For Full Market Reports Read Lancaster Farming ANNOUNCEMENT You ore cordially invited to attend our FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPRING OPEN HOUSE on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1970 FEATURING: DEUTZ DIESEL ENGINES and TRACTORS INTRODUCING: HESSTON Windrowers and Portable Rock Crushers ' ' Factory Representatives Will Be Present Films will be shown at 2:00 P M. and 7 00 P.M. Free Refreshments and Door Prizes 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Stauffer Diesel, Inc. 312 West Main Street New Holland, Penna. The Farmers National Bank NOW OFFERING: 5% CERTIFICATES I -v IP,; t t si* ( \ , {■» C u- I ' 51* • BANK WITH THE FARMERS NATIONAL BANK OF QUARRYVILLE YOUR HOME OWNED INDEPENDENT BANK. Each Account insured to $20,000.00 "SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU, LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU" CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Broiler Output Up 7 Per Cent Commercial broilei pioduclicn was at a iccord high in the lIS last year, the USDA icpoiled The 22 States that account for 97 per cent of U S total output produced 2 7 billion bi oilers, up seven pei cent fiom a yeai ear lier. Gross income fiom hi oilers totaled $1 47 billion, up nearly 16 per cent fi om 1968 With average live weight per bird 3 6 pounds, compaied to 3 5 pounds in 1968, the number of pounds produced, at 9 7 billion, were up eight per cent Output in Georgia, the Nation’s loader, totaled 442 million birds, up one per cent from a year earlier. Arkansas’ output, at 415 mil lion birds, was up six per cent; Alabama’s, at 352 million, up six and one half per cent North Carolina’s production totaled 281 million, up seven per cent; Miss issippi’s 221 million, up nine per cent; Maiyland’s, 174 million, up 10 per cent, Delaware’s 134 mil lion, up 16 per cent, Texas’, 171 million, up six per cent By Barry Wissler Officers for 1970 weie elected at a recent meeting of the Lin coln 4-H Community Club Elected weie Maihn Weavei, piesident, Donald Bollinger, vice piesident, Debbie Weitzel, secie taiy, Maihn Bollingei, tieasm er, Janice Weaver, song leader, Audiey Augsburgei and Keny Boyd, game leadeis, Bany Wis sler, news leportei, and Marlin Bollinger and Marlin Weaver, county council representatives OF QUARRYVILLE Automatic Renewal, minimum $5OO. 1 Year Automatic Renewal, minimum $5OO. 2 Year Automatic Renewal, minimum $5OO. OF DEPOSIT, 6 Lancaster Farming. .Saturday. March 28. 1970 Fulton Grange Meets March 23 Fulton Grunge G(J held then scjii.iie tl.mee with John Miller of tegular meeting M.neh 23 .it L.mcustei llu c.illn then hull in Oakryn with Rich ard Hollowuy. Maslei. conduct ing the business session. The chapter wus diaped in memoi.\ of Mrs GiuceGnmsey Represen tutive Sheiman Hill and Norman Wood gave legislative reports Mis. Charles Heath, chairman of the women’s activities com mittee, repoited plans weie com pleted for seiving about 500 at the Grange’s annual family style tuikey supper which will be held April 4 from 4 to 8 p m. at the Giange Hall This committee is still accept ing entnes for the National Gran ge cotton sewing contest which ends April 30. Gi angers can sponsor non-members The Jumoi Giange held a suc cessful paper drive at their last meeting and the proceeds will go to the Craig Harmsh fund They will hold a sample sale at the Grange tuikey suppei Apnl 4 They will meet Apnl 13 Mr and Mis David Miller will be in charge of the dance foi young people of the community Maich 28 fiom 8 to 11 pm at the Gianae Hall when Bob Gen try of ladio station WLAN will bo on hand with his lecords Apnl 11 from 8 to 11 p m the Youth committee will have a MEMBER F. D. I.C. Mis .1 Stanley SlaulTei Jr, liduiei, piesen'ad the piogiam: Reading “Dad’s Speech" bv Miss Donna VVelk Mis lia 1101/haucr, Mis .1 Stanley St.iufTei Si and Mis Leonaid Spiout fiom Farm Women Society 17 gave a demon stiation on making lamp shades. Miss Elaine Galbiealh conducted a game Lancaster County Pomona Grange choius will hold lehear sa! at 8 p m Maich 30 at Fulton Grange Hall All singeis in the county Gianges aie invited to participate l.ancastei County Po mona Grange will meet at 8 pm. April 18 at White Hoise Fire Hall as guests of Salisbuiy Gian- C Arthui Zug, National Gran ge piince, of Chester Countv will speak on the Grange Youth Pio giam at the next meeting Apiil 13 when Fulton Giange will ob seive Youth Night Itisobseived annually with the young people filling officeis’ chans and pie senting the piogiam This will coincide with Giange Week m Pennsylvania which is Apal 12 to 18 Fust and second degiees will be confeued Api il 27 and third and fouith degiee.- will be con ferred May 25 MONTHS, 27