Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 04, 1970, Image 12

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    12—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 4,1970
Egg Prices Drop 25%
(Con'inued fiom Page 9)
j vit has lx i n lhi' demand
1. is (lucUi.itc.l
Main oflui.ils li.i\e cited pub
1 i suiUhiiu fiom men! to eggs
a« ,i pio’c u somce to isc.ipe high
meat pines .is the major factoi
u. tbe muimalK heavy egg dc
mand ovei the past mon
tis But a- egg puces lose lugh
t and Inglui this demand fell
While o\eisUppt\ of eggs is
i aw a fiilu e Ihiia*. ns a lesult
o. tbe piesent high egg hatch,
supply -o fai has been lelativelv
SMble dm inn the w.ld egg puce
fl.ictiiat.ons this w mtei
Wink- egg men may disagicc
c i the value of the egg exchange
a id ha\c (hffcieni ideas on what
to do about egg puce fluctua
tions theie's a giowing consen
sus that something's wrong with
p esent egg pi icing methods
Uinei Bauy has been undei m
c.easing file fiom many dnec
tions The New York egg mar
ket publication fiim, headed by
Fiank Uiner, has icsponded by
pledging establishment of better
data gatheung and price setting
mechanisms, including computer
Urner Barry Influence
Wholesale puces in the Noith
enst South and pait of the Mid-
West set by Uinei Bairy, in
fluence the whole countiy, De
lano said
Meanwhile, a gioup of indivi
duals and Aims have filed an m
junefon in New Yoik to pi event
issuance of fuither puce quota
tion= by Uinei Bauy Publica
The lengthy complaint alleges
instances of puce manipulation
bv tiadeis and alleges the plain
tiffs have been banned by the
resulting lowei egg prices Tuple
damages of S 4 5 million are sou
• Farm Calendar
(Continued fiom Page 1)
Tuesday, April 7
Annual Meat Packeis and Pro
cessois Semmai at Penn
330 11 30 a m —Pattexn Alter
ation Workshops, Berwyn
Red Cross Building, Chester
930 -11 30 am— Reupholstery
Woiksliop, Friends Meeting
House, South Thud Street,
Oxford, Chester County.
7 30 p m —Ephrata Young Far
mers meeting, (Forage Man
agement Course), high school
vo ag room
7 30 pm—Warwick FFA ban
quet Brunnervrlle Fire Hall
Wednesday, April 8
2 00 p m —FFA Public Speak
ing and Parliamentary Pro
cedure contests, Warwick
High School
200 pm Eastern National
Antiques Show, State Farm
Show Building, Harrisburg
Thursday, April 9
12 00 noon Eastern National
Antiques Show, State Farm
Show Building, Harrisburg
7 30 p m—Farm Women Socie
ties 21 and 28, Quarry vrlle
Presbyteuan Church
Friday, April 10
iH Teen Leader Conference
Weekend, Hershey
8 15 am - 4 45 pm Lancaster
County Guernsey Bleeders
Tour, York and Adams Co
12 00 noon Eastern National
Antique Show, Slate Farm
Show Building, Hainsbuig
Satin day, April 11
-1H Teen Leader Conference
Weekend, lie shcv
10 00 am Easton National
\ntiques Show, State Farm
Show Building, Harrisburg
1 30 p m—Faim Women Socie
ties 2 and 9, annual banquet,
-Mrc C.ioli r.imr Pinkerton
ghl. Urnei Bany was still pub
lishing this week (See page tt)
Elsewheie. UEP is develop
ing what Delano describes as
"pi ice discov cling data" to help
msine oideily egg maiketing
The date would include egg in
\cntoiy. presumably by legion,
fowl movement, and puces
Among other things, the data
piesiimably would help insuie
a moie unifoim and oideily na
tional egg maiket.
Egg Prices Vary
A majoi pioblem at picscnl is
that egg prices \.u> dias
tically fiom one aica of the coun
li y to another.
This week, following the shai p
egg puce diop, some ictail out
lets in New England weie still
selling eggs foi 65 to 79 cents a
dozen This puce "gives some
stoies a 50 pel cent maikup.” De
lano said
Geneially, howevei, retail pu
ces aie 43 to 45 cents on West
coast and 59 cents in New Eng
land and New Yoik
Asked why the retail price var
iance is so great between the
West and East, Delano said De
paitment of Laboi figuies show
Northeast stores take a margin
twice that of the South and West
In other comments, Delano
said the “cheapest eggs or eggs
sold undei piessuie deteinnnes
the value of all aggs ”
Theie weie repoits over the
weekend that Southein pio
duceis weie xepoitmg sales of
40 cents in New Yoik
Weak Sellers Unload
It appaientlv was these selleis
oi “laige pioduceis who offeied
eggs at prices they felt would
sell” who set the pace foi Mon
day’s egg nraiket collapse
It’s because the weak seller
does determine the egg price that
vauous egg marketing organiza
tions aie conceined about pio
viding up to the minute egg
marketing data that would en
able rapid transfer of surplus
eggs to areas of need This
means development of methods
to equalize supply and demand
across the countiy
The concern now is that a glut
in just one region of the coun
try can cause egg price deteriora
tion all over the country.
House Plants Get Sick
From Several Causes
When house plants do mot seem
to be doing real well, the trouble
is not always a lack of fertilizer,
reminds James O Dutt, extension
home horticulturist at The Penn
sylvania State University Some
things to check since they may
cause house plants trouble are
too much water, too much or too
little light, too high temperature,
or even gas fumes All these
should be checked when indoor
plants appear to be sick
Reduce Chances of Disease
in Garden Plants
Some ways to cut down on
chances of having diseases in
garden plants include starting
with disease-free seed, using
sterile media or steuhzed soil,
clean containers, tools, and wa
ter Pi oducing disease fiee plants
requires a good contiol progiam
says Allen H Bauei, extension
plant pathologist at The Pennsyl
vania State Univeisity
ihe Old imsA'
fame and fortune is between
getting jour face or your
» - • »v '
For Full Market Reports Read Lancaster Farming
are HERE...
Smoketown, Pa.
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