Farm Women Societies Society 2 meeting Don.ilions weie i»ivc*n to the Haslet Seal Fund, and it Society of Faim Women 2 was voted to help the Conestoqa held their annual banquet at View Home as a piojccl. the Abe Groff Faim, Pinkeilon Road. Mount Joy The gioup on- The nc\t meeting will be held The progiam fcatuied an Old tertained their husbands as a t the Faim and Home Ccntei Fashioned Spelling Bee in Special guests. on Apnl II at 130 pm The chaige of Mrs Wanen Smith _ , , gioup will enteitain membeis Fust puze was won by Mis Speaher for the evening was Qf SocJel g Theie wilJ be Wilfied liwm, second, Mis Mrs NJ. Fuhrman, Litit? Her , , . . , , ~, Melvin Boyce topic was "Dutch In Comedy” food stand nt thc sale of M,s Mrs Andiew Low, piesidcnt, Anna Watson Fony on Satur :1111 ci, i K.til) \waid Tom \ imi \nu uuluti i«l \v.iid T( Huh, i I’ioduclion (’mill \ I'c \.iion, H.inkcis' \,\ nd M Copt- .md VA.ium Co \wauls. Scott Mull, C'.i.l D Ki (ii'i .md SloU Kuidu Honoi.iiy Ch.ipk-1 F.iiinw < guts wci v avt aided lo Thom F Regan, asistant pnncipal Solanco High School and Ral M Layman, puncipal of Biowi town Vocatio na 1 Technic School About 200 pel sons attended banquet ei take in a cake baking c lest the tarmer