Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 28, 1970, Image 13
Feds Now Stress Farm Storage Secretary of Agrlcuiluie Cllf* program as announced Dec 20. ford M. Hardin has announced 1089 (Pie-.-, Release U.SI)\ :}054- changes in USDA’.s faun stoiagc 00) and drying equipment loan pio- USDA ofncials sliessed the pio gram based on a icview of the gram should make possible the P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown, Pa. March Winds Bring April Showers Which Bring May Flowers But Why Wait Bargains Are Now At MILLER'S SALES and SERVICE, INC. JD 4520 w/cab JD 2520 Diesel Power Shift JD 2520 G JD 2510 D Power Shift 8,140, .6,795. ■ JD 1520 RU/D 6,610. .5,490. . JD 1020' RU/D PLOWS —' AH "With Trash Boards F 345 6-16” Power .... - F 145 4-16” Trip Reset $ 2.335: F 145 5-16” Trip-Sold 1468.' F 345 4-16” Power Reset AW 13’ 10” 20” blades BWA 11’ 2” 20” blades BW 9’ 10” 22” blades PULVI-MULCHER Brillion 12 ft. S 1,635. $ 1,395. SPRING TOOTH HARROWS Brillion 10 ft. W.C. S 625. $ 545. Brillion 12 ft. W.C. 675. 595. Brillion 14 ft. W C. 750 675, Brillion 16 ft. W.C. 825. 750. Brillion 18 ft. W.C. 900. 815. JD THC 328 10 ft. rope cont. JD TH 336 12 ft, rope cont CHISEL Brady 10 ft. GRAIN DRILL FB 177 817 disc S 1.671, CORN PLANTERS 494 A 4 row S 1,211. $ 1,050 1240 plateless 4 row FORAGE HARVESTER JD 34 w/hay pickup and 1 row c.h. $ 3,733 MILLER'S sales Highway 851 John Deere & Brady Ph. 397-3539 Look at these new machinery prices: TRACTORS Was NOW $14,332. $11,295. £ IJWS. .1,275. Power Reset 1,550. F 125 3-16” Mtd. Trip DISC HARROWS 1831. 295 333 350 387, PLOW S 1,004. $ 795, $ 1,305 1,698. 1,395 $ 2,995. York County’s Progressive Dealer Ph. *717-993-2470 - Dahhnan Potato - • Harvesters F 125 4-16” Mtd. Trip F 325 3-16” Mtd. CULTIVATORS 2 row JD front mtd. 2 row JD rear mtd. RG 40 4 row JD rear mtd FORAGE WAGON 216 w/ext. sides 3 beater and rear uni. S 2,398. $ 1,950 JD MOWERS S 650 747, JD 10 JD 50 FWATH FLUFFER S 326. $ 295, ID 3 JD 24T GRAVITY BOXES McCurdy 200 bu. $ 325. $ Parker 320 bu. 695. POTATO HARVESTER Dahlman 2 row pull type demo. and SERVICE, Stewartstown, Pa. expansion of on f.n m slot age and diying capability. An adt(piate on faint slot age .mil diving sys tem. it was pointed out, should pet mil moie ouleilv m.n kiting of piodnclion and nnpioved ie turns. This piogiam is one m which farmeis can seeuie Commodity Ci edit Coipoialion loans for the pui poses of eonsti tiding on-farm sloiago stuicluics and pm chase of drying facilities and certain handling equipment. Following are the changes fiom the piogram as announced May 27. 1969. Incicase maximum amount for loans on dryers to 85 pci cent of the net cost up to $5 000 (com paied to 65 pci cent up to $2,500 pieviously); Increases stouige sliucture needs to a fai m’s pi eduction foi two j cats of eligible commodities (compaied to one jeai pie\ious ly). Incicases inte c-4 late on loans to 62'2 cents pel SlOO 01 liaction tlieieof per month 01 7'j per cent annual late (compaied to 50 cents 01 6 pel cent annual) and NOW Was 7,100 5,725, 4,800. 1.347. 939. 1.125 703 NOW $1,250. 1,050. 1,095. Was $1,489. 1.202. 1,283. S 295 275. 235 1,078 BALER S 2,380. $ 1,975 $ 9,995. 