Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 11, 1970, Image 16

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    16 -Lancnstci Farming.
Saturday. April 11.1970
Erosion Termed
Urban Problem
riio know It il-t of i ohm i i .it ion
it. ■(! on f.iini- i .in In Ip cmb
po'hition m in Inn coiiimuintii
Mioulint, lo It M Dm ' head
oi Im I*i ,in>\ 1\ him So 1 t oiw i
1.1 .oil St lin
D.iu-, ..ii(i Mo. t 30 icais 1
o' coiison.i.ion uoik In Hit' land
cwiuis of iln. totnili 31 cut |
K it'duct'd tlif \o’umc of soil)
w, .Inns ft om 1111.1 l lands N’ou (
Ilu same linn tested methods,
...t- be. 114 adapted to mban prob ,
It ms
rile State Consci vatiomst
po.nted om that a huge poition'
j sediment pollution toda.i com
o-, fiom 111 ban constiuction in
eluding paiking lots, shopping'
cenleis. deielopments j
and othei nonfai m uses of the
land Man> conseivation piactic-J
er that aie eflective on faim-j
lands can also be used to cmb,
r.onfaim ciosion, Daus added |
Consenationists of the US
Sol Conseivation Seivice aiei
spending mo’e time each veai in I
Helping towns industnes and
conti actois with soil and watei
pioblems Technical help is be-|
mg piouded to the mban aieas,
in selecting and dei eloping land t
foi housing lecieation aieas, in
chistnal cenleis and samtaij, 1
land fills to handle wastes '
The whole concept of consei J
lalion is foimed on planning foi .
tne pioteetion and impiovementj
of the envnonment The pnme
diffeience now is that moie em 1
phasis is being placed on mban j
itsomces Dans said
• '7O National
(Continued fiom Page 1) j
cows imposed fiom Scotland in
1910 and since then no female
has c\ei been pm chased foi the
hei d It was the hist held in the
United States to be ccit.hed fiee
o) Bang s Disease
Ovei the past 19 yeais, the
numbei of milking co«s has in
censed 20 pel cent and the held
aim age has doubled to 12 333
pounds with 520 pounds of fat
Despite the expansion, the faim
uses less labo’ because of modem
methods and machmeiy
Timbeilawn Faun, opeiated by
Nelson and Ann L Laffey, West
Gio\e, is pait of a 500 aue land
giant made bv William Penn on
Octobei 16, 1689 Dining the
1800 s the faun was the “agu
cultuial expei imental faim”
used in connection with Penn
The faim’s milking heid total’s
75 animals, as well as 80 heifeis
D nd 10 Ayishne steei s
Towei view Faim, Cochianville
opeiated tav K A and K E Hen
ley a fathei-son opeiation, con
sists of 160 head of Ayishues
The held aveiage loi the past
fix e yeai s has been 11,000 pounds
of milk and 460 pounds of fat
Axrshnes weie intioduced m
1949 and Towei view has leceived
seven Consti active Bieedei
Aw aids
Towei view had two state class
leading iccoids that weie made
b\ Poiteidale Betty Fan and
Pol tei dale Betty Gold They also
lanked high on the national class
list The faim lecently had the
fiisl place iiinioi yea’ling at the
Royal Wintei Fan dining the
Ayishne Woild Confeience
fhe tom i onto will wind tin ou
gh some ol Lancastci County s
su me fai mland
Reidma Faim of Newtown,
noitheast ot Philadelphia, will
hold an open home horn 10 a m
to 4 p m Tuesday
\t the giand national sale
Thin sclay evening 13faimsfiom
Pennsylvania will offei animals
along with 23 fauns fiom othei
states and one tiom Canada In
eluded aic .\lasoinc Homes Faim,
El'zataethtown Ann Young, West
Qiove Chailes Gable, Elveison
and Kennaid Henley Ji , Coch-
How To Use; —
Start Creep feeding No 701 when pigs weigh 5
lbs or are 7 days old and feed through 6th week
when pigs should weigh about 35 lbs.
Amovmt Required
15 to 20 lbs. per pig,
Feed Per Lbs. Of Gain During
This Period
1.25 to 1 50 lbs
sS O!Mm
mins to crow on.'
"Sweet as a good muffin"
If we can help you design a profitable pro
gram for your swine enterprise or aid you in
problems relating to swine management or nu
trition see your MILLER & BUSHONG SER
VICE Representative or call us direct at
Lancaster 392-2145.
Field Tests Indicate: —
More uniformity in pigs, fewer n
More economical gains. Heavie;
Pigs may be weaned at six wei
more time for proper condition;
before re-breeding.
Easier to maintain farrowing si
Phone 392-2145
“Finest Service AnyWi