Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 28, 1970, Image 1

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Sol?? 01 of Apiculture- -
) diversity Park.
VOL. 15 NO. 18
Farmers Warned
Of Hazard Law
Farmers employing 14 and 15
year olds as tractoi duveis
‘"could be in seuous tiouble” if
an accident occuis in violation of
the new federal hazardous occu
pation law. warns Jay liwin, as
sociate county agent
Speaking at lecent meeting of
the Pennsylvania Faimeis Asso-
ciation at the Faim and Home
Center, Irwin leminded aiea
faimers that 14 and 15 veai olds
must be certified to duve a tiac
toi except on then paients’ faim
Ceitification comes thiough pass
ing a hazardous occupation com-
se at high school The course is
based on safety liwin said
liwin said that no one will be
going aiound checking for viola
fons of the law, but if an acci
dent happens to a voung peison
violating the law, ‘ someone
could be in seuous tiouble ’
liwin advised faimeis to be
come familiar with the fedeial
law, which also spells out othei
faim activities considered hazard
ous for young people
Two-innvies on safety, one in
volving tractors and another coin
pickers, were shown and Mis
We Introduce
Antique Column
Over tae years, Lancaster
Farming has found its subscrib
ers have a heritage that dates
back to the Revolutionary War
and before
That heritage includes a vast
assortment of tools and odds and
ends of jast about every kind
These remindeis of the past,
some of them still usable, have
become the basis for small an
tique shops and numerous hob
In recognition of that heritage
and to provide up to date and i e
liable information on antiques,
Lancaster Farming this week in
ti oduces a new column, “Antiqu
ing with Joel Sater” (See page
“I don’t consider myself an ‘ex
pel t’ on antiques,” says the auth
01 of the new colume “but I do
know thousands of people who
aie experts And these are the
people 1 rely on to help me an
swer the hundreds of letteis ask
ing about antiques and antiqu
ing that I receive fiom mv lead
“I think I know peisonally
about 5,000 antique shop owneis,
museum cuiatois, antique collec
tois, antique show and flea mai-'
ket managers and lepau and les
toi ation specialists ”
As pubhsner of Antique Shop
Guides for vauous sections of
the country, Satei spends half
his year travelling, speaking on
antiques, visiting shops and Col
“Througn the tiend among bu
sinessmen today is toward fly-
Clyde Wivell said PFA women
are piomotmg safety as a family
Chestei Heim, PFA legislative
chiectoi, lecalled a nauow es
cape he had while faimmg when
he turned a ti actor ovei He em
phasized the impoitance of safe
He also warned faimeis to be
caieful while duving faim equip
ment on the highway, oi farmeis
will be faced with expensive and
lestuctive legislation contioiling
the movement of faim equip
He uiged the pm chase of the
tnangulai slow vehicle
signs toi faim equipment on the
highways The PFA suppoits leg
islation lequmng the'e emblems
“We’ie smait enough to accept
the tacts of life” and the em
blems “will save many lives,”
Heim said
Noting an incident in'which a
faimei sti addled the centei of
the load, lefusing to pull ovei so
a line of cars behind could pass,
Heim warned such actions will
bring punitive legislation “It
isn’t hard to be kind,” he said
mg,” he says, “ I find that no
an line has yet figuied out how
to accommodate an antiquei like
myself I always drive the back
loads and the old mam highways
and I’ve always got my eye peel
ed for that little sign with the
airow which says ‘antiques’”
In his column Sater talks about
his antiquing experiences, shops
he visits, unusual private collec
tions he discoveis and of couise
just about any type of antique
fiom old buttons and bottles to
18th Century furniture and Tif
fany ai t glass
And he’ll answei join ques
tions too
Just send a note to him and in
close a long, self addiessed,
stamped envelope “If 1 don’t
know the answei, as is fiequent
lv the case, I’ve got filends
among the specialists who do oi
111 icfei vou to a book oi othei
souice wheie vou can find out ”
If vou enjoy antiques eithei as
a novice oi an expeit, we think
you’ll enjoy going “Antiquing
with Joel Satei ”
Farm Calendar
Monday. March 30
730 pm —New Holland 4-H
Community Club, home,
568 W Mam St, New Hol
Tuesday, March 31
9.30-11 30 a m Reupholsteiy
Workshop. Fi lends Meet
(Ccn tinned on Page 3)
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 28. 1970
Tractor Accident Alert
Two members of the Central Trac
tor 4-PI Club are shown giving a tractor
accident demonstration at the recent
meeting of the Pennsylvania Farmers
Association at the Farm and Home Cen
They are Ed Leaman, 2051 Butter
Road, Lancaster, and Lynn Royer, 2025
Oregon Pike, club president
In this photo, they are showing how
easily a tractor will upset while attemp-
Overflow Crowd
Swine Producers
An overflow ciowd of about
350 pei sons attended the thu
teenth annual banquet of the
Lancastei County Swine Produe
eis Association lecentty at the
Blue Ball File Hall
The piogram included a film,
election of association directois
piesentation of awaids and dis
cussion on the poik industiy
Max Smith, county agent, pie
sented tiophies and awaids to
wmneis of the associations le
cent caicass show’ The best hogs
weie shown by Dutch Valiev
Faims of Manhcim and Real
(For detailed stoiv of the show
and winneis, see page one of
Lancastei Faimmg's Maich 14
edition For editonal comment,
see page fom of this edition )
Thiee of 10 association duec
tois weie le elected James Hoi
ton, Wauen Lemmgei and Don
aid Robinson
John Henkel past piesident of
the association and active in the
state organization, reported on
the association’s local and state
ting to pull another tractor at an angle.
The small tractor was electrically -Jj
powered. 5$
In another demonstration, the iM
youths showed how a tractor would up- |
set when on a hillside simplj’ by raising I
a lift, which raised the center of gravity J
and upset the tractor. |j
They also showed a tractor upset by 1
attempting to pull a stump or from the 1
axle |J
He uiged the “Nickels for Pro
fit” piogiam undei which pig
pioduceis can have five cents
pei pig deducted foi use in pio
moting poik
State paiticipation lumped
fioni 55,000 pigs in 1968 to 132,-
069 in 1969 The lattei figure is
30 pei cent of the pigs giown in
the state in 1969
Nationally, some 20 pei cent of
pigs aie involved in the piomo
tion piogiam
Maivm Gainei, executive vice
Irrigation Topic At Farm Center
Management and cost letmn of
n ugation will be die topics of
discussions open to county faim
eis at 7 30 pm Tuesday Maich
31, at the Faim and Home Cen
tei basement
Hem> Wooding, Penn State ex
tension engineer, will speak on
“Ii ngation as a Management
Tool” and Fred Hughes, Penn
State extension economist, will
discuss ‘The Economics of Im
gation ” ..
president of the National Pork
Council, commenting on a coun
cil film on “Facts About Pork 1 *
shown earliei in the meeting,
the public tends to think of pork
as being “too fatty and undigesti
ble ”
If poik is pioperly prepared,
this isn’t tme, he stated, and said
the poik mdustiy is tiying to
oveicome this attitude through
its advet Using piogram
Emnhasis ot poik producers
(Continued on Page 16)
Wooding will also cover the
mcieasmgh contioveisial topic
of "watei rights ”
In uigmg farmeis to attend.
Max Smith countv agent, noted,
“The impoitance of nngation is
recognized by many producers
and appieciated only by those
with a dependable source of wa
ter As water supplies become
more of a public concern, the
possibility of more crop irriga
tion, gets moie complicated."
$2.00 Per Year