513,750, INC. Brillion & Lely For Sale—looo pound milk base for oi dcr market. Phone 284- 4941. For Sale—Used milk cans. Call after 3 30 p m. 626-5628 Local Ear Corn Prices Increase Lancastei Fai ming's composite inde\ of local main puces shows car coin puces mcicasecl moie than the pci cent in the past week (See page 3 loi glam pi ices ) Bid puce went fiom 539 33 last week to S4l 67 this week and ofteied pi ice climbed fiom $42 67 to 545 67 \lbeit Landis pm chasing agent foi Miller and Bushong, said he consideis the highei price this week put puces ‘ about noimal” foi this time of yeai He said prices had been tem porarily depiessed foi the past two months or so because of a higher than usual influx into this area of corn from the West The influx followed a jam up of rail shipments in December and Jan uary The jam up seemed to break suddenly and resulted m a lot of coin here, according to Landis. Now the situation is returning to normal and tnere should be “a continuing slight increase” in corn prices, Landis said. 4,975. 4,695. 3,800. Try A Classified Ad It Pays! 1,150. 750. 950. 595. 245 895 UNIT PLANTERS 495 628 Choice of drill or hill-drop and drill models. • For Ford Tool Bar: Easily mount 2,4, or 6 planting units. • For Ford Angle Frame Cultivator: Mount 2 units quickly and easily. Space rows from 28 to 42 inches. • For Ford Front-Mounted Cultivators- Attach 2 or 4 units to cultivator beams Easy row spacing from 38 to 42 inches. • Choose Your Hoppers: Corn or corn-and-cotton, bushel or y 2 ~ bushel sizes with plates for many crops Precision-machined bottoms for positive planting accuracy at speeds to 7 mph, • Choose Other Components: Fertilizer attachments ~. openers and coverers . . . press wheels . . . row markers . . . many other accessories and attachments to meet your special needs. See us now! 275. 595. rnpn Allen H. Matz, Inc. I Wm 505 E. Main St., New Holland Ph: 354-2214 Lancaster Fanning. Saturday. Mnrcli 28.1.070 - -1 . r j ... Meet Your Special Needs, Adapt to Equipment You Now Own. Lowest-Cost Way to Big Yields I Ask about our Payment Terms! Mail Box Market Foi Sale--10.0 Iltikk 2 doo haul top, exicllen. mechanicall\ good cai to use aioutid fain S5O 00 M Binkkv, Box 115. Ik i. vei.Pa Phone 267-2104 Used Equip Foi Sale— \C (lai! choppei, .ID inovvei, .ID 851 pai allel bai lake, Cunningham has conditionei. Cast stalk shieddei Phone Kirkwood 717 529 2723 For Sale—l-iow Holland tinns planter (tiailer). 1 iow Hollanc transplanter (tool bai), 16oi 7 gal. lank on skids Phone 215 593- 5876 For Sale—John Dceie 50 Unde with 3 point hook up Hany L Tioop, Cochianville RD if-1 Phone 215-593 6731 Foi Sale —Fat mall Supei \ tuic toi with cultivatoi plow, tobacco hoes, and feililizoi side dicssci Call aftei 6pm Phono 717 442- 4510 Foi Sale —Snub' stalk shieddc $75 00 Small JD tiailei spieadei t,ood Ilanv Re.ft, 'a m.le noil! ol Lcola alon§ Route 772 Foi Sale—Olwu 88 liactoi $650 Massey Hams sth piopellcc coin picker $2OO Phone 354 9111 Foi Sale —New Idea lake, Olivei 3 bottom plow, and Olivei feitil izer dull Phone 717 529-2862 * FREE Subscribers to Lan caster Farming will re „ ceive one advertisement s , Free each month in our Mail Box Market. Sub scribers using the Mail c Box Market will be « governed by the following i rules: J Limit your advertisement j' to 25 words; All advertise \ ments must be in our I hands by Thursday noon : l or same will be held over *; for next week’s paper; No business advertisements ? accepted. w'»t" y - Wit