Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1970, Image 7
Farm Women Societies Society 2 meeting Don.ilions weie i»ivc*n to the Haslet Seal Fund, and it Society of Faim Women 2 was voted to help the Conestoqa held their annual banquet at View Home as a piojccl. the Abe Groff Faim, Pinkeilon Road. Mount Joy The gioup on- The nc\t meeting will be held The progiam fcatuied an Old tertained their husbands as a t the Faim and Home Ccntei Fashioned Spelling Bee in Special guests. on Apnl II at 130 pm The chaige of Mrs Wanen Smith _ , , gioup will enteitain membeis Fust puze was won by Mis Speaher for the evening was Qf SocJel g Theie wilJ be Wilfied liwm, second, Mis Mrs NJ. Fuhrman, Litit? Her , , . . , , ~, Melvin Boyce topic was "Dutch In Comedy” food stand nt thc sale of M,s Mrs Andiew Low, piesidcnt, Anna Watson Fony on Satur <ras in chaige of the business day OVE Once oyer your corn fields with AAtrex© SOW and liquid nitrogen lightens your springtime load. It gets two important jobs out of the way in about half the time they usually take. And AAtrex keeps your corn free from competition from almost all the annual broadleaf and grass weeds. AAtrex and liquid nitrogen combinations are a good idea! Ask us. We’ll give you all the information you need to get the job done right. Call now. LANCASTER AGRICO CHURCHTOWN AGRICO SERVICE CENTER 1661 Rohrerstown Road QUARRYVILLE AGRICO SERVICE CENTER GO NT RO LIN sfejS'AN D WEEDS ;W j PESJIC IDES f'ROM AGRICO :: Your Local AGRICO Dealer Or Stop At.., North Church Street Sock Iv ol Kami Women 15 met Thin sd.iv ~l the home ol Alls M<ntin ( t'o host esses weie Mis While side Mis I’.nil (11 oil .mil Miss Maiv McLaughlin Deletions weie in clun ne ol Mis ( I’iesidenl, Mis C.irl .Johnson, was in ehaige ol the meeting It was \oted to donate $25 to the Sam Hakei Fund Mrs Greenlcaf gave a talk aitwoik and showed several SERVICE CENTER Route 23 Society 15 i p -i r p' l.iinc.istcr Farming. Sului-flnx. Mnrrli 21 .I‘»70 hei paintings s,| )( . | S ,( student ol Chai les \ C.ii Non I’laits weie made foi a bus flip on Apiil Id to Washington, I) (' A suppei sale was held with Mis Kinoiy Wagnei as auctioneei The next meeting will be ut the and Home Center on Apnl 10 The gioup will be cn leilamed by Kura Women 20 on Apnl 2 at Kirkwood lOOF Hall. Society 21 The March meeting of Society of Faim Women 21 was held in the home of Mis Willis Rohier, Quanyville UD2 Mrs Clair De- Long and Mis Paik Ressel weie assisting hostesses Mrs Melvin Meek, piesident, was in charge Society 21 will enteitain So cietv 28 on Apnl 9 at 730 p m Mis Call Beck, adminisli in the confeience building of live offices of Solanco Schc the Quanyville Piesbytenan Disti ict, spoke on the pi esen Church Mauan Bixler will be tion of a new com sc in farm guest speakei living under considcialion Mis Paul Risk was named the district foi seventh gia best of show with a white lay- students. We've made a STCCIAI^ International^ tractors We'll meet any competition head-on with price We'll beat any competition hands-down with performance • Best buy best first tractor or 3 plow helper any- where • Thrifty, 4-cylinder power, 36 9 hp PTO diesel or 38 hp PTO gasoline • 8-forward, 2-reverse speeds B Differential lock for extra traction • Constant-running 540 rpm PTO • 8%-foot turning radius, easy maneuvering" • Low, 51-inch hood height, outstanding visibility • Draft-controlled 3-point hitch adjusts automatically for smooth plowing • Convenient controls • Deluxe thick-foam seat All youis now at a special low price made possible by our Special Puichse. Call or stop in as soon as you can. Cope & Weaver Co. Messick Farm Equip. NEW PROVIDENCE ELIZABETHTOWN 786-7351 367-1319 International Harvester j o ° n °^ er EPmATA M 5e ‘7'33.22a3 INT fS RSE Kauffman Bros. MOUNTVILLE 285-5951 • Smith Gets 'Cujilniiii d ft tun IM ( 1) \» .id, F; ,iik ,s Mi /1. I', \\ mill ii 20, D.iii 1 ;i>:1111 ci, i K.til) \waid Tom \ imi \nu uuluti i«l \v.iid T( Huh, i I’ioduclion (’mill \ I'c \.iion, H.inkcis' \,\ nd M Copt- .md VA.ium Co \wauls. Scott Mull, C'.i.l D Ki (ii'i .md SloU Kuidu Honoi.iiy Ch.ipk-1 F.iiinw < guts wci v avt aided lo Thom F Regan, asistant pnncipal Solanco High School and Ral M Layman, puncipal of Biowi town Vocatio na 1 Technic School About 200 pel sons attended banquet ei take in a cake baking c lest the tarmer