Issue Kin hums. :n i' soon lo bo caught Ray Goldbeig told an audience of up in a major debate over the 600 extension economists that an inannei in which they do busi- "all-system approach” is the key ue-s. pi edicts Kenneth D Naden. to mote ordeily maikeling. executive vice picsidcnl of the He envisioned multi-product. National Council of haimer Co- niulli-national firms as being do i>|M'iaiives mmanl in the industry, and he “It has little to do with how to said farmer cooperatives would iiuse ciops oi livestock." said be the vehicle thiough which ivaden "Farmeis have pietty produce!s could maintain a well masleied those techniques, "piece of the action” in the com- The ciux of the question now is plicated new structuie what thtj do with what they’ve j n effect, the supply and mar produced how they market Keling apparatus that co-ops faun piuducts Oi how anyone have developed would be applied else markets faim products. through some sort of business “Bold theoncs aie being ad- linkup to the research and vanced They hint of ladically p-oduct development achieve cnffeient business stiuctuies foi m( ,nts of the big food firms. agricultural films and fanners „ mi ... themselves Fat mu cooperatives El ' c Th°i. new administrate! figuie P ’eminently m the plans of the Faimei Coopeiatiye Ser “Much of the theoiy centers vice, sees a similar evolution in on a need foi moie intei-depen- agribusiness Thoi thinks faim aence of those who pioduce, eiS will * lave sevelal options inotess and ictail faim pioducts available, some involving on y I’m sme we’ll see closei links co ops and otheis featuimg clos ..inong those involved with each el ties between "iowci and non function This is new to agucul- S IOWel mieieats uue but its old stuff in othei \aden said that ultimately, the I’dustucs Take oil as an exam- sliucluie chosen bv faimeis will lie Tht ioute fiom wells !o le depend on how' well thev develop fineiy to consumei has always then own economic punch “Fai nun c’ojcly cooulinated me s will leap benefits fiom the At the leceiit Out’ook Confei- system in piopoition totheeffoit . i ce ol USD A Hai v aid „ncl lesomces thev put into it, le- Now, Prevent Baby Pig Anemia the Easy Way Just start feeding your baby pigs Wayne Oral Iron when they’re 3 days old Feed fiee choice, IV? oz per litter every 3 days for 32 days And they really like it* Converts readily to serum iron thiough digestion and even increases helpful bacteria m the intestinal tract Wayne Oral lion, used along with Wayne Iron Dextran Injection, gives even greater protection and taster weight gains. Try this New working partner with Wayne Feeds. ® Wayne Oral Iron ROHRER’S MILL R. D. 1, Rooks C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. D. 1, East Earl PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R D 1, Stevens \TOT T NT VTT T,F FEED SERVICE R D 2. Columbia HERSHEY BROS. Remholds GRUBB SUPPLY CO Elisabethtown H. JACOB HOOBER Intercom se, Pa. WHITE OAK MILL R D 4, Manheim HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph 964-3444 H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R D 1 Quau yville R D 2. Peach Bottom Pa. All-Amorican Dairy Show Set Sept. 21 - 25 The Seventh I’ennH.vlv.mi.i \ll Ameiieiin D.mv Show will be held at the F.nm Show Building in ll.imsbuig September 2125 Ovei 2.000 hc.id of c.illle. in cluding some of the best Resist eicd Cattle of the six dany bleeds weic shown at the 1969 show. With exhibitors from Canada and 17 states fiom Maine to Minnesota and South to Tennes see, the show has been success ful because of wide support from exhibitors, allied industries and spectators. Thomas W. Kelly, show man ager, reported the first Invita tional Youth Judging Contest with 4-H, FFA, and Collegiate divisions. Kelly said. "We believe the show provides many benefits for all dairymen in eastern United States and Canada Better Regist eied Cattle are being bied and merchandised by our exhibitors with the total dairy industiy as the ultimate beneficial y ” Entries to the 1970 show close August 20 A brochuie states piemiums totaling $58,344 will be offered gaidless of the foim of oiganiza tion “If pioduceis aie to link up with non-pioduceis, they’ll have to be strongly oi gamzed in oi dei to stand on equal footing And if they are that stiong, then maybe they can stand alone anyway "Frankly, I hope faimeis will be able to do the job themsehes, thiough biggei and stiongei co opeiatives If that is not possible, then it is worthwhile to consider other types of business arrange-' ‘■jnents being advocated,” Naden. concluded FREE SAMPLE COPIES Copies of LANCASTER FARMING ore not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. 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