Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 28, 1970, Image 12
- La ncastcr Farming. Saturday. March 28,1970 12 Is Whey a Pollutant Or a Usable Product? Onl> about ii thml of tlie 22 billion pounds ol fluid whey produced annually by American cheese manufaclui ers is utiliz ed Musi the icmaining 15 billion pounds of whey be subjected to costly treatment for safe dis posal into sti earns in accoidance with Fcdeial pollution policy, oi can it possibly be conveited FAST -ENTRY YOU’LL leave little or no ground unplowed in rock infested fields when you use an Alhs-Chalmers Monoframe plow with optional hydraulic reset. That’s because the bot toms trip only far enough to cleai the obstruction, then immediately re-enter the ground Exit and te entiy aie on the same plane, and shaie points never dip below funow level. What’s more, the hydraulic reset system is completely self-contained, with an accumulator light on the plow. You don’t depend on your tractor’s hydraulic system for beam resetting. If you’ve got a rocky problem, come in. and see us. We’ll show you why Going Orange is Going Great. Jk MONOFRAME Is an Allis Chalmers trademark. ALUS CHALMERS Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata, R D. 2 L. H. Brubaker Lititz, Pa, Grumelii Farm Service Quarryville, Pa. Nissley Farm Service Washington Boro, Pa. N. G. Myers & Son Rheexns, Pa, L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. Allen H. Matz Farm Equipment Aew Holland to piofilablc byproducts of the dany industry? The U S. Department of Agri culture and the University of Maryland Department of Dairy Science are trying to answer this question. They have plan ned a two day conference, to be held June 2 and 3 at the Uni versity’s Adult Education Cen ter and USDA’s Dairy Pi od nets Laboiatory, to discuss the pos sible uses of whey. The first day’s discussion will be devoted to Fedeial pollution policies as they relate to whey and a review of current know ledge of whey utilization Today industrial processing as well as new methods of processing will be outlined. The morning session of the second day will include discus sion on the uses of whey, its nu tritional value, chemical proh lems in its utilization, and the extent to which it can be used in PIECE WORK MOLDING PIECE WORK HANDLING PIECE WORK GRINDING CORE SHOP Route 230 By-Pass foods and feeds, Thli session will conclude with n panel dis cussion summarizing the find ings of the conference and con sidering some of the problems of small and large processors, says Dr. R. F. Davis, head of the Dairy Science Department. On the afternoon of the se cond day, the conference will assemble at the Dairy Products Laboratory at the Agricultural Research Center in Bcltsville for demonstrations of new methods for processing whey. The conference will be open to all interested persons. Ad vance registration forms will be sent to industry repi esentatives upon request Inquiries should be addressed to Dr Byron H Webb, Chief, Dairy Products Laboratory, Eastern Utilization Research and Development Divi sion, Agricultural Research Ser vice, USDA, Washington, D C 20250 mr/rwfiaofft Try A Classified Ad NOW HIRING URN MORI THAN A VIRAGC PLUS CXaiUNT BCNffITS WE NEED PRODUCTION HELP IN ALL DEPARTMENTS m WILL TRAIN YOU Interviewing Doily Londisville Plant, Route 230 By-Pass MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 12 NOON PENNSYLVANIA "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" It Pays! or 712 South Prince St. f Lancaster. APPLY IN PERSON IRON DIVISION \PIANT Fooo\ IT \-»-STDBEjsi IS t— — ’ HFffF “Look For This Sign” ■■ tlmt THE NEW ONE SUPER SUCKER STUFF For Sucker Control With The “Quicker-Sticker” For Use In Lancaster County Tobacco. Contact Us For Prices • Serving The Farmer • Gardener & Home Owner Phone (717) 768-8451 Intercourse, Penn*. 17543 EARNINGS EARNINGS EARNINGS MALLEABLE Hour Hour Hour $4.15 Per $3.50 Per $3.50 Per Landisville, Pa.