Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1970, Image 9

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    By Young Elizabethtown Farmer
Automated Feeder Pig Set-Up
Glenn Longenecker, a young
Elizabethtown RDI farmer, is
starting in the pig feeder busi
ness this year with a new
ultra-modern 400 capacity bam
It’s an envnonmcnldllv con
trolled, and automatic feeding
and watering opeiation
The environmental conti ol
aspect is paiticulaily unique,
according to Paul Heistand of
Heistand Bros, Elizabethtown
The new set-up hasn’t exactly
eliminated the woik from rais
ing feeder pigs, but the auto
mated operation has reduced
the time involved to a mini
The modern building is 40 by
100 feet with a seven-foot ceil
ing. A two-foot walkway runs
down the center, flanked on
either side by rows of pens 10
by 18% feet.
Each of the 20 pens have a
feed bin and watering bowl
The bins are filled automati-
How to profit with a
. knowledgeable fertilizer dealer
A competent fertilizer
dealer Is one of your most
important farm manage
ment consultants. This
counsel can help to in
crease your management
effectiveness and reduce
your fertilizer work-load.
Soil fertility specialist
A good dealer is more than
a salesman-tie's a soil fer
tility specialist who can
provide you with all the
necessary fertilizer infor
mation you need to plan
and reach high yield goals.
Complete program
He can help you plan a complete soil fertility pro
gram by making a field-by-field analysis of your farm
to decide how much Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Po
tash plus micronutrients are needed for maximum
yields. Apply recommended amounts, and you’ll
cally fioin the thioe inch tube
which urns oceihead to the
vanous bins The tube connects
with a compact, push button
mixing machine, in turn, gels
its maleiiais liom thieo 13 ton
tanks foi concentialcs „nd coi n
(See Pictinc on Page 1 )
Heistand. whose fnm sup
plied much of the equipment
and know-how for the new pig
operation, said it’s possible to
feed each of the 20 pens an in
dividual mi.xtuie of feed.
Five feet deep and AVz feet
wide manure pits run along the
entne length of the buildings
on the north and south sides
Longenecker says they’re simi
lar to septic tanks and have to
be pumped out periodically.
The building also has four
inch wide windows running the
length of the noith and south
walls These are not openable,
however, and aie only for sun
Another Farm Management Profit-Tip from Organic Plant Food
P. O. Box 132 • Grofftown Rood • Lancaster Penna. 17604
An automatic mcdicatoi set
up can shoot medicine into the
entne house, Heistand said
What does it cost ’ Heistand
estimates .wound SlO 000 lo>
the house, and $7 000 foi the
equipment, not including the
leedcis Oceiall. nime than a
$20,000 total imestment to
stai t
The automatic an conliol i c
another leatuie of the new pig
opei ation.
Robeit W Mieczkowski, piesi
dent of Tuscaioia Electuc
Manufacturing Company, Inc,
emphasized that pigs “can’t
have exti ernes in tempeialuie ”
The firm’s Vent-O-Matic set
up basically involves six fans on
the north side of the building
and one in the attic.
The six fans are automatically
operated by room temperature.
Normally at least two fans will
be activated at all times when
farm management team.
Think of us as your fertility
management consultants. We're ready-right now—
to help you plan this season’s requirements. Ask
about our program of direct application anhydrous
ammonia & bulk-spread P & K. Call us, we’ll come to
see you.
@ Anhydrous Ammonia
Phone 392-4963
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 21, 1970—9
the pens aie full with about 400
PicM'iitlv thcic aie onh about
170 pigs in the building so
onh one lan is opcialmg As
summoi appioaches moie lans
will be activated
The pioblem now, Ihesland
noted, is that it’s difficult to get
enough feeder pigs
Glenn expects that pioblem to
be solved by his biothci in law,
Lester Landis, who’s moving
into a ncaiby faim and plans
to set up a fallowing opeiation
big enough to supply the new
400 capacity feedei opeiation
In explaining the new vcnlila
lion system, Mieczkowski said
the object is to “move as much
air as possible without chang
ing the (room) tempeiatuie”
A key factor in”the ventila
tion system is a row of controll
able air intakes along the noi th
and south walls These intakes
can be swung down to let air
achieve your pre-planned
high yield goals.
Changing world of
chemical fertilizers
A farm manager doesn’t
always have time to stay
current with the world of
chemical fertilizers. But
your local fertilizer dealer
has to. He’ll keep you up
to date and informed on all
significant advancements.
We’re here to help
Make us a part of your
.kioss (he coilin# 01 swung out
to push .111 along the side wall.
I)\ contiolhng the flow ol air,
the giower can dictate whom
1 lie pigs vull lest Thcv like the
waim pait of the pen in winter
and the toolei pail in the sum
mei, he explained
Micc/kowski explained that
mam hog pioduceis net too
much heat coming into the
bunding thiough the attic The
Longeneckei building is design
ed to lemove the heat build-up
iiom the attic by means of the
lan at one end
Heistand said one of the
things he insisted on to Longe
neeker and convinced him of
was the importance of having a
cyclical, lather than ongoing
feeding opeiation. This means
he favors 400 in and 400 out
opeiation as opposed to a con
stant marketing and replace
ment piogiam.
“When he started, he wanted
to take a load of hogs to mar
ket every week. If you don’t
work with an all in and all out
system, you’ll have the same
problem with disease (in pigs)
as in chickens,” Heistand ex
Bait and Switch
Ads ‘Prevalent’
Sam Beienson leporfed at a
xecent meeting of the Pennsjl
vania Egg Marketing Association,
that House Bill 1564, has passed
thiee readings, theiefoie, the
Buieau of Markets Law will pio
bahly be amended to add gi eater
piotection to those in Pennsyl
vama who sell fann products.
He also reported the Wage and
Hour Law had been amended
peimitting the employment of
women for houis equaling those
of men pioviding they aie over
18 yeai s of age.
He concluded by repoi ting that
the New Yoik Meicantile Ex
change has been closed and trad
ing will no longer be a factor in
deteimining egg prices
Robert Lutz, Bureau of Con
sumei Piotection, substituting
foi Mis Bette Clemens, Head of
the Buieau, was intioduced by
Piesulent Fiank Troester
“Theie aie many aieas where
the consumer fails to piotect
himself by not leviewing con
tracts veiy eaiefully Most con
sumeis do not lead contiacts as
they should when pm chasing an
automobile,” he said
‘ Five officeis located in Haius
buig Scianton, Eue, Philadel
phia, and Pittsbuigh handled
19,000 cases in 1969 and weie
able to ieco\ei $365,000 Joi con
sume! s
‘Bait and switch adveiuwna is
the most pievalent compl nut
and heie again the consumer
should be moie caietul
“Theic die many quackenes m
lepaus of dll kinds, and health
schemes including claims on pills
is gieatly oveidone ’
Satuiday will be rainy in the
morning, with diminishing
cloudiness in the afternoon.
Tempeiatures will lange be
tween 45 and 52 degrees
But it will turn colder Satur
day night, and Sunday will be
cloudy with seasonable teinpei a
tuies, accoiding to the Phila
delphia Wealhei Bureau