Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 28, 1970, Image 14
14—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 28.1970 Moil Box Morket For Sale International 4-row coin planter with PTO corn shel h Eazy-Flo lime and fertilizer (1 .11 Phone Ephrata 733-8770 For Sale —Used 111 70« Gas Trac toi w/loader and snow plow, j,ood condition low hours, $4,750, ■but will take less. Phone 284- 4142. For Sale—Time to order your Martin bird houses. Made to ord er some in stock. The Martins will soon be here Daniel H. Martin. Stevens #l. Pa. at Red Run. For Sale—lnternational Super Ch.ef 16 inch plow, bottoms right and left, new. Phone 392-7287. For Sale 2 year old Hampshire boar Phone 665-4153. For Sale—Black stone automatic washer, 14 lb.; corn planter for AC model G tractor; Bolens rid ing mower, 4h p: Boston Terrier pup. male, screw tail; AC 60 combine for parts. Phone 733- 8708. SELL * , YOUR IjP 1 \ BUTCHER wJr*'’ / / HOGS DIRECT TO ARMOUR CO. BEADING. PA. We will be glad to look at your hogs & bid you. CALL AL SHAFFER AT 376-2941. Evenings 779-3847 CALL Chas. Eshleman FREE Spotlight For Only 20 Tickets With each $lO.OO purchase made on parts, You will receive a ticket From March Ist thru April 30th. FREE PUMP With every purchase of a 55 gal. drum of Hy-Trans. Pump valued at $8.85 CPPriA I For A Limited Time Only HOTSHOT BATTERY Regular Price $4.25 $ O TT OUR PRICE / \J CALL Leroy Zook LANCASTER SILOS ACORN BARN EQUIPMENT WEAVERLINE CARTS Intercourse, Penna. Help Wonted DHIA Supervisor, (‘‘Milk Tes ter”). An excellent unit is avail able in Central New Jersey. Ex perience with dairy cattle pre ferred. High School Education. Approved service alternative for conscientious objector. Call 201- 782-5911. Genual Jersey DHIA, % Extension Service, R.D. #6, Flemington, New Jersey 08822. Lancaster Farming seeks Quali fied person to report occasional evening meetings; reporting ex perience and farm background preferred. Call 394-3047 or 626- 2191. For Rent For Rent—Stone house in the country with conveniences and garden lot available. Write Box 266 A, % Lancaster Farming, Lit itz, Penna. 17543 Instructional DRIVERS NEEDED Train NOW to drive semi truck, local and over the road. You can earn over $4.00 per hour, after short training. For inter view and application, call 315- 458-2769, or write Safety Dept. Nationwide Systems, Inc., % In terstate Terminal Bldg, 15 Dip pold Street, Syracuse, New York, 13211. DRIVERS NEEDED Tram NOW to drive semi trucks local and over the road. You can earn high wages after short train ing. For interview and applica tions, call 304-232-7250, or write Safety Dept, Nationwide Systems Inc., 183 N River Road, Wheel ing, West Virginia, 26003. Try A Classified Ad C. B. HOOBER & SON Livestock For Sole For Sole Purebred Yorkshire bo.iis, bred gills and open gilts Carcass championship bloodlines Willow Glen Farm, R.D. 1. Strss burg. Pa Ph. AC 717-786-2562 For Sale—2 nice polled Here ford yearling bulls, $195 each Maness Richardson. Delta 456- 5160. For Sale Registered Jersey cows and bred heifers. Phone 284-4672. Buildings ond Supplies YOUR BEST BARN BUY! ... for quality and economy is . . . THE CECO CLEARSPAN PACKET BUILDING covered with weathertight corrugated steel CECOROLL with galvaniz ed or baked-on vinyl colors- Write or phone for full informa tion and the name of the dealer in your area. GROCE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 210 Sassafras Street SeUnsgrove, Penna. 17870 (717) 374-8157 Auctions PUBLIC AUCTION by Rawlinsville Fire Company Saturday, April 11,10 A.M. at the fire hall. Farm implements, household goods, lumber and building-sup plies, lawn and garden equip ment, antiques, dry goods. Items sold on commission or donated basis. For information Call 284-4530 Refreshments served. WENGER’S Farm Machinery, Inc JD 3 pt. tool bar coraplaater and cultivator cot bination NH pull type balanced head mower New John Deere roto bar rake NH Hayliner with mower $775. New Hydraulic Cylinders 3xB high pressure $3l. Fertilizer drills New Idea, John Deere, Ea Flow, Foley & Lavish; 10 and 12 ft. John Deere 4020, 3020, 4010, 3010, 2010, 630, ' International Harvester 1206, 806, 706, 504, 5i 450, 400. Oliver 1850, 1800, 1650 New Massey Ferguson, Ford and DAVID BROWN Tractors. Less than Dealer Net. Semi-mounted plows 4,5, 6 and 7 bottom Late model'reconditioned wheel type disc faarro' 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet Cultipackers —8, 9,10, and 11 feet New and used Cultimulchers —9, 10 and 12 fe< John Deere, Dunham and Brillion CALL Henry Esh DISTRIBUTOR FOR LISTER DIESEL SALES - PARTS - SERVICE We sell from 31-2 K. W. to 100 K. W. Generator Sets. Lister Diesels can be mounted on vorious pieces of equipment. FREE ESTIMATES ON SET-UPS Such as: Irrigation, Refrigeration, Electric Generating Plants, etc. Phone 768-8231 NEW & USED MACHINERY Sooth Race St., Myentowa, Pa. 717-866-2138