Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 28, 1970, Image 16

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    16- -Lancaster Farming.
Saturday. March 28. 1970
USDA Judicial Review
On Food Stamps Uphold
I’S I).si id Com I .Judge Law
Ji ncc \ Whipple nplu'lcl the
I S I)i j>.ii Imt tit of Am irultnif’** of a Ticnton.
J> i w .1 vi •>! v i sloi c fi om p.u
ticpating in tlu Food Sump
Fiogum foi 31) cl.i>- This was
itu Hi si mm* ,i rsD \ judicial if
vuvv v\ .is challenged in the Not
tIU Ist
Tlu 1 disqualification of Piogics
sive Supei Maikct, doing busi
m«s .is Ticnton Shop Rile at
1603 Calhoun Stieel in Trenton,
gicw out of a USD\ investiga
tion. which icvealed that the
sloi e vv as accepting food coupons
in exchange for ineligible items
.and giving cash as change in
food stamp transactions
The disqualification of Tienton
Shop Rite began on Maich 10.
1970 Moms Maigohs. the owner
of the stoie, mav apply for icin
sta'ement of the stoie in the
Food Stamp Piogiam to take
eficct at oi aftei the end of the
disqualification Howevei, the
giocei may not accept food cou
pons until he is authouzed to do
so by the USD\
A USD\ official explained that
food coupons, b\ law' can be us
ed only to buy food, excluding
ceitam impoited foods Stoies
pai ticipatmg agiee in advance to
abide by the laws and i emula
Am stoie that bieaks the law
01 legislations and anjone
w ho pi essui es a stoi e to do so
weakens and endangeis the
whole piogiam, established to
combat hungei and malnutution
JohnE McClellan Acting Noi th
east Regional Dneetoi, Food
and \utntion Seiuce, USDA,
po nttd out -
Judging Meat
On the Hoof
An electronic scannei which
uses ultrasonic waves may be
used in the futme to check the
meat quality of an animal while
it is still on the hoof
The device can count the lean
and fatty meats and photo
giaphically iccoid them foi fu
tuie lefeience Animal traits
which lead to high feed effi
ciency and giowth are highly
correlated in caicass makeup
such as little excess fat and
laiger amounts of lean meat
Giowth and meaty traits are
inhei itable, thus the advantage
of the new scannei lies in its
ability to detect these tiaits be
foie a bieedmg program is
The piocess of scanning an
animal takes less than a minute
and can be used foi an on the
spot analysis
Anothei majoi use is the de
tei mining of piegnancy m
bieedmg stock, and in paiticu
lai spotting multiple fetuses in
Theie aie no ill effects on the
anmmals undei going the scan
• Overflow
(Continued fi om Page 1)
toc’un, he said, is on lean poik
Pennsylvania is a poik deficit
aica, indicating a lead} maiket
foi poik
He said poik is fouith in value
in lei ms ot all agncultuial pio
ducts, but only 15th in leseaich
He called toi leseaich on the
effect oi pesticides and median
es used in pork pi oduction Some
authouties claim the chemicals
a.c being uansinitted thiough
the meat
Gainei uiged leseaich to find
if this is tiue and if so to deve
lop substitute chemicals
Robert Martin, association pie
siclent, was toastmastei. and Jim
Horton, secietary-tieasuiei, in
troduced guests and donois.
This durable plastic feeder tub makes an
excellent mineral feeder. Perfectly smooth
it cleans easily with no scrubbing it re
tains no odor. Cannot dent or crack. Holds
6V2 gallon, a $5.21 value FREE with pur
chase of 5 bags ALBERS SIMIL 8 Loose
Get Your FREE
Feeder Tub Today-
Contact Your Albers Dealer,
Borneo Fieldman or call us direct.
“50 Years Helping Produce Better Food Products”
Offer void after April 18,1970
able in various analysis to fit your particu
lar mineral need. Simil 8 is highly palatable.
Proper use can mean fewer breeding prob
lems, more milk and fewer incidents of milk
fever. Formulated by "Carnation" —makers
of world famous "Calf Manna."
A HORNCO Fieldman will be
happy to make an analysis of
your feeding program and rec
ommend the correct SIMIL 8
& Co., Inc.
YORK, PA. 717-854-7867
($5.21 Value)
5 BAGS (250 lbs.) OF