--Lancnstcr Farming. Saturday, March 28.1970 26 Across the Editor’s Desk Tony T Dcchant national pie “Wo must icstoie oidoi in sidenl of the F.umcis Union, our society We must iostium m.idc what the NFU's public re the patient, but we must not l.ilions people tcimcd a “turn confuse icstiaint with lie.it mound" speech and a "dramatic ment appeal at the Match 12 NFU aic iccognizing that annual convention in Denyei. tieatment demands a icl.ef of Col on Match 12 The last two congestion of our mban pages of the nine page state- aieas We talk of a single ment aic in full as follows city s ti e t c hmg fiom New Eng “I have said to you this even- land to Flouda We know that mg that we are dealing with a this will only compound the sick society The illness is not Pioblems. pioblems not only oi limited to agncultuie. I told physical pollution, but social you a yeai ago that the problem and economic pollution was not ours alone but it was 0m pioblems cannot be solv- Amenca s pioblem That fact is ec [ unless we lebuild unal now leahzed by moie and more Amenca Opportunities and people More voices are joining sei vices must be piovided in us More are saying the econo- the small towns and iuial com my must be fieed of domina- munities Education and health tion by the few More are complexes must be dispersed our democracy must be perfect- industries must be built in open ed, not destroyed More are say- fields “High rise philosophy” mg the envnonment must be must give way to open space piotected ideals Highways must run to “Moie are saying that our rural areas, not just away from cities must be made safe. They them - The y must carry people are saying, sensibly, that we are *° rural America, not just to the dealing with a sickness. cities “The Denver Post said on The nation’s prioiities must March 1: The police are not , center around people, not medical men. They can act things; around necessities, not against the symptoms, but not luxuries, around life, not death against the disease And the “ We must tura America laws are not medical prescrip- ar ound We can do it tions They were designed to “We must start where we aie, keep 01 dei in a healthy society, in the Faimers Union, in out not to tieat deep-seated malign- own communities, fighting foi ancies in a sick one iuial America No state legisla- GET BETTER MILKING FOR YOUR COWS DARI KOOL Boumatic BUCKETS-PIPELINE-PARLORS. Let us tell you why Boumatic Milking is the best milking POSEY’S GARDEN CENTER Rear 49 N. Broad St. Litifz WITH you can get. tor. no county judge, no govci n -01 no politic.il official at any level, should be excused fiom the battle It is not lust the tumid's battle It is America’s battle It is not just a battle to be fought in Washington, but in eveiy county scat and slate capitol and at eveiy cross loads in the nation "We must help Ameuca find its new fiontiei In the early da.vs of our nation. Euiope faced some of the same prob lems of blocked loads to op poitunity, social sicknesses in its cential cities, and crowded conditions Its fiontier was America itself “A great statue was placed in New York haibor symbolizing the meaning of America to the crowded masses of Europe Now, I submit to you, Europe’s problems have become our problems The huddled masses yearning to breathe free are in our own cities “The time has come to erect a new Statue of Liberty. This one should be in the great heart land of rural America. Its mes sage should be directed to the masses of our own cities You know its message, for you have read it in books, and you have been inspued by its power Let me repeat it for you Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shoie Send these, the homeless, temp est tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door' “We will make America once more the land that keeps its promises its promises of hbeity, justice, domestic tran quility, and economic security for all Try A Classified Ad It Pays! kVI 626-2343 FUIQPEp Mt W«l|ht . f«un<« ( Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Leola Harold H. Good Terre Hill MAKE US YOUR FARM HEADQUARTERS Maryland Holstein Tour Set April 2 The Lancaster County Hoi- includes a 100 stanchion barn stcin-Fricsian Association’s an- with many labor-saving nual Lancaster County Holstein mct hods. Tom will be held Thuifdaj. April 2 fiom 8a m to 430 p m Buses will leave (he Lancns ter Shopping Center prompt I v at 8 a m foi a tour of Holstein operation on the Mainland Eastern Shoic The faim of Edwin Fry. Na tional Holstein dnecloi at dies teitown, with over 2.000 acies and a large hold of Holstein, will be toured The faim of Call Leonard at Kennedyville will show one Of the high pioducmg herds in Maiyland Leonard’s operation LOOSEN UP your timing... When you use AAtrex? SOW herbi cide you’re free to work your - weed killer Into your total corn I l program to suit yourself, I It’s your choice—apply It aAt v before planting, during planlini; or after planting. Sisai-. __ AAtrex is not only the most effec- W*2T tive weed killer in corn, it’s the one that allows you the most" Qelgy ’ I freedom in timing the application, Cali ustodayforali the details of applying AAtrex, fiilfflJiiilillllll SMOKETOWN Phone Lone. 397-3539 YESI WE HAVE IT! •.. Ful-O-Pep A-l-0 Complete Horse Feed Waiting for you at your Ful-O-Pep dealer is a fine new Ful-O-Pep Horse Feed A-I-O Complete Horse Feed. Convenience is not just a word with Ful-O-Pcp A-I-O Complete Horse Feed. This fine new product eliminates the need to feed hay to your horses. It’s a teal labor saver, eliminating the need of high cost labor for han dling or mixing feeds. Palatable and bulky, Ful-O-Pep A-I-O Complete Horse Feed supplies a balanced supply of all nutrients, includ ing nutrients normally supplied by the roughage- It completely eliminates the expensive loss of roughage or, concentrate consumed in too large a quantity by heavy eaters. For a more detailed examination of this new horse feed, see your local Ful-O-Pep dealer today! ' < 50 '.r., The tour also includes Herr’s Potato Chip Plant at Notting ham and Remington Arms, a private game preservation. Fry has arranged an Eastern Shore fish fry, which will be served for our dinner by a Ladies’ Auxiliary This is in cluded in the $6 25 cost S. H. Hiestand & Company Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. A££POAff£ 5- Salunga Stevens