Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 28, 1970, Image 18

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    Ift* Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 2R. 1970
Income Tax Return
(This Is tlu> fourth of «i series of six articles presented by
the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants on
money-saving tax hints in preparing your Federal Income tax
Costs of Moving to New Job
May He Deductible
Diet you switch jobs in 1989
mil move 20 miles oi more lo a
new home in outer to be ciosei
to your new place of work 7
Weie you linnsfeiied by your
company, and is youi new place
of woik at least 20 milts faithei
[torn youi foi met home than the
place wbeie you used to woik?
If eithei of the above is tiue—
md if you woiked oi expect to
woik fulltime in your new job
foi at least 39 weeks in the 12-
month peuod following your ar
. ival—then you can deduct your
moving expenses, including pack
ng. crating and m-tiansit storage
chaiges on youi Fedeial income
u.x letum due this Apul 15-
You can also deduct reasonable
tiavel expenses, including the
cost of meals and lodging, fot
youi family and youi self in mak
ing the move to youi new home
Of com se, if your employei ie
imbmsed \ou foi all 01 some of
hese costs, to the extent you aie
ft unbiased join expenses may
not be deducted fo’ tax proposes
That is the situation foi 1969
i icome, on which a tax letmn
must be filed bv Apul 15 With
icspect to 1970 income howevei,
cn which letiuns will be filed
• cst veai, the new Tax Rofoinr
\ct makes some significant
changes concerning expenses of
i .locating
One change is that the 20 mile
c istance test of deductibility will
uecome a 50-mile test Thus, if
Jie distance between a taxpayers
roimei lesidence and foimei
olace of business was 10 miles,
[•is new place of business will
, nve to be at least 60 miles from
Snow Hit Trees
Need Work Now
It wintei snow damaged any
, ( join ornamental tiees, there
s a good chance that you still
< tay be able to save them, says
Oi Fi anus R Gouin, Extension
iOl ticul'uiist University of
llai viand
Laige tiee tiunks that have
' ilit can be bolted back togethei
_ on will need to begin by pulling
pht ti unk back in place by
teing clamping 01 burning, he
omts out
Use a f inch dull to make
nee to six holes tlnough the
sntei of the tiunk four to five
tches apait
Inseit v 4 inch carnage bolts
hi ough the holes put a 1% inch
< 'ishei and a nut on each bolt,
all nuts umfoimly
Using a diaw blade or shaip
{life, i emove about Vi inch of
talk fiom eithei side ot the split
nd coat this aica with tiee
mund diessing This will pro
i tote uipid healing
‘When you iemove the bark
takes all cuts smooth and clean,
ms will also piomote healing”
ti Gouin leminds
SI ,000 for Research Set
By Poultry Federation
Thu Pennsylvania Poultiy Fed
ration boaid of dnectois has
lloc.ued SI 000 foi poultiy le
v<c ch
'the lescaich committee is tak
ig a suivey of fedciation mem
i ti sto yet an exp.ession of the
■ta ot <4ieale=t need toi iu
aich the committee aKo is
-intaetim? io=eaieheis to see it
le SI 000 mi'dit help supple
ent leseaich .<licad\ undeiwav
his foimei icsidence to permit
any deductions foi moving ex
penses on returns for 1970 and
subsequent ycais.
But in addition to existing de
ductions, the new law will per
mit taxpayers also lo deduct trav
el v costs, meals and lodging ex
penses inclined in finding new
homes, the costs of meals and
lodging at the new job location
for as much as 30 days while
waiting to take occupancy, and
attorneys’ fees, teal estate agents’
commission and other leasonable
expenses incurred in selling the
old or buying a new residence
Theie will be an oveiall limita
tion of $2,500 on deductible mov
ing expenses with allowable hou
se-hunting and tempoiary living
expenses while waiting to move
into the new home limited to
$l,OOO Any leimbuisements re
ceived fiom employei s for mov
ing expenses howevei, will have
to be included in taxpayeis’ gioss
incomes and is subject to with
The lilies foi 1970 moving, un
dei ceitam ciicumstances. foi
the fust time mav also apply to
self employed persons
How about a stall that is draft free, promotes early
hay and grain feeding, eliminates sucking problems,
and calves are easily identified.
We also build wagon beds and Veal Stalls.
For information write to;
115 Horseshoe Rd , Leola, Pa 17540
(formerly Glenn M. Hoover)
Livestock Conditioner
Choice Conditioner
Silage Conditioner
Legume Conditioner
Fortified Livestock Products
Vitamins —A. D. E.
Our Products are all Backed By The Latest in
Nutritional Research.
For Further Information Write,
R 4, Litilz, Pa 17543
- _ ■ 111 withstand drought and heat bo
USDA Releases Hardy ’trt .
__ _ _ weeks latei than Thaxter, Dove
New Bush Lima Bean
■ *ISWW Vliail ■*■■■■%■ , ul( i ltloni specialists rccommer
Dover. a downy mildew-iesis- aie 10 to 25 pci cent laiget They using 20 to 25 per cent few
t.u:n.^d b b,v h LhC cVSp" a,so hJVC a dcVClopi '‘ l ,00 ' i law a;
Research Division of the U S
Depaitmcnl of Agucultuie
Developed in eoopeiation with
the Delawaie Ex
pel iment Station. Geoigetown,
Wheatley Canning Company.
Clayton, and Seabiook Faims,
Seabrook, N ,1. Dover was tested
under the pcdigiee of G 1
The new vai lety was establish
ed fiom the cioss Piloy (P I
189403) by Thaxtei, made in the
spung of 1959 Piloy is a led
seeded bush lima bean fiom
Guatemala lesistant to downy
mildew stiains A and B Thaxter
is a gieen-seeded baby lima bean
giown extensively in the Middle
Atlantic aiea and is resistant to
sti am A of downy mildew.
In Delawaie field tests at the
Georgetown substation, the new'
vanety yielded 20 to 30 per cent
moie than Thaxtei, says E M
Rahn, assoc.ate piofessor o r
hoi ticultuie at the Umveisity o r
Delawaie And under California
di ought conditions, tests have
shown that Dovei will pioducc
20 to 30 pei cent moie beans than
Thoiogieen oi Thaxtei
Although the pods, piocesse
beans and diy seeds of the,nev
vauety aie the same size and ap
peaiance as Thaxtei, the plant'
New Holland, Pa. 17582
system enabling the plants to moie vigorous,
Bux* ™
The No. 1 corn root worm
One application gives effective season-long control.
Controls resistant and non-resistant root worm. Bux
won’t leach out of soil like some insecticides, even un
der heavy rain. No carry over residue. You can feed
your corn to livestock whether grown for grain or sil
age. There is no waiting period before putting it in
the feed bunk.
BUX is recommended in all corn belt states.
Smoketown, Pa. Ph; 397-3539
“Fetter Power Pays”
Over 1,000 Amish farmers al
ready have. They have found
that Petter delivers all it pro
mises. Our diesels provide long
working life, dependability and
good cold starting characteris
For Prompt and Efficient Seivice Call
Gas and Diesel Engines Sales and Service
1 Mile North of Terre Hill on Route 897
East Earl, R D. 1, Pa. Phone 215 445-6272
Sunset Valley Electrical Service
(Vz mile northwest of Bard’s Crossing, on Hunsecker
Road, 4 miles east of Lancaster, off Route 23)
Bird-in-Hand/ R. 1, Pa. 17505
Phone: 397-4081
V/2 to 45 H.F.
Continuous Rating