Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 28, 1970, Image 8

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    I—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 28.1970
15% of County Farmers
Cut Acreage Diversion
Participation of Lancaslei Co m 1969. the minimum decision
farmers in the 1970 wheat and was 30 pu cent this year
feed gram division piomam is Mam faimeis icvieucd the
down about 15 pei cent from divetsion pioitiam but decided
I®®®- tlie> couldn't afToid to set aside
A total of 853 fauns emolled that much land, she said
this year befo.e the Match 20 Some 742 farms wcie emolled
deadline, down fiom the 1,002 in the wheat giain piogram this
enrollment last \eai >eai, compaied with 894 last
Miss Dorothy N'ecl. executive •' eal ‘
director of the Lancaster County The feed giain pai Ucipation ic-
Agricultural Stabilization and mained fairly stable with 336
Conservation Seivice. said the faims this year and 361 in 1969
primary reason foi the drop ap- Some faims participate in both
peared to be the higher wheat the wheat and feed giain pio
acreage diveision lequiremcnt giams
this year
While the wheat fa mei m 1969
was required to keep onlv 15 pei
cent of his land out of p’ eduction
Farm Accident Claims
4-Year-Old Leola Boy
A four-yeai-old Leola RDI boy
became the sixth peison to die
in a farm iclated accident in
Lancaster County and the im
mediate vicinity this year
The child, Wilmer Stoltzfoos
Ji , was killed mstantlv when he
was crushed undei the wheel of
a manure spieadei on his father’s
farm about 1 50 p m Wednesday
He was the son of Wilmer and
Lydia Fishei Stoltzfoos
The child was buned Thuisday
in Myers Cemeteiv
Of the six faim accidents in
less than thiee months tins veai
five have involved a ti actor 01
tractor-pulled implement The
sixth “was a 15yeai-old youth
who died when he became caught
in the augei mechanism of a
feeding device Two of those
killed this yeai have been small
children, one a teenagei and
three adult men
Four persons died m accidents
on the farm dunng 1969 The
first one last yeai did not occur
until April 24
The Stoltzfoos child’s father
was reportedly dnving the h ac
tor to which the manuie spiead
er was attached He was appar
ently pulling away fiom the bain
when the child tell beneath the
wheel Dr H S Stauffei, deputy
coroner fiom Baieville, declaied
the child dead at the scene
The boy was bom in Lancastei
and attended Mehtia Fellowship
He is suivived by his paients,
thiee biotheis and sisteis all at
home, Hanna, Sai ah Esthe, Ma
hlon, Elam and \den his patei
«al grandpai ents Elam B end
Annie Stoltzfoos Leola RDI and
his maternal "larw-'p n ed’, E 1 nn
and Saiah Fi-hu Go don\ille
Nutrition S-des Appeal
Urged for U.S. Public
Dr Jean Vne cpeual medi
cal comullaru to P'es dent Nixon
told a gioup of food md'kele’s
and advei tiding executives le
cently that an all out effoit on
the part of food makeis and ic
tailers to bung nutiition befoie
the American public is mo-ally
mandatory and would be inex
pensive to achieve that all
medical advances in the United
States in the past 25 years have
been wiped out bv the decline in
nutrition in the Ameucan diet ”
He said that adve tiseis should
concentrate moi e on nutrition
and less on shape taste and de
Sign on the package The Amen
can public is icady to accept a
nutrition appioach, accoid-
On an acieage basis, 4 485
county acres are involved in the
feed giam piogram, which in
eludes coin, soi ghum and bai ley.
and 6,795 acies aie in wheat
Benefits weie increased slight
ly in the wheat piogram this
year Certificate payments will be
based on 48 per cent of the allot
ment. compared to 45 per cent
in 1969
Write for free
booklet "Beacon
Tend-R-Leen Beef
Feeding Pro
gram," also for
special feeding
program for beef
Beacon now offers a feeding program for dairy steers that lakes the roughage out of feeding.
It Is a research proven program that has been fed successfully in commercial feedlots in the Midwest
for over six years.
Get fast, low cost gains without roughage:
Birth to market in less than a year.
Daily gains (birth to butcher) of 2.8 lbs.
Dressing percentage up to 62%.
Feed conversion approximately 5 lbs. of feed per
pound of gain, also from birth to butcher.
No hay, no grass, no silage.
Low investment, low labor.
High grade carcasses; young, tender meat.
Food Stomp Program
Reported Growing Foit
linpir'.tixc ii.iins In pmlicip.t
(•on .irul lifinliu ,m i<polled in
.1 innugiu.itid Knud
Sump I’ <h, in .),in
Uiity and Febni.nv, VmM.iii:
Sccict.ny of \giiciillu e Hich.nd
L I.y ng h.ii >innonm ed
P.u> in these .lie
p.ivniK less and gilting moie
gelling enough moie Fedeial
food stamps foi then money to
enable eveiy to bin a
moie ncailv adcqu.ilc diet Soon,
participants in all the food stamp
aicas in the Nation will be en
joying these gi inci eased
In a sampling of 48 aieas
whole the modified plan went
into operation in Fobmaiy, pai
ticipation increased moie than
27 percent fiom Januaiy
“These Ft biliary i exults con
fnm the carlv results noted in
January In fact, the \aluc of
bonus coupons issued in Febiu
aiy may leach S5O million, which
i 3 about twice the value of bon
us coupons issued in Januaiy,"
the Assistant Secretaiy said.
Try A Classified Ad
Money Grows on Holsteins
with the Beacon TEND-IMEEhT
For full details call your nearest Beacon dealer or Beacon Advisor
It Pa
For Dairy Steers
85X and PA 8703
In the ’69 Lancaster Co. Extension Corn Testa of
41 Hybrids. 85X yielded 167 bn. dry shelled corn per
acre; PA 8703 yielded 178 bu. dry shelled corn per acre.
82X at 185 bu. Plant DOEBLER’S The corns bred
in Pcnna. where they arc Farmer planted.
to Larry Wcater, New Holland, on winning the 1969
Garden Spot Young Farmers Corn Growing Con
test. Mr. Wcater had an official first place yield
of 221.8 bu. dry shelled corn per acre. His outstand
ing yield was made with DOEBLERS’ 85X SINGLE
CROSS. He planted May 12 in 30” rows. Harvest
population on Oct. 20 was 24,500 plants. Moisture
was 22.3% and ear weight .64 lb. The calculated cost
of production per bu. was 26c.
Tend-R-Leen is a registered trade*
mark of Doughboy Industries, Inc.,
New Richmond, Wisconsin.
_ mm
The Beacon Milling Company, Inc.
Headquarters: Cayuga, N. Y.